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Everything posted by ujayujay

  1. What.....in the night its dark? 😂🤪🤣
  2. And the price for the fool is now to spend the rest of his life in prison! Stupidity 2.0
  3. I go to bed not before 11pm, have to stand up 6 am because then my Dog have to go poo....
  4. ...human trafficking and bribery scandal says what?.....If you don't have a general education: Google can help you
  5. Ralfi seems to be a troll who also has no idea about Thai employment law for foreigners
  6. Yes, especially the steering radius...admit it, you have no idea about the subject
  7. Exactly! The police are just waiting for guys like you who think they have to play private police
  8. I have one on my boner from Lucy Thai
  9. ....probably better than yours
  10. ...hansum 200 lb Farang said
  11. There seem to be a lot of potential brothel visitors here today...
  12. Most Cambodians belong to the Khmer ethnic group, as do many Thais, especially in the North East. The national borders do not correspond to the distribution of the ethnic groups, which is why there are external similarities between the inhabitants throughout Southeast Asia!
  13. I hope Chuvit doesn't take all his knowledge of the political insurgency in Thailand to his grave. All my respect for his courage!
  14. I think your sense of humor has degenerated
  15. No, on red light they cannot......
  16. Not very clever, but typically Cheap Charlie behavior
  17. Only surgery really helps. I did this 10 years ago. Nowadays it is a routine procedure and the risk is minimal. Today I can piss like a horse and fck like a Rabbit........
  18. Maybe give your Tel No to the Thai Police so they can ask you what to do in such cases, Hero
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