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Everything posted by scottiejohn

  1. The above does not answer my question (as usual from you on most subjects)! I asked for "And that substantiated evidence is where and regarding what crime?" Please state the actual alleged crime with a link to the substantiated evidence.
  2. It is like the old saying; Q. "How do you start a business in Thailand and leave with 1,000,000" A "Start it by Investing 150,000,000"
  3. No I need a safe space from the nasty bigoted idiots who are just deliberately prolonging the promotion of this meaningless word!
  4. You are making it my problem by making nonsensical posts after post after posts. Give it a bloody rest. You are just trolling now.. I do not know how often I have asked this and never received a sensible answer but just one last time! Why must you keep on and on and on about a word that many people do not want to be referred to/as?
  5. I see it as fake manufactured and insulting word. I get the point that YOU want to USE it. I wish you would get the point that I DON'T want to HEAR or READ it. Can't you just shut up and get back to the OP!
  6. Maybe 4 weeks for most but you can opt for every 1, 4 or 13 weeks if you wish!
  7. Don't forget you need to add numbers as well; The LGBTQIA2+ Community: Our Pronouns, When and How To Use Them (austincc.edu)
  8. It might be fact in your eyes but is objectionable to our ears. Please stop your tirade on this pointless word as you are doing yourself and what you seem to stand for no good at all!
  9. Good as far as it goes but for a Thermonuclear version you need to add a Haggis!
  10. Can you still get the joke even if your not dicklecksick
  11. You are just trolling now! Why can't you just stop using the word? Get back onto the OP!
  12. They have never properly explained why they invented the new word(s) or letters or why people who object to and/or hate those words/letters/descriptions are expected to just accept them. Why cant they just use their terminology amongst themselves and leave us out of it? As far as I am concerned they can stick their "Cis" type words and letters etc back in the closet where they should never have been allowed to escape from. They can do what they want as far as I am concerned, call themselves what they want, but don't call me by their derogatory and insulting terminology! No wonder people are now creating barriers against them, (as I think the OP was about?) especially the way they are repeating their tirades on here!
  13. And ramming their "look at me I'm special/differently lettered! Why can't they stay amongst their own crowd and leave the majority of the world in peace?
  14. I am sorry that you have been highjacked by the usual so called experts on this and similar forums, who all feel that only their solution is valid. I have given up giving any advice on these matters as a result! The perpetrators know who I am referring to and will probably respond with their usual unchallengeable, but inaccurate responses!
  15. This whole thing is just an excuse for the letter brigade to cry "we are being victimised"! If they would just shut up and get on with their lives among whichever letter group they want to mix with and leave the rest of us in peace the better!
  16. Russia as a country might know about it but the general population would never hear about! So what is the point of stooping to Putin's level?
  17. Let's just say that any brains he had are about to be removed! If anyone says that they saw that coming comment coming from me then shame on you! ????
  18. I never got the G-Clamp one! Unless you serve it up to me on a plate I am going to need to get a grip on this hamming up humour!
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