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Everything posted by ujayujay

  1. ????????????Dreamer????????????
  2. The usual reckless behavior of the Thais in traffic.....me me me.....????
  3. .....smile to the staff..... if I wear a Mask, yes.....
  4. Hopeless Thailand: Who is surprised that the RTP is ridiculed by the population
  5. Anyone who uses an illegal service as an expat in any country in the world risks consequences... no mercy!
  6. I experienced the same thing with a stolen phone. It could be located and, accompanied by a police officer, I picked up the device from the "finder" again free of charge! Don't tell Thai bashing fairy tales here!
  7. Chuwit a hypocrite? You obviously have no idea! He knows too much about the political would-be high society and can prove his allegations. An old mafia boss who has served his time in prison for his crimes. He is protected by his knowledge and he will have his knowledge safely stored in case something "happens" to him! That's why the political elite in Thailand hates him! He is untouchable! He can trip up any politician with a misty past!
  8. Do you naively think that the Chinese don't already know everything about the F-35?
  9. B-Quik will fix this "Problem" within 1 hour
  10. For those who try to solve problems with violence, there is only one option: arrest them, have them pay for the damage and then deport them!
  11. You seem to get your wisdom from tabloid headlines. shameful
  12. 6 baht seems to be the manufacturing price. The street value is about 30 baht/piece!
  13. - Start my own company - Don't listen to the others - Honest, direct and friendly
  14. You must have sympathy for someone who kills people by profession .... disgusting!
  15. Hit man: Hope they give him the death penalty! This kind of Scum deserve this!
  16. But you are grateful for the pension money from Canada
  17. ...ooops...sweat dripped on the screen...on 1. April.....hold me????????????????????????
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