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Everything posted by ujayujay

  1. A Friend of mine had a Traffic accident last Year, not his fault but without Thai DL. After have payed a hefti Fine he was immediately deportet and blacklistet. He can do a request for a Visa at earliest 2026.
  2. The official holidays apply to government employees, bank and insurance employees! Somchai works 6 to 7 days a week and it would be good for you to work on a farm for a few weeks. Labor heroes like you are always welcome there. It would be interesting to see how you, who are never short of stupid sayings, see the laziness of the Thais afterwards
  3. United Soocialists States of Amerika... Dude, what do you smoke?
  4. Same, as you pay with CC!
  5. Srettha propose ideas on the assembly line, knowing that he doesn't have to implement them. populist politician up to the top
  6. Do you also hear the Lawn growing
  7. .......asiannow did it again.......Outrage.......what dull Boulevard Journalism.....
  8. Note! In Thailand there is no freedom of speech!
  9. One more low life quality Tourist
  10. Really! If people who don't want to obey the law go to Vietnam or the Philippines instead of Thailand, it's a win situation for Thailand!
  11. As soon I turn on the AC, my Doggie won´t go no more out the House
  12. As Phil Collins sang: I can't dance, he should say: I can't sing.....
  13. Hey dude, check your drug use
  14. As long as there are criminal proceedings against her, she will not receive citizenship in any country in the world except North Korea or Russia...how naive this woman must be
  15. The one I have for 270 Baht works, the Rest is more Show🤣🤣🤣
  16. Agree with the garage to include the rental costs for the replacement vehicle in the repair costs without mentioning it.
  17. 20 Years I was Studio Guitarist in Europe! But sorry! I always refused to record music at this tired level, money or not PS: And Lyrics at the level of a 5 year old are painful
  18. Rent a Car in Suvarnabumi Airport, Toyota Vios or so and drive directly to Ubon and give it back there on the Airport! Cost much less as a Taxi! And enjoy the Trip!
  19. When you call the cops here in Hua Hin, you first have to give your full name, spell it of course, as well as your address unless you speak Thai. When you have given all the information, after 10 to 15 minutes, you can get to the reason for your call... have fun
  20. Srettha crawls to his master Thaksin and gets regular instructions
  21. Not allowed to use this Weapon in Public.....stupid Idea.
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