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Everything posted by 4MyEgo

  1. For what it's worth, I think he would be better off buying n an area where his grandkids are, if it's within his buying power range vs renting (dead money) that said, he would have to pay stamp duty and legal fees on the purchase, plus ongoing strata levies paid quarterly or annually (up to him), water and council rates, but then he would have secure tenure, i.e. rent is not going to be put up or the owner kicking him out for breaching the lease agreement or owner wants to move back in, etc etc. He would however be best to keep it long term so that it appreciates in value, and as it's his principal place of residence, he won't pay any capital gains tax when he sells it, just has to pay the usual agents commission and legal fees, and if he passes away in the meantime, can will it to his wife or his kids or his grandkids, all the while, while receiving the Age Pension, albeit he will lose a little f he goes back to Thailand. Going back to Oz to get the Age Pension is not feasible for most due to the high rents, i.e. unless they want to do 2 years of renting a room, a caravan etc, which IMO would be a miserable existence. Edit: The other thing he has to consider is, if he gets any money from his Super as an income stream, deeming rates will be applied to his Age Pension by the government which is about 2%-2.5%, then they deduce 50% per $ of the Age Pension that he earns from Super. They have you by the short and curly's at just about every angle.
  2. Yet there are those of us who are married and don't wonder about lucky guys you are referring too, you see some of us can have that extra piece of cake when we want too, as rare as it maybe, no need for me to beat my own drum, it is what it is, that said, as I said to my wife from the outset, I know who I am and what I want in life, i.e. that occasional different piece of cake that I see crossing my path. Can't say I know of any guys with as big a balls as mine, also can't say I know any women that would accept that, except my wife, that said, I'm happy, she's happy, that's all that matters. Before you ask the question, I will answer it with a yes, what's good for the Goose, is good for the Gander.
  3. Read my post 2 up, if you would, suffice to say there are exceptions. Of course, each to their own, sounds like you haven't found the right one yet, and may just not find the right one, but that's ok, life goes on, sadly though, but hey, as long as your happy, each to their own. I find the bar that I frequent that has many expats married to Thai ex bargirls if you like to be mostly content/happy with their lives, sure some go through a patch, don't all marriages go through that, and of course it's just a matter of sifting through the problem and negotiating, because without negotiations, you have Ukraine/Russia or Israel/Palestine so to speak. I only feel sorry for the ones that don't know the art of negotiating, as I find Thai women to be very amicable when it comes to this.
  4. It all depends on what consider to be a lot and what you deem to be compliant ? Since I had to split my hard earned assets 50/50 with my X wife of 12 sad years back in the old country because of the laws that be there, I learned that it won't ever happen again, ever ! That said, I find it is much easier to live a good life here with a partner who appreciates the life we westerners with money can provide for them here, at a fraction of the cost that it would cost us compared to the old country. The main benefit for me apart from being gloated upon 24/7 is that I have my freedom whenever I choose, without having to consult (mummy), I am not shown jealousy, have someone who wants to cook for me, wash for me, iron for me, and satisfy my desires, without having a headache, or being too tired, typically a western woman in my opinion. Now you might ask, is it really love, well what is love, that said, I feel it is, even though she's much younger than me, and yes it does cost me, but nowhere near what it would cost me back in the old country, and as mentioned, this one cooks, washes, irons and satisfies me. Is she a slave you might ask or think, maybe in her own mind, but to me, she is free to do as she wants, frankly, I can't stop her from being domesticated, as much as she loves it, it also satisfies me to see someone so organised and wanting to please, not only herself, but her loved one, what can I say, I can't argue with the girl, that is also something else we don't do, sounds to perfect to be true doesn't it, but wait, there's more, if it ever goes pare shaped, I lose the whole 10% that I have invested all these years, and got to live here as well, in "her house" that I built and paid for, heaven forbid, she earned it, now if she outlives me, she gets the balance, sounds like a fair love story to me, how about you.
  5. Have a read of my post above, that said, there is a lot of good information there for you and may answer some of your questions, and as others have already pointed out, Energy supplement will go after 6 weeks, another supplement, can't think of it at the moment, and any rental subsidy will go. If you were in Australia 2 years prior to applying for your Age Pension as a resident, you can have the Age Pension made portable for you to live in Thailand without question, albeit it you will lose the above items I mentioned and receive about $1,000 a fortnight, that said however, it is highly advisable to let Centrelink know of your intentions because if you get some inexperienced clown who cuts your Age Pension off for some unknown reason, as I have read that it has been done, e.g. possible confusion between a returning expat becoming a resident again for the 2 year period and a resident 2 years prior to Age Pension age, then you would have to go back to start the process again and possibly wait 2 years over again to make it portable, unless you go down the appeals path. What I am saying is if you were away from Australia and returned to get the Age Pension and waited the 2 years before you can make it portable, definitely let them know your going overseas, either way, best to them know to be sure, to be sure, as Paddy would say. https://guides.dss.gov.au/social-security-guide/7/1/2/20 It can cost you a little here at a government hospital or a lot in a private hospital, just depends on who you want to treat you. A matter of choice really, and in my opinion, privates have better trained and educated Doctors than government hospitals, but then again, some of the private hospital Doctors train government Doctors at Universities, so you can get a government university hospital look after you if in a particular area. I think you are referring to Medicare ? If that's the case, from what I have read, is, that if you are out of the country for more than 5 years at a time, Medicare is canceled and you have to re-establish residency when you return to get Medicare paid treatment. I believe you can, i.e. if you don't have any pre-existing conditions, and if you don't, the amount of insurance you will pay because of your age will render it not worth it in my opinion, because the cost is nothing short of savagery.
  6. This section from the article below in italics is basically WRONG, i.e. unless the person is going on holidays for a while and their Age Pension is taxable income, and for it to be taxable income, they have to go over a certain threshold, i.e. I believe it is around $32,279 for a (single person), after SAPTO has been applied for and approved. https://www.ato.gov.au/individuals-and-families/income-deductions-offsets-and-records/tax-offsets/seniors-and-pensioners-tax-offset Australia and Thailand have a DTA and when an Australian Age Pensioner becomes a resident of Thailand, i.e. after 180 days automatically for tax purposes, whether they like it or not, e.g. new tax code of Thailand from 1 January 2024 they can be taxed by the Thai RD. https://www.rd.go.th/english/6045.html#:~:text=1.Taxable Person,any tax (calendar) year. The above said, I can't see that happening as the DTA has been in place since 1989/1990, but Thailand has had the right to tax Age Pensioners back since then, and the new tax code reinforces that, but as I have said on many occasions, why would they bother now, and that my thoughts are that they are after the bigger fatter fish i.e. wealthy pensioners, not Age Pensioners who obtain welfare payments from their respective governments, yes, not the poor pipers just looking to survive in a country that allows them to live on the Age Pension, and of course contribute to the Thai economy vs living in Australia where they would be eating peanut butter for breakfast lunch and dinner. Just below is the copy and pasted section from the article I am referring too. Is the age pension taxable? Yes — the age pension is counted as taxable income. You can ask Services Australia to deduct tax from your payment so you don't need to pay it when you lodge your tax return. Read Article 18 of the DTA which will back up what I have said. https://www.austlii.edu.au/au/other/dfat/treaties/1989/36.html Not everything we read appears to be what we think it is just because someone says so, i.e. it is up to us to keep researching and find out things for ourselves, for me, you can't beat quoting the legislation, i.e. if you can find it, fortunately for me, someone else found it and I continue to pass it on for others to see and make up their own minds, part and parcel of learning and providing for the community.
  7. Hmm, how is you relationship, mine has been perfect for the past 17 years, just saying, oh and in my opinion most are p's, some you pay for directly, others indirectly, but you pay......LoL As for drinking and sitting at bars, yep, nothing wrong with socialising, if that's your thing, but everything in moderation Jummy.
  8. The good with the bad Sounds like the bad took over the good, with not so much fun anymore ? You only just found that out ? I would change your brand of coffee. I prefer AN, dating sites, can't say, I don't go on dates, as I don't want relationships, just the quickdraw McGraw. In society today, there is control, whether on forums, apps and the like, if your words are picked up by the bots as offensive or contradictory to what is allowed, the bots will shut you down real quick and make if hard for you to get a response of prove your innocence, i.e. your proven guilty, end of story, it's a numbers game. I recall I sent a link to someone on Messenger, as they asked for me to prove what I was saying, I was then banned from Messenger for violating their policy, them stating pornographic material was against their policy, I said W-T-F- and double checked what I sent, it wasn't porn much to my relief and I complained, and the ban was lifted that afternoon, no apology, no nothing, so welcome to the woke world of bots, guilty whether you like it or not, suffice to say, it doesn't have to be words, it can be links.
  9. DSP is portable for a total of up to 4 weeks in a 12-month period. DSP can be paid for a longer period in the case of approved overseas study that is part of a full-time course in Australia. https://guides.dss.gov.au/social-security-guide/7/1/2/20#:~:text=DSP is portable for a,full-time course in Australia. If you want out at 60, maybe just take your Super, invest it into the ASX as I do and make a tax free living here.
  10. An article of the new tax in Thailand that I found interesting today, here on AseanNow with my comments below. https://www.huahintoday.com/local-news/expat-tax-twists-in-thailand-navigating-the-new-landscape-in-2024/ I would suggest when the article is talking about pensions below, inverted commas, they are not talking about Age Pensions, however, they can tax Age Pensions if they decide to under Article 18 of the DTA for Aussies, but can't see this happening personally as they could have done this from 1989 when the DTA was agreed upon, so why bother now ? I believe this is more so aimed at the "Wealthy Pensioners" drawing down from sourced funds like superannuation schemes and other investment vehicle's that will be taxed in Thailand, and those individuals being taxed here in Thailand can apply for credits back in their country, where the funds came from. Makes sense to me as Age Pensions do not get taxed in Australia if they are a resident of Thailand, therefore there would be no credits applicable for Age Pensioners. Copy and pasted from the article below. "Pensions, while taxed in Thailand, may find some relief through double taxation agreements with the home country". "Wealthy Pensioners": Minimum age: 50 years old. Minimum annual pension or passive income: US$80,000. Alternative option: If your income falls between US$40,000 and US$80,000, you can compensate with a minimum investment of US$250,000 in Thai government bonds, foreign direct investment, or Thai property.
  11. I would suggest when the article is talking about pensions below, inverted commas, they are not talking about Age Pensions, however, they can tax Age Pensions if they decide to under Article 18 of the DTA for Aussies, but can't see this happening personally as they could have done this from 1989 when the DTA was agreed upon, so why bother now ? I believe this is more so aimed at the "Wealthy Pensioners" drawing down from sourced funds like superannuation schemes and other investment vehicle's that will be taxed in Thailand, and those individuals being taxed here in Thailand can apply for credits back in their country, where the funds came from. Makes sense to me as Age Pensions do not get taxed in Australia if they are a resident of Thailand, therefore there would be no credits applicable for Age Pensioners. Copy and pasted from the article below. "Pensions, while taxed in Thailand, may find some relief through double taxation agreements with the home country". "Wealthy Pensioners": Minimum age: 50 years old. Minimum annual pension or passive income: US$80,000. Alternative option: If your income falls between US$40,000 and US$80,000, you can compensate with a minimum investment of US$250,000 in Thai government bonds, foreign direct investment, or Thai property.
  12. That is a very valid point, I NEVER travel without it, however I do know that some fine prints don't cover motor scooters or the ones that do, make sure they don't have a bigger engine capacity of a 125cc, and you must have a valid international Riders Permit, or Riders License in the country you are riding in, and of course, wearing of a helmet. From what I have read, he wasn't wearing one, but she was. I might be mistaken, but this is a merry go round, same stories, different day and to be perfectly honest, if the guy didn't fit the above criteria, it's no different to me than being reckless and then burdening your family and others with your crap, suffice to say, I have no sympathy for him, and that little kid in the photo, well life just end up being that little bit tougher now, because his dad didn't grow up.
  13. If you can afford salary sacrificing, then all and good, you save on the tax you would have otherwise paid if you didn't salary sacrifice, so you would want to work out how much tax you would have saved over the period you are looking to salary sacrifice. I don't imagine it would be that much in the short term, plus you have to ask yourself, how much will your Super grow during that period as well (crystal ball) required. Yes, If you have over the asset threshold you will get sweet FA, so a million $ is over the threshold amount. Discussed above. Taxing your Super at 60 is tax free, you can spend it, up to you, as long as you can say where you spent it, shouldn't be a problem, as long as you don't have anymore, that said, if your Super is say $600k, I would suggest that you don't spend it, but live off of it on a budget and make sure you are just under the asset threshold, if applying for the Age Pension, that way you will be entitled to the Age Pension. LoL, tell him that I said, good luck with that one. If you do retire at 60 with $600k, you won't need as much as $40,000 a year to live on in Thailand, to then go back at 67 to claim the Age Pension, and you won't have too much in Super, because you will make sure that your Super is under the threshold amount, (see link below). The link regarding the asset thresholds is simple, you just have to make sure that you plan well ahead, and be careful how you remit money here to Thailand because, if I am not mistaken, your Super will be taxable here, because it wasn't taxed in Australia, I say that because your residency status will change to a resident of Thailand after 180 days here. Whether Thailand enforces the residency rule here on expats is something to keep an eye on. Also remember, if you retire at 60 and live here till your 67, you will have to do the 2 years when you return to Oz to claim the Age Pension. A lot to consider, e.g. rent, cost of living for 2 years, and being away from Thailand, GF/BF miss you so muk, love you long time etc etc. I retired at 55, now 63, no regrets, as for the Age Pension, my feasibility research tells me that it would take me 4 years to recoup the outlay, if I was to return for the 2 years to claim the Age Pension, so I would be 71 before I actually got back what I spent in those 2 years in Australia to claim the Age Pension, suffice to say it's a dead duck for me, exactly how the Oz government planned it to be, but most don't seem to do the math, that or they have accommodation and live on the very cheap, which would make it a possible break even scenario for them, which would then make it worth it for them. https://www.servicesaustralia.gov.au/assets-test-for-age-pension?context=22526 EDIT: Once you do receive the Age Pension and do your 2 years, when you return here, you will not pay tax on the Age Pension here under the DTA, DO NOT pay any attention to someone who says otherwise, or you be, as you say, "up sh-t creek, you can look it up for yourself under Article 18 which has been thrashed about on the Australian Age Pension thread, but that individual still doesn't get it and will provide you with misleading information. If you don't understand Article 18, have someone explain it to you who does, and don't even go near Article 19, as that person believes it is part of Article 19, which is only for Government Employee Pensions, not Age Pensions and annuities which were Article 18 covers. https://www.austlii.edu.au/au/other/dfat/treaties/1989/36.html
  14. I feel you, same, same here. Agree, however the trough is where they all eat out from, and if you know pigs, just try and take away their meals and you could lose a hand quite easily, that or end up as their meal. IMO i believe they all are, it's part and parcel of the system, this is Thailand remember, even though they might look clean, any opportunity they have, they will look for that extra baht, even happens with street vendors, e.g. standing in line to buy some fruit, farang (tourist) in front of me, I will have some pineapple, melon and watermelon, 300 baht, ok, thanks, me next, speaking in Thai, pineapple, melon and watermelon 120 baht. I don't know of any, and agree with what you are saying as I use and have always used the money in the bank route, one will have to address it when and if the time comes, and I decide to use that route, via expats that have used the same agent for years.
  15. Might be time to see an agent, come next retirement extension ? I say that because, immigration won't allow their piece of cake to be taken away from them, all the way to the top IMO. Talking about all of those expats that don't have the funds to put in the bank and use agents for a fee which is also split with you know who. As mentioned, more than one way to skin a fat cat oi.
  16. I'd really like to know how this is going to effect expats that use agents because they don't have the funds to remit to Thailand, if the RD wants them to have a tax file number. I hazzard a guess that immigration officers around the country would come up with some genius idea, like only target those with funds in their accounts when applying for extensions, e.g. hey Mr Money Bags, you need a TFN to declare where the money you remitted came from, so the RD can look at possibly taxing you. As for those who use agents, they would get a free pass for the usual brown envelope via the agents. Hmmm, if this does occur, I thinks me will see an agent.
  17. I somehow can't see that happening, and the reason I say that is, because think how many expats here use an agent because they don't have the funds to put in the bank. The above said, that would rattle a lot of people's extra cash flow, agent's, immigration officers and the like all the way to the top. They might do that to those on Marriage extensions and Retirement extensions that show money in their accounts. Now if they go down that avenue, I might just get me an agent as the interest you get from banks here is pitiful, and you pay 17% tax on that interest, so I am told. If I left that money in the bank back home, even after paying 10% withholding tax, the interest would be more than enough to cover the agents costs + some left for me. There's more than one way to skin a fat cat, just my opinion.
  18. I was there last year for a week, Patong that is, been going there with the family for years, but since the last trip, I reckon it's been a good 3 years. We prefer driving around further south at other destinations during our road trips, like Hua Hin, Krabi, etc, cleaner and less touristy compared to Patong. If your like me, you stay just out of Patong, e.g. within a 10 minute walk of Bangla Road, and travel to places like Nai Harn Beach, Kata Noi Beach and even Karon Beach for the day. There isn't really that much to do there, hence the reason we mostly enjoy the comforts of the hotel and it's facilities, after all it's a holiday for relaxing isn't it. But with the amount of money Patong brings in, they could do with wider pedestrian sidewalks and rainwater spill off into the gutters, because one downpour and it's game over, instant flooding. Less money lining their pockets, more into infrastructure and less development.
  19. Fair call, it's merely differences of opinions. Personally I would change the word "you" with "could" be taxed by Thai authorities on income. Lets not forget the DTA has been in force since 1989, yet here we are in 2024, some 35 years on, and I haven't heard of one Australian Age Pensioner stating that the Thai authorities tax his Age Pension. Not saying that they are not within their rights. All countries have codes and regulations, yet seldom enforce them. Totally agree with you on that.
  20. Fortunately they back date it when approved, that said, I have been told, but cannot confirm, that you can apply 13 weeks prior to pension age. If the above is correct, one would only be 3 weeks out if they applied 13 weeks beforehand.
  21. Your body needs you to keep moving it, remember as we age, we lose muscle. Lighter weights, more reps keeps your muscle from drooping. Walk an hour a day to get the blood pumping, you'll feel better for it. Eat the right foods, less sugar, alcohol consumption. I am in my early 60's and do the above, and I get praised for my looks everywhere I go, most people say I am 50. Friends the same age look weathered, smoke, drink, don't exercise and eat crap. It all boils down to how you want to feel and how you want to look.
  22. @LosLobo @scorecard @Olmate @rhodie @norbra @Fat is a type of crazy I believe I have provided enough information as others have to accept that the Age Pension is not taxable by Australia if residing in Thailand as a resident, that said, under the DTA, the Age Pension is taxable in Thailand, "if they so want to enforce it", however, as they haven't done so since 1989 when the DTA came into effect, I can't see them taxing Age Pensioners in Thailand, they are after the bigger fish IMO. The above said, I will no longer respond to HK, yes, I know I said I wouldn't before, but whenever he tried to get up, I had to give him another, then another, then another, suffice to say, I am of the opinion that he is not well, mentally, so best I give up on him saying he was WRONG, we all know he is, and dare I say it, I will now let him sit in his sunken yellow submarine, because he has certainly taken a few missiles in my last posts. Apologies for all the posts, but at the end of the day, we did get the information that we sought and are correct on it, team work - 1
  23. No apology required. Perhaps of some interest. https://community.ato.gov.au/s/question/a0JRF000000iq692AA/p00272926
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