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Everything posted by 4MyEgo

  1. Have car will travel, 20 minutes, that said, lots of lady's for the taking, but no bar with bar girls.
  2. I live in a village, and it's up to me to find a suitable bar where farangs mix, which I have done, so 3 nights a week, I am out for a couple of hours having some drinks, playing pool and socialising. At the end of the day, it's up to the farang, sit home can make you go crazy, after all, who wants to be with Mrs Wife and the kids 24/7....LOL
  3. I know scores that have survived, and I know scores that haven't back in the western world, same same, only difference, one is western, one is Asian, at the end of the day, they are all of the opposite sex aren't they. You really have a strange imagination, a woman who lies only lies if she need to lie, that said, hundreds of other guys in her former life, that is so funny.
  4. The same could be asked of western women friends, happy marriages have nothing to do with stigma that is portrayed of bargirls in my opinion, women are women and men are men, rarely do they get on, especially when there are cultural differences and of course when some are not educated enough to understand there is only so much a Koala can bear, meaning if a farang is stupid enough to throw his money around to build a house, buy a car etc, he is leaving himself wide open for trouble, i.e. unless he has enough to say, if he invested 10-20% maximum, then he did all right if the married went pare shaped. Western marriages cost way more than that when they go south, 50-60-70% if kids involved, so bargirls aren't doing as well as the western women yet, i.e. I guess it all depends on how stupid the farang is with his money (power) as I call it.
  5. The 183 day rule has been around since I was born, that said, the new proposed amendments from my understanding is that they propose if you in the country for 45 days, you are a resident for tax purposes and if you are out of country for 3 years, you are a non resident. If I am correct and the proposal goes through, they will be getting a lot of expats who go back and stay for over 45 days, as it will take them 3 years to reclaim their non-residency status Vs the current rules which is 183 days. They will never stick it to me because when I do go back, it's for a brief 10 days every 2-3 years. Interesting times ahead for some, that said, if I do decide to go back to get the aged pension, I will have to stay for 2 years and they will get me then, however, I will look at restructuring things so that it works in my favour until the 3 years is up and my non residency status is reapplied. It's all a game and you have to be focused on WTF is always going on to win.
  6. Learn to grow up and accept things for what they are, it's no skin off your big nose so move along, as I know dozens of expat farangs happily married and in love with their prostitutes/hookers as you call them, self included. You sound very insecure and naïve and trying to make out that your a stud.....lol
  7. Yes, this happened to me with my last marriage extension, I too was confused and as someone has mentioned above, the 90 days has nothing to do with the extension, so carry on, they will give you a new 90 day extension when you pick up your stamp in your passport. The above said, my extension is due on the 2nd December and my marriage extension is due on the 31st January, when I apply for the 90 days online it will only go up to the 31st January and I won't be getting another one until I pick up my stamp, usually around 1 March, so I will be without my usual 90 day reporting paper till then, but in the event of any dramas, anyone can contact my immigration office and they will sort it.
  8. You know, I rarely find myself arguing with people on this forum to get my point across, and I am 110% certain that the same doesn't apply to you because you are ignorant and have blinkers on. Read and reap, this is current and one of many rules regarding residency, so do me and others a favour and STFU instead of trying to prove your point which has no relevance. https://www.ato.gov.au/Individuals/Coming-to-Australia-or-going-overseas/Residency-tests/Residency---the-183-day-test/
  9. 183 days is the current situation. I was talking about the proposed, and didn't think my post was that hard to understand. No research required, I know enough about the "current" tax rules regarding residency status, been here 8 years and pay ZERO tax.
  10. Be ready for it, because before you know it, you might actually be kissing it, depending on how quick your reaction is. Black cars in my opinion are hot, hotter then white or silver cars as they draw in the heat, whereas white or silver deflects it, and can be seen easier at night. Black, especially in Thailand is a status thing, EGO 🤣
  11. My father wasn't really much of a father, he preferred the pub more than spending time at home, 4 boys, I suppose he had his own stresses in life with mum having two nervous breakdowns, then we boys ended up in boys homes twice, till she got better, so I don't judge him and I don't judge her, both passed and had what I believe a miserable marriage. I had a failed 1st marriage of 12 years, I did my best to keep it together, one daughter, now 26, however you can't force or change people, you can only try to be empathetic to their own suffering, that said, kids in my opinion need parents to be together, regardless how tough the marriage is, as long as there isn't any physical abuse, kids are resilient and learn in my opinion. My marriage is mostly a happy one, wife can have her mood swings as I do, however I like to discuss, she doesn't, so I just let her cool off in her own way, kids know what's going on, there happy and I organise events for them when the weekend comes along, but kids prefer iPads and Tablets, but I tell them, we need family time, that said, I am off for a game of UNO with them now, no doubt mum won't join in, some excuse for sure, but hey, can't force the donkey to drink the water, only lead it there to drink. Try to look at your marriage as a challenge of survival, for the kids, if she's not going out drinking and gambling or sleeping around, then you have a good woman, who needs your patience and understanding, not easy, but we are all made differently, so must keep trying for the kids, trust me, if there weren't any kids, I would be long gone, even though I love her, nothings perfect remember, but we would like it like that, oops, better pick up the dogs toys on the floor on the way through, the floor used to be a toy free zone once upon a time 🙏
  12. To continue waking up every morning with a boner and smile, then tap the wife on the shoulder and hope that it's going to be another great start to another great day, for without a boner and an accommodating wife, life is over, that is the true meaning of life, I say 😜
  13. Have you ever seen a black car when the driver forgot to turn their lights on at night and then started driving, as opposed to a white car ?
  14. The 2 year rule in Australia is there to deter expats from returning to obtain the age pension for portability purposes, e.g. come back to Oz, get it and then take off again and have it paid to them while they are overseas. The above said, for someone like myself who is almost there i.e. 65 years old and living overseas, means it isn't feasible because the age pension wouldn't even meet the rent that I would be paying, albeit I could ask for rental assistance and also be provided with a Supplement and Energy Allowance, but if you haven't checked what food costs there of late, your in for a real shocker, it's about 3 times more expensive than here. If you yourself received your age pension while being overseas several times before qualifying for the OAP, then you weren't living overseas, I mean you can travel and holiday, say up to 6 months a year, but if you return for say the other 6 months, then Australia is your abode as far as they're concerned, providing you retained your residency as well, e.g. maybe paid some taxes as well ? For any Ozzie expats wanting to return to receive the age pension, it would be best to return when they are 65, and best get a job to assist your living needs, or you go on the dole for the 2 years and do it tough, at least that way when your time is up to qualify at 67, you can have it made portable straight away and leave. Going back at 67 means you have to prove that your back to stay and then 2 years later at 69 while your not getting any younger you can also have it made portable. Some may say how do you get a job at 65, well, I suppose if you look hard enough and are prepared to work some shifts that others aren't prepared to, you might just have some better luck, it really boils down to how you want to live during your prison term, for me, I need to eat quality foods, drink good alcohol and enjoy myself in my "retirement years", so working will keep me where I'm at, at the moment, enjoying my "retirement years".
  15. Apologies for the late reply, I must have missed your post. You will be provided with FULL insurance on the vehicle you rent, which will cover your vehicle and any other vehicle/property/theft etc etc. What you should take out is excess/waiver coverage, this covers you paying out usually up to $4,000 in the event of an accident, it's similar to you having an accident in your own vehicle, your insurer if fully insured will fix your vehicle and the other parties vehicle, however will ask you to pay them the excess/waiver as per your insurance policy. Not sure if that is how it works in the USA, but I know that's how it works in Oz and Thailand. Just remember, your fully covered by the rental company, so don't worry about having an accident, they cover the other side as well, you just have to worry about paying out up to $4,000 in the event of an accident which is for the excess/waiver in the insurance policy, it's a small fee to pay to protect you in the event of a mishap, but not compulsory to take out the excess/waiver damage coverage. In other words it's insurance for your pocket in the event of an accident, nothing else. I always take excess/waiver coverage through the rental company or the travel plan/policy if it has one and would recommend you do as well.
  16. As the company will provide you with full comprehensive insurance, otherwise known as (1st class insurance here in Thailand), that will cover everything above. CTP is a compulsory insurance which is paid when you pay for your annual registration and is mandatory as you have noted. So you have two types of cover one for the death/injury to others. As Irish Paddy said, why do I wear 2 condoms; too be sure too be sure. Third party property insurance covers the other drivers/property damage, but not the vehicle you are in, suffice to say rental companies have full comprehensive insurance, so forget about 3rd party other drivers car/property damage as the full comprehensive insurance will take over that part. It is usually taken out by people who can't or don't want full insurance for a variety of reasons, e.g. car not worth it, can't afford it, and of course don't want to pay out any damages in the event of an accident. They couldn't car less what happens to their car in the event of an accident as long as they don't have to pay damages. Don't worry about 3rd party as full comprehensive supersedes it. You will have full comprehensive insurance under the rental agreement, however the excess/waiver is usually not covered so in the event of an accident you will be required to pay the excess/waiver, i.e. unless you have taken out excess/waiver insurance, as I mentioned earlier, you can buy it through the rental company or some travel insurance policies have an excess/waiver amount, usually $4,000 built into it. No Birds usually charge $5 per day on top of the car rental, and you will find that they are cheaper than other car rentals. Hope that clears it all up for you.
  17. Perhaps the powers that be above the ATO have given them specific instructions to leave those expat pensioners alone for the time being, e.g. if they were to return to Australia the burden/cost to the Australian government would be more. Simple math would indicate that the government would have to pay additionally to the aged pension things like, Medicare, e.g. visits to Dr's, Specialists, hospital stays, prescription medications, rental assistance, aged pension energy allowance & supplement, then there's the travel side of things and so on and so forth. Multiply the above and it could well exceed the 32.5% intended foreign resident tax, so perhaps leave the old bastards where they are as it's more feasible for them ?
  18. The relationship has a future, if you try to adapt/adjust in the way you think. There is no recipe for a marriage, it takes two to Tango, there are lots of ups and downs, that is what marriage is all about, forget the BS you hear, and as two, you become one.....lol. Read on....please. All marriages get tiresome, but you have to find the time to get together, put in, so that you can get back, of course the kids are keeping you going, that is why people get married, then they have kids and good old hubby becomes 2nd or 3rd best, so get used to it Dad. So don't force her to learn it, have you considered learning Thai, how would you feel if you lived in Thailand and you didn't want to learn the language, but she kept busting your balls to learn it. Live and let live, try not to be so controlling, because control you will bring you undone in any relationship, learn to let go and try to enjoy the moment, the relationship, F everything else, enjoy the kids, smile, laugh, make some jokes, you both need it, be the leader, I am sure the kids will develop better as well. If she doesn't feel as if she fits in, then understand that, don't force it, again, it appears that you are too controlling for your own good, sure we want our wives to fit in, but when we lived overseas, my wife didn't want to mix with others, however if there was something on like a BBQ she would attend with me, but as for going out, not unless it was with just me. Now that we live in Thailand, she is even more isolated and doesn't want to spend time with friends, even her own, she enjoys our kids, gives her family a wide berth, unless she needs to see them. I respect her as an individual, even though it gets under my skin because I have a good expat community here and am the only one who turns up without his wife and kids, but hey, why would I want to force her, yes it would be good for the kids to mix with other kids too, but I am not going to get into an argument, I am a big boy, I can enjoy myself without her company, albeit it I would love her to be there with the kids, but when you know it isn't going to happen, let it go and hope, maybe one day, after all, I wouldn't want to babysit her there if she wasn't enjoying herself. Ah, yes, the mess, well HELLO, things change, you can decide that you will clean it up to your satisfaction, or live in it as I do. As long as she cooks, washes and cleans occasionally, and of course looks after the kids, just adapt. You are no longer living in your youth or at home with mum and dad when things might have been different. System is something not taught here so forget it, if I counted the amount of times that I said Tiruk, dinner is at 6pm, not 8pm, I would lose count. As long as you can find things and she doesn't go chopping and changing things the way mine does, you might survive, mine changes things, puts things elsewhere, then I can't find them and she struggles to as well at times. If she was raised in a household without a system, then she won't know how to create a system, so you will have to communicate with her as to how you would like it like that because XYZ, after all, she is not stupid and can learn, right ? Thai's don't have that European touch whereby they will hug the kids or spend time with them, it is just the way it is, everything starts at home, so if she is dressing them and feeding them, they know they are loved, you can be the European Dad and hug them, kiss them etc if that makes you feel good, I don't, it's just the way I was brought up, but I do speak with them, educate them and occasionally give them a hug and a kiss, each to their own, as long as the kids here, I love you and you are positive, they will get it. These days kids survive on iPads, Tablets, TV's, Play stations, long gone are the creativities unless your prepared to do it all, even getting them to a shopping centre is difficult, KIDS: What, you want us to go outside, in the heat, for an hours drive to walk around, yuk, ok, then lets go to the pool, YUK, ok, then lets go on holidays, YEY......then you have to convince the wife to come along....LOL Create your own space, forget about the system, as long as you know where your stuff is, I mean I can tell you where everything on the floor in the living room is that belongs to the dog, including some of his food that he has stashed. They love being indoors. I have been divorced before and raised a child on a 50/50 basis, it ain't pretty, especially if your working full time. Careful what you wish for. Do I want to divorce my wife, sure, at times I just want to F O to teach her a lesson, but that would be my down fall as I wouldn't be growing as a person, walking away from my responsibilities, to our kids, to my wife, to myself. Learn to grow, leave misery, don't allow it to take over your marriage, your life, because misery will always be there if you allow misery to control your thoughts (it's in your head). Divorces are a no win for all concerned, especially the kids. Careful what you wish for........your both in this marriage and you both have to be responsible for your kids sakes, if you think you have big enough balls to take on the role of both mum and dad, well Kudos to you, but will it be fair on the kids, as kids usually love there mums 1st and foremost. So what are your alternatives ? Yes, in my opinion, you need to sit down, start opening up and listening to her, we all know what's on your mind, but what's on hers, as Thai's usually don't open up. Once you have some understanding on what's on her mind then you can move forward as a couple. There is no ingredient to a marriage, but I do know that communication and acceptance, as much as I don't like the latter at times, does help to move forward, get back into those hugs and kisses or it will be the end of you. Best of luck, we all need it.
  19. No I haven't. Read my post below, resilient because ? You really shouldn't cut out all of ones sentence to suit your agenda. There never has been a bubble in the Australian real estate market, please do correct me if you can. Yes they are all coming off of their fixed rates and banks will structure things to suit their clients, like split loans, extend the period of repayments etc, for those that have no hope, well they will sell, but they will be few because rates will be on the way down in 2024, if not December 2023. I did say the government tweaks things to suit itself, and if you think the reserve bank doesn't take instructions from the government, you'd be blind as a bat.
  20. Negative gearing has been around since it was reintroduced back in September 1986 under Paul Keating I believe because the property market $hit itself, i.e. nothing was moving. The property market in Oz is still resilient because the government keeps tweaking things, the latest being increasing the stamp duty threshold to $800k for 1st home buyers and then a sliding scale up to a million $. Then you have, buy with the government, e.g. they will go in with you on the purchase of a property up to XZY and pay, if I am correct, up to 40% of the mortgage, so your investment in property is with the government. The government has played with the property market since i 1st started investing in it 4 decades ago, without negative gearing, the market would tank. Banks aren't exposed because APRA have had them under a leash and keep applying pressure so for every $ they lend, they must be able to have a $ in their bank, and banks won't foreclose as it's not that simple, they have to renegotiate with customers, i.e. cut them some slack, reduce the payments, but allow the interest to compound on the original repayments, which would be adding to the original loan. I believe the Oz market is due for a major correction, but until the government stops bailing it out with all of it's interferences, they ain't going to happen soon.
  21. This is of concern to me as a non resident. The reason I say that is because (not that I read the article) but saw a video the other day that said the rule, if passed, might come into effect 1 July 2024 (no hard concrete evidence) of that yet. This proposal is a 2 sided coin: 1) 45 days in Oz would render you a tax resident. 2) The other side of the coin is, 3 years out renders you a non resident. Now, for example, if I went back to Oz for 2 years to do my jail term to obtain the age pension, I would have to wait 3 years before I could become a non resident again, instead of the usual 183 days (current). What has this all to do with the price of tea in China, well as a non resident I pay ZERO tax on my share portfolio and ZERO capital gain tax when I buy and sell shares. So becoming a tax resident again for 3 years when I return to the LOS, would mean that I qualify for the tax threshold of $18,200, however that would mean that I would have to pay tax for 3 years on the money that I am receiving from my shares, which excludes any CGT. Then once I obtain the age pension, that would have to be added to my Australian income as a tax resident and would easily push me into the 32.5c to the $ mark. What people are failing to see is that this will effect those non residence of us who have a few coins stashed and comply with the current rules whereas we don't have to pay tax, suffice to say, they will have to weigh up whether is will be worth while going back for the age pension. I hope it doesn't get passed, but like anything, if they can stop money going out the country, they will do it.
  22. Here we are again, the topic is supposed to be about the Denial of Australian Pension, yet here you are again. Please try to refrain from posting stuff that has nothing to do with the topic. Surprised the MODS haven't given you a left hand across the futsa.
  23. Could that be because this topic is for the Australian Aged Pension and not what you are referring too. Perhaps you can start a new topic as it gets very boring reading stuff that doesn't fit the topic one wants to read about, especially when you guys go back and forth beating your chests with nothing to talk of that relates to the Australia Aged Pension.
  24. Yes, my two monthly visits to Makro goes over that. Life is for enjoying, and it all starts at the stomach 3 times a day for me with quality food (mostly imports), love my lamb especially, then there's the shanks, grain fed beef, Salami, Pepperoni, and the cheeses to go with it, and let's not forget those lovely olives and olive oil for those salads. 20,000 baht a month must be a pitiful existence, you must be malnourish or eat as Thai's do, which isn't very nutritional IMO. 80,000 baht a month with house and car paid off is what it costs me, remembering all those fixed monthly/annual costs, and then you have the replacement items over the years and car repairs that you didn't see coming. I would hate to live your existence, why the chair I sit in most of the day cost me what you monthly budget is, comfort is only for those who can afford it, and MyEgo says I can
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