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Everything posted by scottiejohn

  1. The next thing they must do is get rid of compulsory expensive School scout uniforms and Tradition dress throughout the country.
  2. Easy! I am fed up with people like you spouting out the same regurgitated debunked cr@p time after time with no specific new proven FACTS!
  3. The purpose of those tattoos was to help identify their corpse if they got killed. show people the countries they had visited when very few, other than servicemen and sailors travelled abroad then! If what you say was true then every sailor would have had a tattoo! They did not.
  4. Do you know if that only works with "legal" spouses or can it be extended to people who are just your partner/living with long term?
  5. I don't think I'll stick with that advertising billboard company!
  6. Neigh reaction from the horse apparently! PS; I do hope it is a mare!
  7. And you are never sure if you are on the outward leg or the return journey! Even worse is having the train ticket and no idea what you bought it for!
  8. With that mouth it would be hard to fill it with anything!
  9. So no more rats for use in lab experiments?
  10. It is a SLUR to those who object to being described by it! I am a man! I am NOT Cisgender! (no matter what you think it means to you!) It is also totally unnecessary and misleading to me! Please do not bother responding. Nothing you could possibly say will change my stance so please do not bother! You are as entrenched in your opinion on this pointless word as I am!
  11. There is nothing fake about my outrage at you and your ilk using slur words about me! If I inadvertently misuse any of the ‘LGBTQIA2S+’ letters/pronouns/whatever's I would be hounded and abused by persons (letter unknown) pick from ‘LGBTQIA2S+’, just as you are hounding me for being called something I will NOT identify as! Why can't you and your ‘LGBTQIA2S+’ community not talk very quietly amongst yourselves about how you want to "identify" yourselves and leave the rest of us alone without all the ‘LGBTQIA2S+’ hassle and nonsense! Each to their own and leave each other alone is my motto!
  12. It is a slur word to me to call me cisgender so STOP calling me it! How do you like being called a slur word. I can think of a few to describe you but being a gentleman I will keep them to myself and not post them on a public forum. Just as I believe people like you should also refrain from so doing! I am a man NOT cisgender. I am also NOT a f@cking statistic!
  13. Will you please stop calling me names. It does your tirades no good. I am a MAN! End of story! You call yourself what you want but do NOT call me what I am NOT!
  14. All with just one look at the so called "subject" with no background detail at all! Are you a screenwriter perchance? ????
  15. It is actually based on her credit card purchases because of her as yet not diagnosed pregnancy but on her pregnancy cravings; All About Pregnancy Cravings and When They Start | Pampers
  16. To quote you from above; "muh feelings are hurt cos trans people exist" and "muh feeling are hurt if I get called a science term" For your information some of the terms you use have nothing to do with science terms! Just one example (the one I referred to earlier!) e.g. "Cisgender"; From;"Cis" Coined by "Pedosexual" Physician (4w.pub) The term "cis gender" has gained widespread popularity in recent years, largely due to a push from trans activists who define the word as the opposite of “transgender." However, few users of the term are aware it originated with a German sexologist who also believes pedophilia is a sexuality. Other sources here; What does it mean to be cisgender? Here's what to know (yahoo.com)
  17. It does not matter whither you take the elements individually or collectively! It is still total BS! You have no idea why an individual is in that set of circumstances, on that particular occasion, of you first seeing them in order to relate to their everyday life. They could be anyone from a road sweeper (no offence meant "Trigger") to the managing director of a company going to funeral, a wedding or to work on their allotment! You don't know until you converse with them!
  18. Then why not stay on ten till you find out the problem!
  19. I have Win 11 on a number of machines. I have no problems and am using one to type this.
  20. Thank God I won't ever meet you on a train or in a Pub! You have to be one of the most judgemental persons on the planet!
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