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Everything posted by baansgr

  1. It can't be classed as a benefit, benefits are non taxable. There is a minimum 10 years contributions required and the amount paid depends on how much you have paid
  2. Because pensions are not increased, at least 99% of Brits are still down as living in UK
  3. I think he'd passed through befor they were aware of anything
  4. This old chestnut is as bad as build more roads and it creates traffic. A mere 1baht of extra taxation will cover any extra finance needed.
  5. If only Thailand had not surrendered to the British after the 2nd world war, they would be allowed to have a canal
  6. Well they won't get anyone in April with a full month of water throwing
  7. They can't build a canal without consent from the British the Anglo-Thai peace treaty put done to that
  8. I had it 7 years ago and then again 1 month ago...I was under the assumption severe (2nd) case would be worse...it was bad but not as bad as 1st time...I've now read there are 4 strains, so could possibly get again. It has been prevelant in Pattaya this year
  9. Own house and bikes etc..dont smoke or drink. Exercise daily and have many hobbies to keep me occupied...my total outlay including sufficient health insurance totals 17k baht per month...never be able to do that in UK....should I not be allowed to stay here?
  10. It's £7... in UK can be bought for £5 outside of London...cheap???
  11. Or you could just send it from your phone
  12. Stopped watching after 1 minute...says nothing except babble on a load of rubbish
  13. Depends which bank, each has its own T&C..consult the bank
  14. And children born prior 01/07/2006 to a British father abroad have to go through a lot more at a cost of £1,500 then can apply for a passport....yet the government opened an ISA in their name...UK is all about face
  15. Do what most western countries do..allow unfettered mass immigration, apparently it's makes for a rich, diverse country
  16. It's the typical foreigner... divorced Tesco shelf stacker from home, balding head, fat guy and a bit of money...he comes here, gets a younger wife that makes him feel special and then he starts telling porky pies and acting the big I am...sew them everyday strutting their stuff...total muppets
  17. Easily available over the counter.at.60 baht for 50 tabs stroke patients etc need on a daily basis
  18. Stop inviting people out for dinner after a few minutes of conversation
  19. He is working, he gets free health care.
  20. Took them over 10 years to catch him...real proper coppers we got here
  21. Malaya is a fantastic place to chill, in fact far better than Thailand regarding food, transport, beaches, safety and a lot more...it's a tally cheaper than Thailand..except for booze and fags
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