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Everything posted by ujayujay

  1. ...yeah...the first place the clever thieve check as same hides currency notes inside Shower Curtain Railing????
  2. .....wait, until you run out of money
  3. Visa overstay is a criminal Act.....OK....maybe in your Homecountry not
  4. There's no arguing about bad taste
  5. No arguments with this piece of waste: Public headshot and done!
  6. ujayujay

    Cheap barbers

    Yeah pay cheap, get a cheap charlie cut
  7. I guess you are Pay for the compulsory insurance/ Roadtax on the DLT Office and put the Sticker on the Windscreen of your Car.....thats everything!
  8. Hellish Mixture: Immature, Childish Mind and Naivety!
  9. ...and what you dream in the Nighttime
  10. Use GPS on your Smartphone????
  11. Why?...Oh wait, yes, his Name Jason Bradley Scott....typical Austrian Name
  12. If you get to the bottom of visas offered in Thailand, you will find that all the advantages they contain only serve Thailand and not the visa recipient! Truly a Smart Visa from Thailand's point of view! .....or Catch22
  13. The question wasn't which car you would buy if you had the money????
  14. Why do you think your opinion on long haired men matters to society? Are you bald
  15. The electorate is successfully ripped off
  16. Big C will miss you so much
  17. Can't you think of anything better or is it a sign of old age?
  18. BS: The Politicans dont want run a democracy!
  19. Should mean: Thai parliament throws the will of the people in the trash????
  20. Army control everything here
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