What is with all these "ST" "LT" and "TF accounts"?
I don't have a clue what posters are on about!
And before you say "Google" the above, GO and try it! I have!
What the hell has happened to plain English?
Can you please translate the above (if that is possible - and the rest of your post) into comprehensible English so that the rest of us mere mortals will be able to understand it!
In answer to the OP, and I have not read the thread, nor want to, (because of the title) protect the property yourself by using human/mechanical/electrical etc functions!
Do not abuse animals!
Totally agree but T.I.T.S!
As you may be a newbie I will explain T.I.T.S! =This Is Thailand Stupid!
The "Stupid" in the remark is NOT directed at you personally (it is a common expression among expats) but just at all newcomers who make statements in the same vain as your post!
The Thai system does not work the way you think it should. But surprisingly it does seem to work once you accept/understand it!
just go with the flow!
They (he) even had "official photographers" at some of the events in order to "officially" record/publish the event so they (he) must have felt they were legit!
Or they just got fired from their previous job or released from a very long prison term and have moved cities for the first time and just started this new job!
All is not what it may seem at first sight!
I am not at all curious!
I was just trying to generate some fun and see if people could come up with some more stupid "ponderisims" re inactive posts.
I cannot believe that anyone took my post as being serious!
I did not realise that intended humorous/sarcastic posts ????need a warning or emoji!