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Everything posted by 4MyEgo

  1. My apologies, I don't see it as tax evasion, suffice to say it's not illegal to send money to my wife's account, or bring cash into the country is it. If the wife doesn't declare it, that's her problem....LOL I say that respectfully, not picking a fight.
  2. My bad, I thought we were talking foreigners, mistaken for Expats, and yes agree that figure sounds correct.
  3. Oh really, based on ? 3 to 4 million expats Thailand is a country rich in heritage and culture, which is highly popular among expats. As of 2023, around 3 to 4 million expats live and work in Thailand, which make up approximately 5% to 6% of the total population. Thailand is ruled by a monarchy with a government in place.Jun 13, 2566 BE
  4. Perhaps you would prefer this vs a smile ?
  5. I have had the same SIM since 2015, no issues, no name.
  6. Your not much of a thinker are you, you accept everything they tell you, don't you, well that's your choice chump, but don't tell me that I am paranoid because you don't think outside the square. Money laundering is the biggest BS there is, they want to know everything about everyone so that they can keep tabs and controls on us, their slaves, oh yes, I am a fruit loop. Just ask the Chinese who at a protest, had their accounts frozen when their CCTV's profiled them with facial recognition, and then you have that Canadian nutter who illegally froze the truckers accounts for protesting. It's all about control, I have a SIM without a number, big F deal, I have an App which was forced upon me by the bank because they are no longer doing online banking, because it's not secure, yes watch out for the boogey man, hmm, I wonder why I can still do online banking with my home country, they don't shove bank apps down your throat and you don't need to give them your mobile number if you do have one. The amount of BS that is coming out of governments these days is hilarious, but what's even more hilarious is the amount of people who comply because they believe everything they are told, trust us, we care about you, but we want your biometrics, bank account details, mobile phone number etc etc
  7. My sentiments exactly, believe nothing they tell you and do nothing to make their attempts to be easier, if they want it, let them come for it. As I mentioned in the above post, I will wait for the notice before I comply, but not before I get to read some kind of regulation where it stipulates that I must comply.
  8. I was going to go to the Centre today to get my name linked up to my account, but then thought about it for a minute and said, you know what, it isn't illegal to not have your name linked up to your mobile number as far as I recall, so why provide governments with more information to hang yourself. I will sit on the fence until I receive the notification and then comply, no doubt that is going to take a while.
  9. Money in the bank is dead money, i.e. you receive low interest, while they lend it out to others for a higher rate. Then you have the cost of goods and services which have risen at least 15% over the last couple of years, thanks to governments for printing more and more money, due to let's say Covid....LoL Invest your money into hard core assets and reap the rewards, that said, you need to do your home work. A simple hint would be Bitcoin or Ethereum, I have been making an absolute killing since January, now if you think these legally approved ETF's are a scam, please carry on earning your interest from the banks, while I continue to make anywhere from 5% to 30% on these two Cryptocurrencies, which will continue to grow. Now you did ask where you could get the best interest, to me interest is a % of money invested, not in banks, that is the last place I would invest my money as it is a loss after you take inflation into account. Good luck anyways.
  10. I picked up my wife from one of those places, it was our 1st date 18 years ago.....LOL
  11. Well you "obviously" couldn't resist, confirming the "obvious", could you.
  12. Ah yes, tradies are a special breed, and miners, but they are not your average Joe, who are suffering.
  13. Yeh, I just checked with the wife, and as I thought, it is my name Tiruk she said. So I won't be waiting for the notification, will go to a Center and get it changed to my name, hopefully, because change here, in my experience leads to the left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing.
  14. There are always two sides to a story, e.g. How many things have foreigners left behind in taxi's, never to see them again ? Just saying
  15. I think your out of touch with reality (no offence intended). There are so many struggling in the OLD lucky country. In the 80's/90's yes, but not today, most people work from home, you know the work/life/balance that they BS you with, I remember working twice as hard, when I say twice as hard, I mean in hours as well, 8 hours tuned into 16 hours a day, minimum 14 hours a day, albeit the salary was 6 figures, but still, not enough to go forward if you have a wife who isn't working and raising kids. Today is a totally different ball game, and when you say, they can't sack you, there are ways around that, all they have to do is up the anti till you crack. Don't forget the minimum mortgage is paid off: between 60 and 65 years What is the average age to pay off a mortgage in Australia? According to estimates, the average Australian pays off their mortgage somewhere between 60 and 65 years.May 16, 2567 BE How Much Is The Average Mortgage In Australia? The latest lending data from the ABS shows that the average mortgage size in Australia was $624,000 as of December 2023. This is for owner-occupied dwellings, rather than loans specified for first-home buyers or investors wishing to rent out a property.May 16, 2567 BE The average repayment (interest only) on that amount is $2,650 per month using 5% as the interest rate, now that works out to be $32,000 net per year. The average wage : 1. Average Wages. In Australia, the average wage, as of 2024, is approximately AUD 89,122 per year, which translates to AUD 7,427 per month or AUD 43.06 per hour. However, these figures represent an average and can vary greatly depending on the individual's job, industry, region, and level of experience. If you make $89,000 a year living in Australia, you will be taxed $21,172. That means that your net pay will be $67,828 per year, or $5,652 per month. Your average tax rate is 23.8% and your marginal tax rate is 34.5%. This marginal tax rate means that your immediate additional income will be taxed at this rate. If you earned $89k you would be left with $36,000 a year, not including the 2% Medicare levy if it hasn't already been accounted for in the above. Now that works out to be $693 per week net, the OP has a unit, which he has strata levies to pay for quarterly, then there is Council and Water rates and any special levies set down in the annual general meeting, which I am sure he has, so knock off another, say, $11,000 a year, now we are down to $25,000 a year nett or $480 per week. Then there is electricity, car registration, insurance, maintenance, and petrol if you have a car, oh wait, then there is food, oooooops, did you say they make good money.....LoL, NOW THAT'S DEPRESSING. The only way anyone working gets ahead in life in Australia, is by sacrifice, getting better educational qualifications to earn a bigger salary, which takes years of studying, then into debt to buy a property, or properties, and hold them for a couple of decades, shares, or Crypto currencies like BTC or ETH etc, i.e. unless they are one of the lucky ones who get an inheritance and don't pi$$ it up against the wall. Without the above, you just survive, till pension age, then you complain that it's not enough, high inflation, high rents etc. Welcome to the real Australia, that said, after a couple of decades of investing (forced savings), then one can sell up and move to Thailand and live happily ever after, but watching out where he/she puts their money of course.....LoL
  16. You have a friend in Google, use it. https://www.cdc.gov/tobacco/campaign/tips/diseases/depression-anxiety.html#:~:text=The exact cause of depression,%2C environmental%2C and psychological factors.&text=Everyone is different‚ but the,person's chances of becoming depressed%3A&text=Having blood relatives who have had depression
  17. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$, It's a well accepted language in most countries.
  18. 4MyEgo

    Gutter repairs.

    Our gutters handle every drop of water, deep, wide and downpipes every 4 metres into pits, that go into the next pit and so on and so forth until all of the water is cleared out to the river across the road. Never had an issue in a decade, spacing those downpipes every 4 metres helps get the water out of the gutters real quick, but cheap Charlie's here won't spend as little as 500 baht per extra downpipe so they deserve what they get.
  19. 4MyEgo

    Gutter repairs.

    I would hassard a guess that you could find anyone who has a long enough bamboo ladder will go up there with some bandage and poxy to sort it for you. Shouldn't cost that much, maybe 500 baht plus materials.
  20. Could be that time of the month.
  21. No doubt some good Samaritan would have given it to the police to have it returned to it's rightful owner....LOL
  22. Where is Anutin in this ? Won't be long.....LoL.
  23. Heart attack more than likely the case IMO, they don't discriminate, I have know guys from as young as 33 hit the tarmac and not recover. There is a saying, i.e. if you make it past 50, you're in a better age bracket for surviving when it comes to heart attacks, but don't quote me on that. Travel insurance, people, travel insurance, it places less of a burden on families, and no need for them needing to GoFundMe. I know lots of guys that travel here that don't take travel insurance out, which to me is just outright selfish. RIP
  24. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26894266/ Don't be lazy now !
  25. What a welcoming society, one walks away as to not engage in a fight and fatso attacks from behind, won't mention he is twice shim's size, later dragging shim along the filthy road by the hair, and what came of all of this, absolutely nothing, fatso is still fatso, and an angry ugly shim IMO. Loser...
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