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Everything posted by baansgr

  1. Thanks for pointing that out, maybe had SS through work, so didn't think any need for more
  2. A teacher here for so long should have SS cover? Trust he gets better soon
  3. That looks good, will it work with a wave? No brake on throttle side?
  4. Certainly are but so are disc locks. I have had my honda wave messed around with on 3 occasaions obviously someone trying to take it till they realise there is a disc lock attached...the most stolen bike is Honda wave and one of the easiest
  5. What comments.of mine have been stupid, or is it because you realise yours are
  6. 183 days in PI rest here...anymore stupid comments???
  7. I don't think so...97, wow..66 at present increases to 67 in 2028
  8. 35 years or..maybe more if you were contracted out..I worked in UK for over 20 years and kept up paying after leaving for a few years so have 35 in total
  9. Yes they have, a court order is only required when further action is needed👍 Class 2 contributions and PI is guaranteed increases..what's fraudulent or thieving about that?
  10. How can it???...gotta be one step ahead ole boy👍😁
  11. Just wasted 30 minutes, nothing in there of opening a new bank account, and the video is done for profit by a private company..you are full of BS...and I paid £150 a year stamp for the last 20 years whilst abroad and now have full state pension entitlement in a few years, and cost me less that £3k and I have a bank account and address in PI so will get yearly increases...so stick that in ya pipe and smoke it😁😁😁
  12. I am not in receipt of a state pension, So explain what a stand alone DWP bank account is?
  13. All 13 milliom of them😁😁😁
  14. It's nothing new, they have always been able to look at any ones bank account if they have suspicion of money laundering/ benefit fraud etc. That will always be the case, what is different is the ease of obtaining such information from banks. Pretty much ado about nothing, a mountain and mole hill. Lots of jealous scaremongering going on but funny to read the replies from ex SAS and police inspetors
  15. I don't want to be stirring your porridge mate..she's not my type, apart from the comments I would get from friends back home..like "mail order bride" and "how much you pay for her"... Your welcome too her🙏
  16. I wish I could get a BKK Chinese prosi, where you meet her..Asian love? just fess up mate, nowt to be ashamed of, the only thing to be ashamed of is thinking you got a "normal" girl
  17. So a more expensive prostitute....well done
  18. You really need to read my post...the lies from police, starmer and his nazi jack boot boyz about the slayings..get it..the lies since, the cover ups about an islamist terrorist..
  19. And we know what happens when they don't, just look at the slayings of kids in Southport...all lies from police, starmer and his jack boot nazi hanger ons...
  20. And black pearl and white Oyster befor that
  21. Exactly, a mate said his Mrs has a car and thought he hit the bullseye. Thai friendly is 100% hookers..all of them
  22. What's yours.. a beautician or a politician...? If course she's not a prosi
  23. For money, and that includes all Thai women, even those that think their love was a cashier, or school teacher or some CEO of a company...it's for your money!!!..nothing to be ashamed of but accept the fact
  24. I dont think it's so much the legality, it's more the safeness,.let's face it, they are totally inappropriate for road use let alone when it's full steam ahead weaving in and out of traffic
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