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Everything posted by 4MyEgo

  1. Thanks for that, will make sure she comes along as I wasn't thinking of taking her with me, you've probably saved me another trip.
  2. Protein powder we need as we get older if our diet intake isn't efficient enough, e.g. eggs, red meat, daily etc. I make a protein shake with 30 grams of powder, most days, with a banana and 180 grams of almond milk (plain), I also dilute it with an equal amount of water and some ice cubs, then turn on the blender, I also eat eggs most days, and meat once a week or as often as I can. Lifting weights over 60 should only be for resistance training, i.e. to maintain muscle mass, not to grow muscle, e.g. bulk up or to add on, it just won't happen as we age, and protein powder won't assist if your expecting it to, it is there to assist you to maintain muscle, as opposed to them becoming floppy from not using your muscles, use it or lose it, so to speak. Keep up the gym, but don't lift heavy weights if you do, just do more reps with lighter weights, as your body can still look good, without putting on weight. I walk an hour a day, that and I watch what I eat which keeps my weight steady, if your putting on weight, it could be from a bad diet and or your protein shake has added sugar. I swear by this brand and you can pick it up for about 2,000 baht after vouchers and coupons or on sale. https://www.lazada.co.th/products/ultimate-nutrition-iso-sensation-93-whey-protein-isolate-5lb-isolate-100-i221803790-s1127414583.html?c=&channelLpJumpArgs=&clickTrackInfo=query%3Aiso-pro%3Bnid%3A221803790%3Bsrc%3ALazadaMainSrp%3Brn%3A3a465618d6c2690662ddb2d5f702e6f7%3Bregion%3Ath%3Bsku%3A221803790_TH%3Bprice%3A2949%3Bclient%3Adesktop%3Bsupplier_id%3A100119442%3Bbiz_source%3Ah5_internal%3Bslot%3A14%3Butlog_bucket_id%3A470687%3Basc_category_id%3A13700%3Bitem_id%3A221803790%3Bsku_id%3A1127414583%3Bshop_id%3A148354&fastshipping=0&freeshipping=1&fs_ab=2&fuse_fs=&lang=en&location=Bangkok&price=2949&priceCompare=skuId%3A1127414583%3Bsource%3Alazada-search-voucher%3Bsn%3A3a465618d6c2690662ddb2d5f702e6f7%3BunionTrace%3A2101409017016028486333460efe34%3BoriginPrice%3A294900%3BvoucherPrice%3A294900%3BdisplayPrice%3A294900%3BsourceTag%3Aauto_collect%3BsinglePromotionId%3A-1%3BsingleToolCode%3A-1%3BvoucherPricePlugin%3A1%3BbuyerId%3A0%3Btimestamp%3A1701602849260&ratingscore=4.849137931034483&request_id=3a465618d6c2690662ddb2d5f702e6f7&review=232&sale=1059&search=1&source=search&spm=a2o4m.searchlist.list.i40.3ef3389eyrULM7&stock=1 Can't help you about your looks thought
  3. I have been doing the marriage extension for over 6 years now, originally I went to do the marriage extension, but as they talked to the wife who said to me that they said, it was a slow process and would take over a month to be approved, whereas the retirement extension would be approved now, and if I wanted too, I could do the marriage extension the following year, so I agreed. I then swapped to a marriage extension in year 2, they weren't happy about that and it hasn't been an easy road since then, lots of changes when applying, different "rules" for that year and so on which meant that I had to return with more docs, if I didn't have them with me. Next month when the marriage extension is due, I will go back to the retirement extension as I am sick and tired of putting up and seeing these clowns who will do anything to make what should be an easy task, difficult, because of their laziness. I can't think of any other reason for their reluctance to make it easy, more work for them as I understand it from other farangs and the docs get checked elsewhere, so they have to make sure it's all good, whereas inhouse for the retirement extension, doesn't need to be checked by anyone. Last two times when told to go back for the stamp on the due date, it wasn't back from the division they send it too, which costs me fuel and a 3 hour round trip, that said, at least doing the retirement extension, I will save a trip going back for the stamp, and a trip to the Amphur to get a "we are still married" piece of paper for them, albeit that I have to have 400k baht extra in the bank. The 90 days is easy online, so once a year going in, and not dropping below 400k baht in the bank will be worth it for me.
  4. Totally understandable, that said, not sure with your office, but mine is a yes, but after that to pick up the stamp which is almost always never there when it is supposed to be (have learned to call first) save me a 3 hour return trip without it. Next month swapping to a retirement extension after 7 years on the marriage extension as they are just the worst to deal with, i.e. let's just leave it at that. My advice, call them and ask.
  5. Choose your flavour. For what it's worth, I suffered from a lot of lower back pain, stiff neck, Sciatica type symptoms coming and going for decades and could never work out why. Some of us are thicker than others, then I recalled one day when I was about 6 on a school trip playing football, I got tackled and my neck hit the post as I slid and scored. was knocked out for a little while, neck was stiff for days, then again a diving board accident, the dipstick behind me didn't give me time to clear and landed her a$$ on my head as I was surfacing. I totally forgot about these accidents until recently, so I went and got an X-ray, C5 & C6 in my neck are pretty warn, suffice to say, pain travels, my neck has never been the issue, always the lower back and buttocks area every now and again, suffice to say, sitting for long periods can bring it on, so I invested in a good pair of walking sports shoes (cushioned) and notice the difference straight away, i.e. the pain in my legs, knees, back would go as I tried to get used to these new walking sports shoes, I also stretch a little and lay down when I feel a little tense in the middle back area, a few cracks (manually) to take away some pressure and good as gold. Your problem could be stemming from a different area, have a good read below, keep searching and hopefully find where your issue is stemming from. https://www.healthline.com/health/pain-in-left-arm
  6. I don't feel that way, I feel like a King, no money issues, do how I please, go where I please, and play by their rules, same as I would back in the Nanny State, and when I look down, if I have to, I see ants at my feet that don't bother me. Remember, it is what it is, and it's all about how you look at things, so don't allow ants to bother you.
  7. Try working in the industry through all levels, Property Management, Property Sales and last but not least Valuation industry. What I learned in my 35 career was that regardless of the 6 figure salary you make, after studying and completing 2 degrees, once the tax is paid out, Medicare levy, mortgage repayment, Council rates, Water rates, food, electricity, gas, car insurance, maintenance, petrol, etc etc, your left with enough for an overseas holiday, so sacrificing that and purchasing property at the right time, does help you retire earlier in life as the market does climb, leaving you with enough money to see you through till your 101 when you also sell at the right time.......
  8. Just in case you're not aware, pressing the Quote button will copy the post to your page and then you can type below it.
  9. I don't believe they treat us like criminals, fact of the matter if you ask me is that there could be jealousy as we farang are supposedly rich, pulling tens of thousands of dollars out of ATM machines, building Thai g/f's & wives castles, where the average Somchai can't. It is what it is, they have a system in place, we don't have to like it, but have to abide by it, as we do back home. Don't get your nickers in a knot, as Australia has a treaty with Thailand to minimise us paying taxes to them, if any. Wait & see approach, frankly I believe it won't effect us at all. We all have to have a plan B in place, any yes Australia does provide those things, but don't forget there are waiting periods and it is a very expensive country to live in Vs here, and last time I recall, I did refer to it as a Nanny State, so no where is perfect, you just have to weigh up which one is more suitable to your needs, deal with the BS and don't let it get to you, Australia isn't for me, hence the reason I am here, bureaucracy and all, which I believe is a worldwide phenomenon, i.e. there is no perfect where there is governments', they are corporations.
  10. I have to agree with you on the above, however, from where I'm coming from, it helps to not react to their behind the times rules, as a mate always used to say to me when I would get peed off with work chopping and changing things when they worked just fine, he said, m8, it is what it is, and it took a long time for it to sink in because of my frustration with the situation, i.e. not accepting that it was what it was, so what he was saying to me was, getting all worked up about it isn't going to change it, so just take it on the chin, that said, I know where your coming from. For me, I do the annual marriage extension, very organised, most things saved on my laptop so just print them off and take the originals, yes a lot of paperwork, but I don't do it all in one day, I pace myself, a little today, a little tomorrow and so on and so forth, then we have the bank visit for the letter, so I do the picture place at the same time a few doors up and the Amphur for the, yes were still married piece of paper. Things could be so simplified, but you have to understand the culture, i.e. if someone comes up with an idea and takes it to their boss, they will be frowned upon, because their boss would see it as saying, I'm smarter than you, instead of great idea, promotion. The 90 days on line is so easy now that they have a new system, even get a reminder to complete it, however I don't rely on it, that said, depending on the office, some still want you to report when you go to another province, and yes the re-entry visa is a little tiring. That said, I live about an 1 hour 20 from the immigration department and twice I returned to get my stamp on the due date and they said, no have, so wasted my time/petrol only to return a couple of days later after calling them 1st to make sure it was there, you'd think after 45 days they'd have it wouldn't you. I now call before I go, F them. Also had to pay a 500 baht fee which should be free to get my stamps transferred to my new passport, yes it's a dogs breakfast, "but it is, what it is" :) I just let go and my wife agrees that Thai's are dumb F's, as she spend a decade with me in Oz and saw how things work smoothly. Amen to that, my wife and kids also have Australian Citizenships, so if they want to tax me, then they will also be 1 million baht down a year from my contribution to their economy. I hear you loud and clear, same here, I started off with private health cover, but after 4 years and no claims, it doubled, while it was also increasing every year, mine and the families separate one, so I cancelled them and also self insure, built up a nice nest egg in the 4 years as I put 250,000 baht aside a year vs paying that to them, I also have my savings to dip into if need be, and outside of an emergency, it's pretty cheap in my experience at private hospitals. Try not to let others spoil it for you, just play the game, know what to expect, and duck and weave, but never throw a punch, so to speak as we must control the ball that they throw at us, e.g. incoming, catch it, and drop it, not playing your game :)
  11. I have found Makro prices fluctuating on a variety of products, they go up and they go down. When they go up, if more than 10%, I say they can keep it, sure enough, next time I go, the price is back to normal or less. Demand is key, if people let the product go, they will reduce the price, it's called people power.
  12. I missed ASEANNOW, so welcome back ASEANNOW, one and all. It was weird not being able to surf through the posts, read, comment, submit a topic and put up with the usual ones that annoy us here at times, it was a bit like not having my car to go somewhere. Hope the speed picks up in due course after the cyber attack.
  13. Just interested to start a fresh topic if it already hasn't been covered. Why did you leave Australia ? What year did you arrive here ? Any regrets ? How has it turned out in the time you have been here ? Are you on the age pension or self fund your retirement ? Do you go back for a holiday/break ? Would you ever return ? For me, I am content here. I left Australia because I was sick and tired of all the BS with government departments, the over the top policing of speed on the roads, all types of cameras, seat belt and mobile phone infringements, etc etc. The taxes that I paid going to scumbags who rort the system, and politicians being able to also rort the system, for the good of the country. 2015 No regrets Perfect, a few ups and downs trying to adjust, but have learned to let go with trivial things and just do as the Thai's do. Self funded I go back every 2-3 years for a short trip with the family to see family and friends, albeit it I only see a select close tribe of friends as I also like to travel around and see the places I used to see when I was younger. No, But if I won the lottery and could afford to have a place there, I would return for a holiday at my choosing, e.g. once, twice a year for a month max. Lets stay on topic, otherwise move along please.
  14. What this tells me is those with mortgages who have had over a dozen rate increase in the past 18 months are going nowhere. Those with money will travel and those with no mortgages living at home with mum and dad will travel. Can't see a change until interest rates come down down down.
  15. I got mine lasered off almost 2 decades ago, one on each arms (visible), had them since I was 14. In 2007 when in Phuket, decided to get 2 on my chest, no regrets. Would I add more now in my 60's, if I was up for it, but not up for it at the moment, who knows what tomorrow brings. Age to me has got nothing to do with nothing, it's about ones choice, so let's not discriminate or judge what people want to do with their bodies.
  16. GeorgeGeorge, KhunHieneken, Simple1, and a couple of others that don't come to mind. All aside, anything about Australia, aged pension, Thailand general, and the Pub forum.
  17. But not before injecting beeswax into his member, videoing it and posting it on social media, and while at it, all the perpetrators as well, that should even the score.
  18. I think you'll be safe in Pattaya, it's a family tourist destination, just avoid McDonalds in the early hours of the morning.
  19. Can't disagree with you on that. You hit the nail on the head, degrees in my opinion mean absolutely sweet FA, I hold two, and I can tell you, 90% of people that I worked with, had no F idea, it amazes me that because someone holds a degree, all of a sudden people think that person is smart, smart perhaps in putting the time in to complete the degree/s, but personalities and their outlook on reality is someone skewed. You are 100% correct that the Australian way of life/culture has gone to the dogs, I once remember when you could speak your mind, these days, you'll get arrested, suffice to say, not understanding the lingo here and not seeing any other race here, as mentioned, apart from expats that I see here and there, suites me down to the ground, it reminds me of Australia in the 70's/80's/90's, laid back.
  20. 4MyEgo

    Isaan Woman

    Firstly, I am not taking offence of any kind on behalf of my wife, just sick and tired of this "bargirls" this, "bargirls" that, it starts to sound like a broken record player is you follow all the comments here on "bargirls", ok, I can see how I read it the wrong way and chill pills don't work on me, I'm like a bull, wave the rad flag and it's straight to it, maybe a Vigra will help. That or I read it, as you say, 'arse about' which got my nickers in a knot. That makes better sense now. Ah yes, we've all been there done that and have put it all behind us, because life is just perfect here for me with my "bargirl" wife, AKA village sl-t as I refer to her every now and again (playfully of course). Didn't mean to go at yah so hard, as I mentioned, it just urks me that "bargirls" get a bad rant here, I have met hundreds and put a few in the sack, can't fault any of them, in my opinion, they are just girls, can't say women, because mentally, they really haven't developed, not criticising them, just my observations from conversations with them over the many years. As I also said, not defending my "bargirl" wife in any way, she had a job, she had a need, it paid her bills, she didn't rip anyone off, she met a farang and has had a life now for the past 17 years that she would not otherwise could have ever imagined, I don't put "bargirls" down, because of their profession, be it short time, long time or whatever, those that do, have a gripe with them and they own it until they let it go, takes two to Tango, only one to be stupid enough to part with his life savings to a female, regardless of profession.
  21. Who cares. So they will deport all those who incite hatred because of their religious beliefs will they, give me a break and wake up to reality. Of course I have sufficient funds for health care here, however if it is going to run into millions of baht, if and when the day comes, then of course I will return to the nanny state to get treatment, which is my legal right, I know how to play the system, not the system me. I am free in Thailand, whether you like it or not, now get back to work and pay your mortgage.
  22. I wouldn't worry about either until we hear that they have been passed both into legislation (law). Now from my workings, if you are deemed a non resident for tax purposes, and they tax your pension, once you register for SAPTO, you can reduce your tax payable by about about $120 per week off the tax payable on your pension, suffice to say if you are all good as a single and get your pension made portable, then you will end up with about 45,500 baht per month after tax and SAPTO, end of story. https://www.ato.gov.au/Calculators-and-tools/Beneficiary-tax-offset-and-seniors-and-pensioner-tax-offset-calculator/ Now to go back for 45 days to retain your residency for $120 a week, you have to work out the cost of remaining there for 45 days, flight tickets, taxi's hotels, food etc, in other words hardly worth it, so being a non resident for tax purposes won't be that bad, albeit there is someone a particular person on here scaremongering people, he doesn't do the math or offer alternatives if they ever came to fruition, like SAPTO which reduces your tax liability and you don't have to be a resident to qualify. Now if Thailand does bring in this remittance regulation, i.e. if it's passed, then they can't tax you if you have already paid tax on your pension now can they as there is a tax treaty with Australia. I believe the word is SLAMDUNK
  23. 4MyEgo

    Isaan Woman

    Wow, so "bargirls" deserve those stereo types you are referring to because "bargirls" are bad. Sounds like you got throw off a horse. From my experience with women, I have found ALL Thai women to be good, haven't come a cross a bad "bargirl" yet, do you know why, because I don't judge people, especially because of their profession, by choice or other, they provide a service and I enjoy it, no need to put them all in the one basket (bad) because they spread eagle, after all, most men use their services and then trash them, did I say men, I meant boys. The above said I have been with scores of women, mostly westerners in my life, but the yellow fever hit me badly when I arrived on these shores back in 2006 and have to say that I haven't come across a bad one yet, luck, no, just a guy who knows women, and how to treat them, frankly their pretty playful and if they know you treat them with respect as opposed to judge them for their profession, as mentioned, by choice or other, they will show you a good time and not look at taking you out, so to speak, on the other hand, if you don't know how women work and hang your heart on your sleeve and allow others (women) to handle your finances, or are one who easily listens to them with regards to investing your money into building a house without fully understanding the complexities of Thai law and are prepared to lose it, then you can't cry over spoilt milk, which most do because they invested everything, all because of that emotion (love) which allowed them to be blinded. I build a house here, purchased a new car, everything is in the "bargirl" wife's name, however I only invested as much as I am prepared to lose, and even though I know my "bargirl" wife like the back of my hand, I say that because she hasn't changed one iota in 17 years, if we ever did split, then she deserves to keep the 10% that I invested in her life, suffice to say, she couldn't have earned this much working in the short time most work in their profession, in the hope of meeting a nice farang to take care of them and visa a versa. I know scores of guys married to "bargirls" and they are all happy, sure some have fallen by the roadside, but the same applies to marrying western women, fact of the matter is, most western marriages cost farangs more than what marrying a Thai would cost when the marriage goes south. So the bar girl should behave and should be good to him, ah yes, I guess that does happen, doesn't it, but what about western women ? I suppose you could say that with all women, couldn't you, I mean what is the divorce rate worldwide at the moment, and how many men have been taken to the cleaners because of certain laws regarding marriage and children ? I know a guy who married a western women, they were married for 3 years, she dropped 2 kids and he ended up paying her $750k AUS, plus $2,000 a month in child support, I could go on with others, but you get my drift. Really, no link to support what your saying. I would agree that it's a dog eat dog industry and the fittest of the fittest will survive, suffice to say, that game is called LOVE, not specific to "bargirls" only and don't forget many Thai "bargirls" get burnt with false promises as well as men of non Thai descent. Lol, that could be said for any female. Is that a bit like a shopping list, height, weight, teets etc etc ? Each to their own, when I met my Thai "bargirl" wife, now of 17 very very very happy years, she had a couple of youngens who wouldn't remember their father as she left him when they were so young. The youngens are now adults and it gave me a real pleasure to see them grow as if they were my own. We all have choices, you choose to be either selfless of selfish, and yes taking on your partners kids is a responsibility, but can also be a real reward to see what you did was give them a leg up in life, one purpose in life one could say ? You can chose to be selective and not want any kids, like I said, each to their own, but to me, life without kids has no real purpose, just my opinion. I am not one for trying to educate people who have their mindset, however you could try and get in close with "bargirls" rather than fear them and enjoy the ride, I have.
  24. Yeh, pretty much same areas, Marrickville, sounds like you went to Punchbowl Boys High ? My late brother lived in Greenacre so I know what your on about. Yeh can't knock Thailand, warts and all, you don't see that s-c-u-m here. the way I like it.
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