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Everything posted by 4MyEgo

  1. Their intended target I believe was 500,000 applicants in 5 years, however they only received 2,800 applicants in 5 months, YES, that is a failure, now that word is bigger than failed as you mentioned, but same same ????
  2. This was not designed for you or others living here, it was designed to attract foreigners not living here, however, as you fit the criteria and find it suitable to your needs, then all and good for you. What you have to look at is it's intention, i.e. to attract foreigners not living here, you on the other hand are already here, which in my opinion, it's design has failed, as it only attracted you who is already living here. How many of the 35% do you think are living here already, I know a bloke who also applied for it as he travels abroad a few times a year, so that's 2 so far. If they want to attract high enders, they have to come up with better ideas than that, example, land ownership would be a major incentive, who knows, I would probably end up buying some land in a tourist area, meaning I would qualify to get this visa, regardless of me not using the multi entry permit as I only go abroad once every 2-3 years.
  3. I believe you have jumped the gun. Consider yourself the insurance company, wouldn't you want to know all of the facts before paying out a claim, i.e. investigate how he fell off of the balcony, e.g. was he sitting on the balustrade or walking on it, or did the balustrade or balcony fail ? I am not defending the insurance company, however they are within their rights to be provided with a police report, at the very least, and perhaps a blood alcohol reading to see if the guy was intoxicated which would cancel his policy, and of course I hope that isn't the case. I am certain if everything checks out, they will pay for his recovery up to the amount he is insured, as for repatriation, most travel insurance policies only go to a certain limit and that wouldn't be anywhere near the amount quoted. I wish him well and don't want to be one to judge what 23 year old's get up to when on holiday's over here, the word reckless, however does come to mind. EDIT: I have never had an insurance claim rejected, that said, if it's not an emergency, they will take the usual time to process the claim, suffice to say, it doesn't appear to be life threatening so as long as he is stable, they will process the claim and causation and then either approve his surgery or deny his claim. They don't just take your money, you have to make sure you read the policy and stay within the structure of the contractual agreement, those that bash the insurance companies are those that have usually stepped outside of the structured contractual agreement IMO. The above said, sure, there maybe some insurers that reject claims, however there are processors to bring them to task, although time consuming.
  4. Said it was a waste of $'s from the outset, 2,800 applicants.....LOL, that said, do they know 20k baht a year gets you a one year extension with no trips to the IO, and those applying don't need 800k in the bank.....LOL I'm not on the above extension, but Just saying.
  5. Yeh, I heard e was sleeping in the streets and couldn't afford to buy water....LOL
  6. Could this be Thai's finest bouncers, you know, the uneducated type, who are ready to pounce on tourists, the ones who contribute to Thailand's economy. Hmm, I think it's time for most Thai's to exit their xenophobia about foreigners. Hope this bouncer and his mate get charged instead of a wai and a 500 baht fine, but that won't happen.
  7. If, as you say, when the garage is complete, it will obscure your house from his camera, then instruct the builder to start work on the garage as a priority, even if it only get to the stage that it blocks his camera from looking into your place, then the builder can go back to working on the house, and complete the garage later. Someone else has mentioned that in a previous post reply. I am sure your neighbour doesn't want you or anyone else building a house next to him, especially if it was vacant land prior to your build, but he can't do anything about it. Regardless if he is a bully or not, you are both going to be in close proximity of each other and are going to have to get used to living next to each other, just mind your own, and stay out of his way, however when you do see him, smile, doesn't matter whether he smiles back or not, just try to show him that your not a threat. We have vacant land on both sides and the rear of our place and dread the day someone is going to build there, suffice to say, the owners of the lands know we would like to buy them if they ever decide to sell, hopefully they do, that said, the price would have to be reasonable as opposed to loaded, otherwise, they can sell them to someone else or build on it themselves, but not before at least a decade, which will probably be my expiry date.
  8. It was all a misunderstanding, I was drunk, I don't recall anything, please let me go. Hmm, ok, we understand, you pay us 20,000 baht to cover the Jet ski operator not to press charges, hospital costs and our admin costs, otherwise you go jail, "up to you". We the local boys in brown thank you very much for your understanding.
  9. Agree, however, we have now found out that we had been lied to by ALL governments telling us to take the vaccines to stop the infection spreading. There has been no evidence to support that, that said, if there is no evidence that the vaccines stop the spread of infections, then people should have the choice to decide whether they should take the vaccine or not. I'm not a conspiracy theorist, as mentioned, I have been vaxed 3 times, I also would have thought twice about being vaccinated if I knew that it doesn't stop the virus from spreading. Even though I have had just about every vaccine imaginable over my years on this earth, they were always by choice, e.g. Dr's explaining to me, the benefits and the downsides, however we all know Covid vaccines were rushed, and lots of lies were told, so I don't believe we all had choices in that regard. Do I regret getting vaccinated, no, do I regret believing governments and big pharma, so far yes.
  10. Good luck to you and your wife. We all know one size doesn't fit all, so it's about choice and who would I be to call you an anti-vaxer, your choice not to take the vaccine. Regarding Covid, both my wife and I had Pfizer (2) doses for her and (3) for me, we both had Covid, but didn't know it as it was that mild. How did we know we had Covid, well I heard that a mate contracted it, he is in his 70's so has a decade on me and 3 decades on the wife. When I saw him, I said hey, I heard you had Covid, what were your symptoms and he told me of his symptoms, that said, the only one I could relate to was the headache that was at the back of my head, same with the wife, but we thought that was just the usual headache that also makes your eyes sensitive to the sun. We are fairly fit, take our vitamin D, C, Zink, and other vitamins daily, eat well and exercise, so that could be why we didn't really notice that we had Covid. Perhaps you have had it and didn't know, suffice to say, if we didn't take that test which showed the 2 faint lines, we wouldn't have know that we had it. For the record, we won't be getting any further Covid shots due to the virus being weak, however if it became similar or worse than one of the previous strains (Delta), then I wouldn't hesitate, that would be my decision, and I am aware of all the BS that goes around on both sides of the fence, fact of the matter is, the vaccines didn't cost me anything, and I am still here breathing, till when is another matter. Like you say, it's about choice, and we ALL have to respect each others choices, not bash each other about the head because of choices. I don't know of anyone who has passed because of the vaccine, but I do know someone who passed because of Covid, she was 87 and unvaccinated by choice, and I respect her choice.
  11. Agree, although I know of a guy who had his card fraudulently used by his girlfriend. At the time, he had returned to his homeland, but she had his card and his pin number without his knowledge, and she was withdrawing the funds everyday, he thought he misplaced it at home when he got back, it's only when he got his bank statement and saw all of the daily withdrawals, that he put a stop on his card and contacted the police over here. She pleaded that she didn't have the card and didn't use his card, but the CCTV cameras at the ATM's don't lie, his lawyers proved his case, she was offered the opportunity to give him the money back before sentencing, after being shown the CCTV footage, she withdrew some 5 million baht, but refused the courts offer and said would take what the court sentence would be. She got 20 years, no doubt will be out in less than half that with good behaviour, that said, 5,000,000/10 years is 500,000 baht per year, about 16 times more than she could earn over that same period working for 300 baht per day x 5 days per week. Now let's assume that she purchased some land in her parents name, what would that land be worth in 10 years, lets say it went up by just 10%, there's another 500,000 so she is miles ahead, i.e. if she didn't blow it all, but I heard her brother was driving a new car, so who knows where it went. As for the guy who got done over, he was happy with her being behind bars.
  12. "Up to you" and if you feel satisfied that you know women and what makes them tick, then you certainly don't need to take up the challenge. Small talk, ha ha, I like that, that's big Moving forward now, hopefully.
  13. It all depends on the land, that said, generally speaking 1/3 - 1/2 of the height of the fence. This also depends where you live, we live in a village, no approvals required, so we went up to 1.8 metres. Yes, holes that go into the concrete fence to allow water to weep through the fence. Generally speaking, they are located at the external, lower area of the walls, i.e. if the land is raised and your walls, start from the lower section of your land outside, so any water trapped underground weeps through the weep holes. I am pretty sure if you do enough research via Google or YouTube, you can find enough information on this.
  14. This is romantic, she still love him long time.....LOL After 48 years eating the same meal, I too would be looking for a fresher side dish.
  15. This is weird, why isn't it wearing a mask. I would also like to ask, how it identifies in today's woke world
  16. I was not suggesting that I know when a woman changes her mind, if I knew that I would be blessed......LOL. I was merely suggesting that he ask 10 women a simple question which was what I said in my post. That said, I would say 8 out of 10 would say what I said, i.e. they want a man to be the leader in essence, yet still want their independence, make of that what you want. Now before one gets into a twist, I am not suggesting that the man be a control freak or be possessive, but know how to handle the woman emotionally.
  17. Really ? Presuming without asking the question will always leave you in doubt. Take up the challenge. To me, women are so predictable, i.e. if you focus on what you are really supposed to focus on. It really is no different to saying; hello, they will respond with either a hello in return, imagine if you said how are you, what do you think the response would be ? Asking those 10 women the question I mentioned earlier in my replied posts will no doubt in my mind deliver to you at least 8 of them saying what I said, but yet here we are, you telling me that your presumptions are that all women are unique and all the answers will be different. So let's leave it there then, shall we, after all, we can lead one to water, but not want to force one to drink it. I have moved on, not here to try and teach people what I believe to be true from my experiences, women are not unique, they are all the same and are not as complex as you may think they are. We have all been programmed, make of that what you will.
  18. How much does the average Thai make in a tourist area. I don't think the Russians would be interested, i.e. they would have their own source of income in my opinion. Do Thai's not disappear when overseas and take other people jobs, give me a break.
  19. On Phuket, which was hit especially hard by the collapse of global tourism due to the COVID-19 pandemic, some local tourism businesses have expressed anger about Russians allegedly taking local jobs. How fragile are they.
  20. Got to believe this woman and good for her for standing up as others might think twice. I hope that the CCTV shows him putting the money in the ice bucket, because that would be game, set and match. If it is proven, hefty jail terms, like 20 years should deter others.
  21. So, they are try to treat a cancer which has spread throughout the country. Good luck with that one.
  22. Flew with them in October last year after an absence of at least 6 years due to higher than expected air fares at the time that I would fly with them, that said, I used to use them often as my carrier of choice and when I flew in with them in October, I had no complaints, so can only give good comments about Thai Airways during the times I have used them, i.e. they are my preferred choice, subject to fare price of course. As for AirAsia, well, still waiting for my domestic fare refund since October last year (connecting flight) as they advised me in August last year that they were cancelling my connecting flight, and said I would receive a full refund within 3 months, it's now been 6 months and no one is replying to my emails, so AirAsia is a carrier I won't be using again, and that will be lost revenue for them as they were my preferred carrier domestically. They will join Jetstar who have lost my international business for the past decade.
  23. Ask 10 women before you judge me.
  24. Never been asked, however with today's age and technology, I like most carry a mobile and in my album section of my photos, I have created a file named passport, I have a photo of my front page, extension stamp and 90 days, and update the extension and 90 days as I go along. I find it convenient and if ever asked for my passport, they can look at the photos or come back to my place where they can view the passport. Don't think anyone in their right mind will carry a passport unless going to immigration or a bank or other government department that would require the original. Tell your friend to take the above photos, that should cover it.
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