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Everything posted by ujayujay

  1. Contact Homepro, you will see some good offers on their Website!
  2. Confronting me with such BS will escalate a Visitor will be confronted with my unfriendly Doggie????
  3. Deathpenalty by hanging! Thats Iran Style. SG is a wanna be modern Country with a Justice System same as in Stoneage!
  4. Buy a Mitsubishi Pajero GT! All other Cars you have to choice are Toys????
  5. No effort is Anutin too cheap in the election campaign
  6. Best friend will be a dog, there are so many in Shelters here! Give him twice food a day.....you cant do wrong, he will keep you on your toes????
  7. He try to be friendly.....seems to be a problem for some Grumpys
  8. There is no way to keep the Temp. on a reasonable level than a AC????
  9. Depending on which coalition wins on Aug. 17th, Thaksin will either be acquitted of the allegations or face several years in prison in thailand! Does anyone think, he would come back on Aug. 10th if he didn't know exactly who's leading the next government????????????
  10. OK, milk the cow until she stops milking! Most of the historical and archeological places are neglected, littered and I don't see why I should visit them based on my experience, especially that in most countries in the world there is no entrance fee to pay! I am afraid that the next step will be to charge even more entrance fees for these unspeakable caves! I think those responsible for making such decisions think, foreign visitors are stupid!
  11. You obviously didn't notice anything about the rise and fall of the Thai political icon Thanathorn
  12. Its 17 Years old.....maybe thats the Problem?
  13. Ban such gangs because they are part of organized crime, condemn them and impose a 50-year entry ban on them!
  14. In your country, foreigners can do any crime without sanctions, hero
  15. ....."...the sticker on his number plate was playfully attached there by his child...".....This kind of childisch Mind crowd the Streets of LOS! Makes me worry more and more!
  16. Phuket is definitively not a surf Spot.....OK: For Kids it fits
  17. Still cramming more tourists to phuket. for me, this completely overcrowded island is an impertinence. the pitcher goes to the well until it breaks
  18. yeah.... and then he jumps out of the plane and notices that he forgot the parachute too....
  19. A murder suspect is released on bail ...... there is only in Thailand and some crappy 3. World Countrys....
  20. These cowards get away like criminal rabble.....????
  21. Jet lag is an imaginary disease
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