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Everything posted by ujayujay

  1. Dream on, you can be moved out at any time by the owner
  2. Wow, you're a real revolutionary and you're proud of it too
  3. Who needs a Watch, I have a Smartphone
  4. https://www.lazada.co.th/products/fry-king-2-fr-22-i2676380515.html?spm=a2o4m.searchlist.list.33.25817604KQqvz8
  5. Democracy Thai Style
  6. Dont worry, nobody cares In 17 Years here I used my DL only for Hotel Check in and Police only checked the Validity, never the adress.
  7. So Thaksin will met his underling PM Srettha........
  8. I bet you're proud of it and feel like a hero...shame on you
  9. A Swedish man was arrested after allegedly working at a bar in Karon and was the best Customer of the establishment....
  10. I put my pit bull dog on the electric pole, let's see...
  11. Go to Mouse Settings and find out. Maybe reset is ok!
  12. You're just a stupid little chatterbox...
  13. Surprisingly, you hear next to nothing about the countless Russians who overstay and/or work illegally...
  14. So there one Question....why to hell do you stay in Thailand?
  15. As long as Thai immigration issues a visa to such rabble, Thailand has to live with it!
  16. "Too many cheap foreigners in Thailand"....agree, but the Thai Immigration let them in, theres a Problem in the System
  17. Are you Aussie
  18. No court involved, if the immigration authority revokes a visa, there is no possibility of revocation!
  19. No, if the visa is revoked he will be deportet to Switzerland within Days!
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