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Everything posted by 4MyEgo

  1. Interesting, as I don't see this on my App or my laptop. That said, both show PayID fee which is zero, e.g. I transfer from my bank to Wise, however the drop down box allows me to choose a different payment method, and that is when there are charges, i.e. Debt Card and Credit Card, the latter is 2.5 X more expensive than the Debit Card. Just wondering why this is not on my App, but then again, I don't transfer from GBP, maybe that has something to do with it ?
  2. Looks like Velcro gloves will be back in fashion real soon as the humble Kiwi goes back to.......
  3. I hope this doesn't spread and becomes to; returning former residents have a 2 year waiting period before they can receive the Age Pension.
  4. Just wondering how he would do that if she was at the back of the bike ?
  5. Not to mention you wouldn't have been able to claim any ongoing costs related to the property until you sold it, to offset against your very large Capital Gains Tax bill, if you went down that path. You did your homework and it worked for you, most don't understand, holding on property in Australia when living overseas as a Non-Resident works against you, for starters, you pay 32.5 cents in the $ tax with no threshold, some say they can prove they are still residents and pay less tax, well ok, if that's the case, they will still have a heavy Capital Gains Tax bill to pay when they sell up.
  6. I know one who has made a little over that on a topic that has nothing to do with what his future predictions are all about, (scaremongering), any ideas who I am talking about, hint: he still hasn't said he was WRONG 🤣
  7. I feel for your wife, because she actually needs friends to entertain here, you must be a lot of fun.
  8. Yawn, any real news about someone, somewhere doing something good in Thailand, like a honest taxi driver returning 3 million baht cash left in his taxi by a Falange, give me a break please, Big Joke is as clean as a cars motor internally, oils ain't oils.
  9. I just read your post of 19 January 2008 and can only provide you with what I have found, first link basically says, that there is no room for negotiations when it comes to the 2 year rule, so to speak. Portability for former residents - Age, DSP Since 20 September 2000, a former resident who returns to Australia and is granted Age or DSP, or who transfers to Age under SS(Admin)Act section 12, cannot take that pension outside Australia if they leave within 2 years of having resumed residence in Australia. The purpose of this legislation is to discourage people from travelling to Australia just to get an Australian pension to take back overseas. The 2-year period includes, as separate full days, the day on which the recipient returns to Australia to resume Australian residence and the day on which they leave again. There is no discretionary power to allow portability of Age or DSP during the 2-year period (note, some exceptions to the 2-year rule apply - see below). Payment may be suspended for short overseas absences during the 2-year period and does not have to be reclaimed on return to Australia. A short absence from Australia (as long as the person is still classed as an Australian resident) will not impact on the end date of the 2-year period (i.e. the absence still counts towards the person's 2-year period). https://guides.dss.gov.au/social-security-guide/7/1/4 The 2nd, you could quite possibly be right, providing you fit the criteria and get your facts across as you did, i.e. dig in. Portability and residence The availability of short-term portability (excluding DSP, Widow B and Wife pensions) depends on whether the customer continues to satisfy the residence requirements. In deciding whether a person travelling overseas for a short time continues to reside in Australia, regard is given to the nature of the person's accommodation in Australia, family relationships, employment, business, financial ties, assets and the frequency of or duration of travel outside Australia. Recipients who return to Australia just to renew their portability period would not satisfy the 'residing in Australia' criterion and would not qualify for continued payment. Further information on the residence requirements can be found in the Social Security Guide at Chapter Residence Requirements. https://www.dss.gov.au/about-the-department/international/policy/portability-of-australian-income-support-payments Very interesting, thanks for that, not that it helps me, but it might help others who still claim to be Residents, e.g. lodge tax returns, have property, family in Australia etc etc. EDIT: Digging in even deeper, fascinating stuff that I have not come across before. A person does not need to be continuously present in a country in order to be residing there. A person holidaying or working temporarily overseas does not necessarily cease to reside in Australia while they are away. It is necessary to find the reason for being overseas and to look closely at the pattern and duration of time spent outside Australia in order to ascertain whether a person continues to reside in Australia. For Australian residence to be maintained during an absence, a person must demonstrate continued physical ties to Australia, the absence must be for a short duration, there must be a purpose for the absence and there must be a proposed end date for the absence. Taken in isolation, a 3-year continuous absence would be regarded as an upper limit to still being considered residing in Australia, unless there are special circumstances delaying a return. When looking at the pattern and duration of time spent outside Australia, if a person regularly spends more than 6 months a year outside Australia, then their residence in Australia is questionable. The purpose of an overseas absence may indicate whether a person continues to reside in Australia. The reason should be consistent with the intended length of the absence. For example, a person working on an 18-month overseas contract posting would still be considered to reside in Australia as long as they have demonstrated ongoing physical ties to Australia and a commitment to return to Australia at the end of the posting. It is not uncommon for a person to remain overseas for a lengthy period of time but state that they intend to return to Australia to live at some uncertain, future date. In general, when a person states that they are leaving Australia temporarily with the intention of returning to Australia, the person's 'intent' becomes less of a factor as the length of the absence increases. A person's physical ties with a country will normally take precedence over their intentions when lengthy periods of time are involved. A person who has spent the majority of their time overseas in the last few years and who returns to Australia to claim a benefit will not necessarily be eligible from the day they return to Australia. The person must demonstrate that their physical ties with Australia have been re-established, or are in the process of being established and that they intend to reside again in Australia. https://guides.dss.gov.au/social-security-guide/3/1/1/10
  10. Interesting, we would hope that, that's the case, because if you return and have established residency again, and they said you have to wait 2 years again, that would be a major deterrent to go back after portability was approved.
  11. I will agree that Age Pensions are taxable income in Australia, if you are Resident of Australia and earn additional income which would be above the $32,000 threshold which would include SAPTO. Just because you may have to lodge a tax return, it doesn't necessarily mean that you will pay tax on your Age Pension from what I have read over time. How can that be ? Different area for me, i.e. two tax states. I only discuss one state that I know (Thailand) and under Article 18 of the DTA states that tax is payable on the Age Pension, in the state of Residency, so if you reside here for more than 180 days, Thailand is the state, as you are Resident to Thailand for tax purposes.
  12. Ok, so you have parking on the premises, that's another plus for the $240 per week your paying, good for you. As you say at 77 it suites you to not have a spa or a pool and I agree, if you can get away with paying less than $500-$600 a week, why not, if the train station and shops are within walking distance good, I couldn't see that on Google maps, albeit I am not familiar with the state of WA, let alone the area. If your happy, that's all that counts, each to their own, but $10 for 4 litres of red has got to leave a bad taste in my mouth, may I suggest a bottle of Penfolds Bin 28 Shiraz 2021 at the very least, which will set me back about $40.00 or a Penfolds Bin 128 Shiraz 2021 which will set me back about $55.00. Red wine is like a woman, you can get them cheap, but take a look at what your getting, red wines all look the same, but the taste is different, so it's top shelf for my budget, and they have to look as good as it tastes.
  13. Thank for that, however I read this at the bottom of page 7 in the link, your thoughts please. Former residents If a person who was previously an Australian resident returns to Australia after a period overseas, they may be transferred back to being assessed by Centrelink for an ‘autonomous pension’. These are Australian pensions granted under ordinary rules, which are not reliant upon an international social security agreement to be granted. If a person who has returned after an absence departs Australia within two years of becoming an Australian resident again, the autonomous pension is not payable outside of Australia (ie the general portability rules will not apply)17. If, however, they are again travelling to a country with which Australia has an agreement within this two year time frame, they may be eligible for benefits under the agreement (ie the agreement overrides the general portability conditions).
  14. Interesting, thanks for that. Surely the 2 year period is a one off for former residents, I say that because the section below, copy and pasted and link provided, isn't really clear about having to repeat the process, e.g. if one was to return for short periods of time after qualifying and having their Age Pension portability approved. It only discuses former residents returning to qualify, and then go back overseas. If one had to repeat the process, that would be a real pain, e.g. lets say I went back, qualified, then returned to Thailand after portability was granted, and I wanted to return for a 2-3 month period say twice a year at most, maybe once a year, but lets say twice a year, for whatever reason, then had to start the process all over again, fark that. I mean lets assume I am staying with family, have no lease in my name, no utility bills in my name and am travelling around Australia for parts of those 2-3 month periods, I wouldn't have really re-established residency as far as I can see ? Interesting to get thoughts on this and ay members who do return, stay for a while then come back, and of course other members interpretations, as I wouldn't want any surprises if I did go back as I possibly plan my sneak attack, so to speak. Portability for former residents - Age, DSP Since 20 September 2000, a former resident who returns to Australia and is granted Age or DSP, or who transfers to Age under SS(Admin)Act section 12, cannot take that pension outside Australia if they leave within 2 years of having resumed residence in Australia. The purpose of this legislation is to discourage people from travelling to Australia just to get an Australian pension to take back overseas. The 2-year period includes, as separate full days, the day on which the recipient returns to Australia to resume Australian residence and the day on which they leave again. There is no discretionary power to allow portability of Age or DSP during the 2-year period (note, some exceptions to the 2-year rule apply - see below). Payment may be suspended for short overseas absences during the 2-year period and does not have to be reclaimed on return to Australia. A short absence from Australia (as long as the person is still classed as an Australian resident) will not impact on the end date of the 2-year period (i.e. the absence still counts towards the person's 2-year period). https://guides.dss.gov.au/social-security-guide/7/1/4
  15. Here is a question to all who have been back to Oz to get the Age Pension, stayed the 2 years for portability and returned to Thailand to live. My questions is if one goes back, stays for 2 years, comes back and then goes back again, (short stints of say 2-3 months), then leaves again and does this year in, year out, can it impair ones Age Pension portability, i.e. Centrelink stop payments when you leave again, it's just that I heard something on those lines, but can't find anything to confirm it. I did also hear that if you were in Oz, 2 years prior to the Age Pension age, portability was instant once the Age Pension was approved and there was no issue coming and going as many times as you like.
  16. Only he can answer those questions. His rent quoted sounded very cheap to most of us, myself being from the eastern states where a similar unit in a similar location would be between $350-$450 per week, and since he provided the receipt, I could see the address, and having the tools to check, i.e. units in the block, can confirm the $'s he is paying is pretty much on par to what an investor would receive on their outlay. Last sale in the block for a 2 bedder in 2023 was $290,000, so if they are renting it for say $300 a week, their return is 5.38% gross which isn't bad, that said, the higher the return on residential, the lower the sale price, meaning it's probably old, higher strata levies, away from infrastructure and it would take longer to sell, rent, that said, $240 a week in anyone's language is cheap, it just depends on where you prefer to live and with who and with what facilities you would like, meaning you will pay more, and the sale price would be higher based on the location, age, etc etc.
  17. Having had a look at the block of (10) units, i.e. an early 70's, motel style 2 level walk up building with average sizes of units being about the size of a one bedroom unit, meaning 2 bedrooms is tight in todays standards, but good for a single bloke. From what other units have been renting and selling for in the building, e.g. condition, level, parking, size of the unit, location, it's about the money for the unit vs the return the owner is getting, and not wanting long vacancy and selling periods, the owner has probably suggested to himself and with the agents advice not to increase the rent in fear of losing the tenant and the unit being empty for a long time, i.e. the unit wouldn't be in high demand. I would suggest you don't have any parking as there appears to be limited parking available, albeit it only saw 2 spaces at the front. So there we have it in a nutshell everyone, Maylands WA for a cheap, small 2 bedroom unit in a suburban street, albeit it I would think that you will need a car to get around, as I can't see transport and shops being close by, the airport is about a 20 minute drive so might be hearing the big birds coming over every now and again. Personally for me, it doesn't fit the bill, but your $240 a week serves you well, it kind of reminds me of Lakemba in Sydney where I wouldn't live, but the rents are cheap, e.g. $350-$400 a week for a similar place. it all depends what one wants, could I live in it, sure, but being spoilt, I need modern, with pool, gym, spa, sauna, and of course shops within a couple hundred metres, which includes public transport.
  18. Unfortunately the Australia Government, be it the ATO or whoever, just love it when we in one way or another say we are leaving home, e.g. ATO, oh is that so, well have a great time, just remember to pay 32.5% on everything you earn from Australia, plus your 10% withholding tax on interest, don't worry, we will make sure you can't vote as well, and cancel your Medicare when you have been out of the country for 5 years continuously and don't bother trying to claim anything to reduce your tax liabilities, because we won't allow you. ATO continues, ah yes, you wanted to leave the lucky country and not accept things for the way they are, you know things like high interest rates, excessive rents, and then there is the cost of living, oh well, enjoy your new life while everyone else suffers 😍. Yes the 10% withholding tax deducted from interest earned, e.g. $100 interest, $10 deducted is miniscule.
  19. I can tell you this much Georgie, you can read, but can't understand what others write. Try again, you might get it this time. The bus driver suggestion is so you, you can finally meet real people while driving them to their destinations, who knows, maybe even pick up a Sheila or 2, I mean if that is your preference, and of course it would probably pay better and beat the heck out of spending most of your days on forums while cleaning offices in that empty building at nights, or have it as a 2nd job to make more money to add to your million $ superannuation account for when you retire here in the LOS, the 2nd job part could even help you pay for your $3,000 a quarter strata levies and you taking the Sheila's to McDonalds for dinner, before taking them back to your studio in the bus. I know, I'm a genius oi, and your welcome. Apply straight away, and get that studio before someone else takes it, As for a studio, as mentioned, I have a family, bunks in a one bedder is a great idea, thanks, but a fold out in the loungeroom would be better for the kids and provide some privacy for me and mum, not a single bloke Georgie, I have a life. Wow, I'm on fire this morning, to think I just got out of bed, and not even a coffee. Your the man Georgie, and fire back with more thoughts when your ready as I am always up for your gas suggestions. Have a nice day now, Georgie the bus driver, now that's catchy, you know like, Bob the builder
  20. Correct Correct Correct, and the reason for that I would suggest, is because non-residents cannot claim anything back come tax time, you are merely submitting a tax return on income earned as a non-resident, e.g. if you have an investment property, you cannot offset any losses under the normal negative gearing scenario, albeit it, you can, if I recall correctly claim back some items when you sell the property to reduce your capital gains tax liabilities. SAPTO would be a totally different situation when it comes to the ATO.
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