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Everything posted by 4MyEgo

  1. I know the rules have changed and I have read them, that said, my circumstances are different to those not married to a Thai, e.g. I went abroad with my Thai wife in October, when we returned (Friday), we stayed at a hotel overnight in Bangkok before we headed to her house the following day up north-east (Saturday). On Monday she rang Sakhon Nakhon immigration and asked if I (The alien) who had a single re-entry permit had to file a TM30 as I was back at my usual address (7 years), they said NO, but she had to lodge the TM30 as she is the owner of the house that I reside in. My take on all of this is if you have gone overseas and returned to the same address, the owner, hotel, tenant has to lodge a TM30, that said, I can be wrong, as I hear different immigration offices don't require it, so best to check with yours to be safe.
  2. Only when travelling domestically on holidays, apart from that, Thai drivers/riders licenses, pink ID. I have a photo of my passport page, extension stamp and 90 day expiry on my mobile, which I carry with me all the time, as I do the above in my wallet.
  3. I'm surprised you still bother, sometimes it's best to let go of the bone that those who lock their jaws onto want to keep. You can keep it.
  4. Agree, as for Thai drivers, no, no, no, if we go on holidays without our car (the preferred) however if the distance is greater than 12 hours, we will fly, and I will hire a car at the airport vs getting into a car/minivan with a Thai driver. Been there done that, 140km in a minivan from Bangkok to Pattaya wasn't a pleasant experience for me and the wife prior to having kids, though we would be airborne a couple of times. Even if I don't use the hire car after the airport apart from going to a shopping centre from the hotel, I would rather lose the money with the hire car sitting in the hotel car park than get into a car with a Thai driver, that said, I am sure there are some god drivers, but I am not in a hurry and I shouldn't have to go through such an ordeal to get from point A to point B because some ting tong thinks by getting me there faster is better.
  5. I tend to look at it this way, if one doesn't speed, then one couldn't say it was human error. If I stuck a bit of wire into an electrical socket should I blame that on human error or just outright being stupid. To me, if one doesn't speed, one has less chances of killing ones self and others, that said, if you want to call it human error, because of speeding, well up to you, to me if one wasn't speeding, one would kill self and others, period. As for the control freak part, your words: As you said you haven't read the post so are unable to make a relevant comment. According to widespread research, most traffic accidents occur because of some type of human error. ... The three primary human factors that are most frequently cited in the study are: Speeding. Inattentiveness. Improper lookout. Dec 28, 2564 BE
  6. You know people like yourself could be deemed a "control freak" using that tone on an open forum ????
  7. Regardless if they are crackpots, my wife spoke to different immigration officers on the phone, that's two calls, one was a female, the other a male and both said she was required to advise them that I returned, even though I had a re-entry permit, so my point was, if married best to check with your immigration office. The above said, if my wife didn't advise them and got fined 2,000 baht, what would her ourse of action be to get a refund, how long would it take and how much agro would it cause ?
  8. No, you can return the product and get your money back, happens to us a fair bit at Big C, we check the price, they charge us more, we take it back after check out, although last time, there was a special on chocolate, down from 98 baht to 59 baht, I took a photo of the special price and small print of the date from and to, and we were within the sale date and they still charged me 98 baht, after check out, took the chocolates to the counter and they checked the price and the dates and refunded me the difference, i.e. they sold me the chocolates for the correct price. They probably made a killing because 98% of those chocolates had sold and I wonder if anyone picked up the discrepancy, probably not. They can get away with a lot over here, oh well, up to us to be vigilant in the LOS. You are where you are, accept it and keep swimming, it is what it is.
  9. Not to my knowledge, back in the day, we had a tenant who had a cat, it urinated on the fix floor covering in the loungeroom, after steam cleaning it, it was worse, even when dried, so we had to replace it. Could be time for a new armchair, a leather one perhaps ?
  10. Just to be clear on the re-entry part Joe, you are 100% correct for the alien/foreigner, however if one is married, one's wife, well in our case (October 2022) had report to immigration, i.e. I asked her to call them and check if I needed to report to them that I am back and they say that I didn't have to report to them, but she had to report me, otherwise face a 2,000 baht fine. Sakon Nakhon office, other offices might not want the wives of farangs re-entering to report them, but Sakon Nakhon do.
  11. Would that be because he is with another male ? As much as it's not my cup of tea, if the guy is happy and not hurting anyone, then kudos to him, regardless if he has no money. I know a lot of farang here who get a pension, married their partners, the farangs are never home, you can find them at the bar drinking their pensions away. Always two sides of the coin, and again, if the farangs are happy and not hurting anyone, who am I to judge them. Not my cup of tea, I prefer to be financially secure and provide for my partner and still enjoy my drink when at the bar every now and again, and of course help out when and where I can around the house, like eat a good cooked meal that my partner makes for me, usually twice a day while I watch her cook and clean and all that jazz Can't call me a sexist if you like, I don't care ???? Kudos to you Willy.
  12. I couldn't read all of your reply, too long this hour in the morning, but you can read my short reply in the post above which should sum it up, short and sweet.
  13. While I agree with most of your reply, Cheddar has a sharp taste, and mixed with Mozzarella it works perfect for us here, I would never suggest it to be used as a standalone cheese on pizza, it is best used in cheese blends, e.g. shredded cheddar and Mozzarella mix. This makes it one of the best cheeses for pizza in my opinion as cheddar retains it's moisture while baking, it's also smoother and creamier than sharp varieties. But each to their own, it's like that old saying, oil's ain't oils, everyone has their own way of making pizza, there is no right or wrong, it's how your taste buds react to it. Someone once said to me what are you on about, when I said you have to try tuna with salami on pizza with peppers, he went on to say, you've got to be crazy, i.e. until he tried one, best pizza he has ever had he said, his words. ????
  14. If your truly 76 you'd think that you would understand that Alzheimer's and Dementia doesn't effect everyone, stubbornness on the other hand appears to affect some more than here on the forum. Alzheimer's disease is most common in people over the age of 65. The risk of Alzheimer's disease and other types of dementia increases with age, affecting an estimated 1 in 14 people over the age of 65 and 1 in every 6 people over the age of 80. Dementia for people aged between 65 and 69, is around 2 in every 100. A person's risk then increases as they age, roughly doubling every five years. ????????
  15. If he's anything like me, I forget what I did yesterday, that includes when and where I got my last re-entry permit, although I do remember getting it at Swampy at times. Comes with old age for some of us, so being reassured here does help those of us, as opposed to being questioned over a simple question.
  16. This was dealt with in December 2020. Thailand’s nine-judge Constitutional Court unanimously cleared Prime Minister Prayuth Chan-o-cha on Wednesday of a complaint alleging that the former army chief breached ethics by living with his family at a barracks after he retired from the military. https://www.benarnews.org/english/news/thai/prime-minister-ethics-case-12022020161616.html
  17. Agree, in Sydney, you are scared to drive because the cops and cameras are everywhere, so your best to use an app with one of those speed alarms to keep you from getting fined, constantly going off because the speed limit is 60km an hour in most built up areas and the fine for going over 10km if convicted by a court is 50,000 baht. Outside of a court, speeding over 10km but no greater than 20km is 6,600 baht, over 20 is 11,400 baht, both providing a 4 demerit penalty of the 12 demerit point system and it takes 3 years to get back any points lost, that said, one public holidays it's double demerit point losses, so you could lose your license in one day. That system works in keeping the death count down, because if the cops don't get you, the cameras, whether fixed speed camera's, radar's, unmarked cars with speed cameras, red light cameras, school zones 40km or other, something will get you and your paying attention to be under the speed limit all the time.
  18. So why even become a cop ? Is it to stand there and do nothing. Your post is weak in my opinion (respectfully). Do you know much about the police force here and where they make their money, if you don't, I won't try to explain it to you, but might have something to do with drugs and Karaoke bars and collecting tea money from other establishments to turn a blind eye. Because they don't make enough money, lol, they have to pay big money to get into the force because they know their is a slice of a bigger pie, while people are being killed because there is almost no police presence out there. No fear of cops being on the road, put the peddle to the medal as the saying goes.
  19. If you didn't get what I was saying, read the reply above this post, maybe, just maybe you will get it, if you don't, can't help you.
  20. I would think that is because where you come from, you were taught that if you broke the rules whilst driving and you got caught, you pay heavily for it, suffice to say, fear does have it's advantages. I come from Sydney, the cops there are relentless, and unforgiving, not happy with the fine, take it to court, you have 21 days to do so, go to court, it will cost you a days wages which is about what the fine could be at the lowest end, no guarantee you'll get in to court on that day, so you might have to go another day, loss of time and wages from work makes it not worth fighting, because unless you can prove to the judge without a doubt that you didn't break the rules, you won't only be up for the fine, you will also be up for the court costs which would be about the same as the fine. Been fined a couple of times, amber light, cop says it was red, so I paid it, not worth the extra cost and loss of income, here, you go through a red light, slip the cop 200 baht and he will waive you on, try that in Sydney and you will end up in the slammer. In 2022 there were 1,160 road deaths in Australia with a population of just under 26 million people vs 14,737 road deaths in Thailand with a population of just under 72 million people. Like I said, I blame it on the police force for not doing their job, and of course as you mentioned, the government also has to be blamed for it's failure to be able to control it's lazy police force.
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