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Everything posted by 4MyEgo

  1. Who cares, seriously, go back to beating your drums elsewhere, this topic is about Australian Aged Pensioners, move along or I will report you.
  2. This topic is about Australian Aged Pensioners. There has to be a focus on what you have beaten to a pulp, over and over and over again, now should this happen then it's $120 a week pensioners will lose, now if they can't live on 45,000 baht a month in Thailand, then perhaps they didn't get it right in their lives, i.e. leaving your retirement in the hands of the government to provide you with a pension that wouldn't last you in Oz, let alone most places, is what it is, I am not going to judge those on the pension, but I would never put myself in such a vulnerable position to affect my quality of life, but of I had to survive on that amount here in Thailand, I could do it, so let's just stop beating the drums shall we. It gets annoying, we know what the impact will be, if the meteorite hits. i.e. $120 week, so lets give it a rest until and if it does happen. Yet her we are.
  3. He really should try playing Lotto, he'd probably have better odds of getting that than predicting that the Oz government is going to tax pensioners living abroad, but yet, he keeps beating the drums to annoy his neighbours. He obviously didn't want to read what I posted on the other page about pensioners would only be about $120 a week worse off after registering for SAPTO, which means that they would still be getting around 45,000 baht a month Vs about 50,000 baht a month. He might be both, blind and deaf banging it out.
  4. I too am like you, however, with a DTA between my country and Thailand, I am not bothered in the least as taxes are paid back in the old country, so if they ever implement what everyone is freaking over, I have nothing to worry about, perhaps some extra paperwork at best, i.e. if I remit annual funds from my "savings" account, which is separate to my share holdings, whereby dividends get paid into a different account as do any capital gains. My savings are my savings, not income earned, and they pay a 10% withholding tax on any interest earned. Most people have their nickers in a not, because they can't see past their bottle of Chang/Leo.
  5. So which of the above fared worse off, statistics sometimes doesn't tell us.
  6. It's obvious to me that you didn't digest what I said in my post, i.e. worst case scenario is $120 a week, taxed in Australia, on the pension after SAPTO is taken into consideration, in other words you end up with around 45,500 baht a month. If Australia does go down this path, you won't pay tax in Thailand die to the DTA, now if Thailand does bring in the new taxing of remitted funds into play, which won't be targeting pensioners IMO, but lets say they do, and Australia doesn't go down the path they are proposing, again, you will still receive about 45,500 baht a month. Scaremongering, lol, this is just looking at both sides of the coins, but what about the 3rd side of the coin, did you consider that ? At the end of the day, nothing has happened thus far, so go back to enjoying life and always expect the unexpected, but if it doesn't happen, then just keep living, no point in sitting at a keyboard worrying about this or that, and when it does happen, if it does happen, you know what will transpire and how many pennies you will still e getting in hand as opposed to growing more grey hair from all your doom and gloom posted here trying to prove a point that has no relevance at this point in time and if and when it does go your way, (highly unlikely) IMO, no one will pat you on the back, so move on, life's to short for trying to prove points that no one wants to know about. Your a stickler for punishment, like I said, get away from the keyboard and live a little.
  7. Nothing to do with the average Joe mate. Carry on as usual until you see a duck cross your path, all I see and have been seeing is dead ducks. Like I said before and posted a link to the Double Tax Agreement (DTA) that Australia has with Thailand, it was agreed that Ozzie Citizens who paid tax in Oz, won't pay tax in Thailand, visa versa, so we are covered, that said, depending on how your structured, e.g. bank account in Oz, withholding tax paid, so you won't be taxed, share portfolio, dividends and sales of shares (Dividends fully franked, already taxed) so no tax to be paid in Thailand, sale of shares are not subject to capital gains tax in Australia if you are a non resident, so the sale of those shares go into your bank account and you don't remit it here.
  8. Which means it's a dead duck, cabinet has to approve it, and until cabinet approves it, it's just another dead duck, lots of dead ducks in Thailand. Just get on enjoying your time here, tax free, until you see a duck cross your path, simple really.
  9. This may help, go to 4 Resident. https://www.rd.go.th/english/859.html
  10. New boy on the block, sure does sound like you have an issue, small, it may not be, best tone it down a notch and try to fit in as things could escalate, the Thai, just remember where you are, not your backyard. Look and you shall find.
  11. Despite Natt’s denial, the Pattaya police are continuing their investigation and examining other CCTV cameras in the area. No further evidence has been found to confirm the victim’s account of the bracelet theft so far, according to the police. The authorities are also considering the possibility that Mr. Kotay may have misplaced the bracelet elsewhere before the incident.
  12. I don't know one whinging pom who has financial capital in the bank, they all use agents and pay between 20k-25k baht a year so that the agent can put up the 800k baht in the bank when he does their extensions for them, most are on pensions, barley making it month by month because their p-ss is more important to them than food. Not having a go, just stating the fact from my experience of whinging poms that I know, and if the p-ss goes up 5 baht, blimey, we'll never here the end of it.
  13. Did you Google that all on your own, just remember where Aussie's originally came from
  14. Could his 200,000 baht bracelet and missing mobile be back in his hotel room safe ? The reason I ponder, is because it wouldn't take much here to buy an el cheapo from anywhere (fake), put it on, go out, stumble around looking for a CCTV camera nearby where transgenders hangout, take a seat, pretend your drunk and asleep waiting for a transgender to take it and an el cheapo mobile from your pocket. Then file a police report and make a claim against your insurance company, I mean why else would you file a report, if i's gone, it's gone right. This is just me thinking out aloud of course, however if I am right, would love to read later on that insurance company of Indian denies claim due to him not providing a duty of care as per his insurance policy, i.e. being intoxicated. If my thinking is a little obscured, and this really happened, well what can I say, there is a sucker a minute that visits the Land of opportunities, who will provide them with a free smile and a Wai.
  15. How embarrassing, see the above posters reply
  16. I once heard a Pom whinging to an Aussie work colleague on the train a fair few years back when I was living in Sydney. It was very unfortunate. There was something about the intensity, lack of point, and accent (couldn't place it), that made the Pom sound very negative and flat, like the way they can't hold down their booze. I could see the Aussie work colleague thinking, " We've got a right one here". Even I was cringing with the Aussie via eye contact sitting opposite. Then I realised why Aussies called Poms whingers, not that I had ever had any dealings with them until I moved here. Aussies complain, (but they do it in a joking kind of way, e.g. taking the p-ss, or have a point, with humour, but the Poms, they're a bit like a woman, whinging, nagging, etc, etc, etc, but I can tolerate them, after all, they are who they are, whinging Poms Ozzie, Ozzie, Ozzie, oi, oi, oi
  17. For those of us that have savings in the bank, separate to our online trading accounts, it's a no brainer. Sawadee Krup Mr Taxman, the money was taken out of my bank account from overseas, it is savings which I live on, it is not an income in any financial year, therefor is not taxable, so if you like, you an kiss my left one, or the right one, up to you.
  18. Thanks for that, will make sure she comes along as I wasn't thinking of taking her with me, you've probably saved me another trip.
  19. Protein powder we need as we get older if our diet intake isn't efficient enough, e.g. eggs, red meat, daily etc. I make a protein shake with 30 grams of powder, most days, with a banana and 180 grams of almond milk (plain), I also dilute it with an equal amount of water and some ice cubs, then turn on the blender, I also eat eggs most days, and meat once a week or as often as I can. Lifting weights over 60 should only be for resistance training, i.e. to maintain muscle mass, not to grow muscle, e.g. bulk up or to add on, it just won't happen as we age, and protein powder won't assist if your expecting it to, it is there to assist you to maintain muscle, as opposed to them becoming floppy from not using your muscles, use it or lose it, so to speak. Keep up the gym, but don't lift heavy weights if you do, just do more reps with lighter weights, as your body can still look good, without putting on weight. I walk an hour a day, that and I watch what I eat which keeps my weight steady, if your putting on weight, it could be from a bad diet and or your protein shake has added sugar. I swear by this brand and you can pick it up for about 2,000 baht after vouchers and coupons or on sale. https://www.lazada.co.th/products/ultimate-nutrition-iso-sensation-93-whey-protein-isolate-5lb-isolate-100-i221803790-s1127414583.html?c=&channelLpJumpArgs=&clickTrackInfo=query%3Aiso-pro%3Bnid%3A221803790%3Bsrc%3ALazadaMainSrp%3Brn%3A3a465618d6c2690662ddb2d5f702e6f7%3Bregion%3Ath%3Bsku%3A221803790_TH%3Bprice%3A2949%3Bclient%3Adesktop%3Bsupplier_id%3A100119442%3Bbiz_source%3Ah5_internal%3Bslot%3A14%3Butlog_bucket_id%3A470687%3Basc_category_id%3A13700%3Bitem_id%3A221803790%3Bsku_id%3A1127414583%3Bshop_id%3A148354&fastshipping=0&freeshipping=1&fs_ab=2&fuse_fs=&lang=en&location=Bangkok&price=2949&priceCompare=skuId%3A1127414583%3Bsource%3Alazada-search-voucher%3Bsn%3A3a465618d6c2690662ddb2d5f702e6f7%3BunionTrace%3A2101409017016028486333460efe34%3BoriginPrice%3A294900%3BvoucherPrice%3A294900%3BdisplayPrice%3A294900%3BsourceTag%3Aauto_collect%3BsinglePromotionId%3A-1%3BsingleToolCode%3A-1%3BvoucherPricePlugin%3A1%3BbuyerId%3A0%3Btimestamp%3A1701602849260&ratingscore=4.849137931034483&request_id=3a465618d6c2690662ddb2d5f702e6f7&review=232&sale=1059&search=1&source=search&spm=a2o4m.searchlist.list.i40.3ef3389eyrULM7&stock=1 Can't help you about your looks thought
  20. I have been doing the marriage extension for over 6 years now, originally I went to do the marriage extension, but as they talked to the wife who said to me that they said, it was a slow process and would take over a month to be approved, whereas the retirement extension would be approved now, and if I wanted too, I could do the marriage extension the following year, so I agreed. I then swapped to a marriage extension in year 2, they weren't happy about that and it hasn't been an easy road since then, lots of changes when applying, different "rules" for that year and so on which meant that I had to return with more docs, if I didn't have them with me. Next month when the marriage extension is due, I will go back to the retirement extension as I am sick and tired of putting up and seeing these clowns who will do anything to make what should be an easy task, difficult, because of their laziness. I can't think of any other reason for their reluctance to make it easy, more work for them as I understand it from other farangs and the docs get checked elsewhere, so they have to make sure it's all good, whereas inhouse for the retirement extension, doesn't need to be checked by anyone. Last two times when told to go back for the stamp on the due date, it wasn't back from the division they send it too, which costs me fuel and a 3 hour round trip, that said, at least doing the retirement extension, I will save a trip going back for the stamp, and a trip to the Amphur to get a "we are still married" piece of paper for them, albeit that I have to have 400k baht extra in the bank. The 90 days is easy online, so once a year going in, and not dropping below 400k baht in the bank will be worth it for me.
  21. Totally understandable, that said, not sure with your office, but mine is a yes, but after that to pick up the stamp which is almost always never there when it is supposed to be (have learned to call first) save me a 3 hour return trip without it. Next month swapping to a retirement extension after 7 years on the marriage extension as they are just the worst to deal with, i.e. let's just leave it at that. My advice, call them and ask.
  22. Choose your flavour. For what it's worth, I suffered from a lot of lower back pain, stiff neck, Sciatica type symptoms coming and going for decades and could never work out why. Some of us are thicker than others, then I recalled one day when I was about 6 on a school trip playing football, I got tackled and my neck hit the post as I slid and scored. was knocked out for a little while, neck was stiff for days, then again a diving board accident, the dipstick behind me didn't give me time to clear and landed her a$$ on my head as I was surfacing. I totally forgot about these accidents until recently, so I went and got an X-ray, C5 & C6 in my neck are pretty warn, suffice to say, pain travels, my neck has never been the issue, always the lower back and buttocks area every now and again, suffice to say, sitting for long periods can bring it on, so I invested in a good pair of walking sports shoes (cushioned) and notice the difference straight away, i.e. the pain in my legs, knees, back would go as I tried to get used to these new walking sports shoes, I also stretch a little and lay down when I feel a little tense in the middle back area, a few cracks (manually) to take away some pressure and good as gold. Your problem could be stemming from a different area, have a good read below, keep searching and hopefully find where your issue is stemming from. https://www.healthline.com/health/pain-in-left-arm
  23. I don't feel that way, I feel like a King, no money issues, do how I please, go where I please, and play by their rules, same as I would back in the Nanny State, and when I look down, if I have to, I see ants at my feet that don't bother me. Remember, it is what it is, and it's all about how you look at things, so don't allow ants to bother you.
  24. Try working in the industry through all levels, Property Management, Property Sales and last but not least Valuation industry. What I learned in my 35 career was that regardless of the 6 figure salary you make, after studying and completing 2 degrees, once the tax is paid out, Medicare levy, mortgage repayment, Council rates, Water rates, food, electricity, gas, car insurance, maintenance, petrol, etc etc, your left with enough for an overseas holiday, so sacrificing that and purchasing property at the right time, does help you retire earlier in life as the market does climb, leaving you with enough money to see you through till your 101 when you also sell at the right time.......
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