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Everything posted by scottiejohn

  1. Maybe! But they do not use it to describe someone who is purely a MAN (with no letters attached)i.e. straight!
  2. A wife was in bed with her lover when she heard her husband's key in the door. "Stay where you are," she said. "He's Irish and so drunk he won't even notice you're in bed with me." Sure enough, the husband lurched into bed none the wiser, but a few minutes later, through a drunken haze, he saw six feet sticking out at the end of the bed. He turned to his wife: "Hey, there are six feet in this bed. There should only be four. What's going on?" "Nonsense," said the wife. "You're so drunk you miscounted. Get out of bed and try again. You can see better from over there." The husband climbed out of bed and counted. "One, two, three, four. You're right, you know."
  3. Three guys are sharing a bed at a sleepover after a low cost boozy business convention; When they wake up, the first guy says, "I had a weird dream, I dreamt that someone beat my meat." The guy on the left says, "Me too!" The guy in the middle goes: "That's funny, I dreamt that I was skiing, but the snow was hot and sticky!"
  4. A maid goes to the wife of the house, and demands a raise. The wife gets mad and asks the maid "now why do you think you deserve one?" The maid instantly replied and said "there are 3 reasons." "One is that I iron better than you." The wife, surprised by this, snapped back and said "Who said that?!" "Your husband." The maid said. "Two is that I am a better cook than you." Says the maid. Once again the wife asks "who said that?" And again the maid said "Your husband." "And three is that I'm better in bed than you are." The wife, now livid, shouts "Did my husband say that as well?" The maid looks at her and says "No, the gardener did." "So, how much do you want?" Said the wife!
  5. I'll hand that to you as long as it is not the cold shoulder but then I believe if you scratch my back I should scratch yours!
  6. Or make sure it is not a de-horned bull before pulling on a dangly bit!
  7. So should you stop making false categorical statements. The manager of the shop can arrange anything the call center can do! What does it matter if he/she calls the center. Why do you not understand that? I would rather talk face to face rather than muck about with call centers!
  8. The best (worst) chat up lines according to modern singles: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12245093/The-greatest-chat-lines-time-revealed-new-poll-single-Britons.html (don't blame me!) 1. Is your name WI-FI? Because I'm feeling a connection - 16% 2. Is your name Google? Cause you're what I've been searching for - 15% 3. Are you a parking ticket? Cause you've got 'fine' written all over you - 15% 4. Should we get coffee? Cause I like you a latte - 14% 5. Are you on loan? As you've got my interest - 14% 6. If being beautiful was a crime, you'd be on the most wanted list - 13% 7. If I said you had a beautiful body, would you hold it against me? - 13% 8. What number should I use to text you goodnight? - 13% 9. I believe in following my dreams... so lead the way - 13% 10. Do you work at NASA? Because your beauty is out of this world - 12% 11. Is your name Chamomile? Cause you're a hot-tea - 12% 12. Is your dad a baker? Because you're a cutie pie - 12% 13. If I could rearrange the alphabet, I'd put U and I together - 11% 14. Aside from stealing hearts, what do you do? - 10% 15. I'm no photographer, but I can picture us together - 9% 16. Do you have a name? Or can I call you mine? - 9% 17. Wow, you look a lot like my next girlfriend/boyfriend - 8% 18. Do you know CPR? Because you just took my breath away - 9% 19. Do you know what my shirt is made from? Marriage material - 9% 20. Are you a time traveller? Because I see you in my future - 9% 21. You spend so much time in my dreams, I should charge rent - 8% 22. I am not religious, but you're the answer to all my prayers - 8% 23. Do you have a map? Because I just got lost in your eyes - 7% 24. Are you Nemo? Cause I've been trying to find you - 7% 25. Are you a keyboard? Cause you're just my type - 7%
  9. That is incorrect. If you go to a fully fledged AIS store, not a phone kiosk in a mall, they will be able to do anything that the call center can do. The advantage is that you are face to face with a number of people with expertise in the various services they provide and of course access to a manager if required. I have done this many times in the CM AIS shop(s).
  10. You have got to hand it to him for a trick (not) up his sleeve and behind her back! I think I will have to scratch that from my next list of rib tickling tricks!
  11. I think you misspelt the word "tart"! I believe the word you meant starts with the letter "f"!
  12. Is that particular Bentley a drink an hotel or a car?
  13. Could you rewrite that in "normal" English for me as it makes no sense what so ever. Just like the "Cis" word!
  14. It is to those who are offended by it. Can you not get that? Why can't you just shut up and get back to the OP? You are doing your cause(?) no good at all. All you are doing at present with ramming your verbiage down our throats is alienating any support you might have had!
  15. I am and will continue to do so! I am not "Gay" bashing or whatever the term is now but bashing there tautology! PS; that will wind them up in more ways than one!
  16. I have already answered this above but on second thoughts; It is impossible to publish such a book as they get offended so often by words and letters, and invent new ones so often that any such book would be out of date before it could get posted on the internet, never mind printed in hardback!
  17. From the OED! normal n adjective 1 conforming to a standard; usual, typical, or expected. 2 technical intersecting a given line or surface at right angles. 3 Medicine containing the same salt concentration as the blood. ØChemistry, dated (of a solution) containing one gram-equivalent of solute per litre. 4 Geology denoting a fault in which a relative downward movement occurred in the strata on the upper side of the fault plane. n noun 1 the normal state or condition: her temperature was above normal. 2 technical a line at right angles to a given line or surface. ORIGIN C17: from Latin normalis, from norma (see norm). PS; The word "word" has 7 definitions in the same dictionary!
  18. We would not need such a unnecessary phrase book if people stopped inventing pointless words and letters!
  19. Of course it is "surprising", to the MEGA idiots! But obviously not surprising to those with an ounce of common sense! The only surprise to me is that it has taken so long for some of the senior members of his failing party to realize the damage he is doing them!
  20. It is not and you have been given the reasons why already on this forum. Family visits do not need to be recorded! Stop trolling. When you have new facts about illegal behaviour, not facts about legal behaviours, then please feel free to post those FACTS, with sources!
  21. I am happy enough with (cheap) school uniforms, it is the compulsory expensive scout and trads I object to. It does not affect me but I am thinking of the majority of the poorer members of the Thai society who may well have financial problems keeping their kids in school, especially after the compulsory age!
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