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Everything posted by 4MyEgo

  1. From what I have worked out about you, your posts and replies to me and others, it appears your a lonely guy who hasn't had much luck with women, been ripped hard as well and has nothing better to do with his life, except go looking for posters posts to try and arm himself with as much information as possible to try and attack them with information he reads. Well good luck with that, you know nothing and if it were up to me, I would ban you from this forum for stalking. But the easiest way to deal with you is to block you. So long chump.
  2. Ah yes, true democracy at the core of politics, Thai style ????
  3. Ah, Valentine's Day, every time I hear someone say Happy Valentine's Day, I cringe, why, because when I ask them what they know of Saint Valentine, or the reason that they are celebrating Valentine's Day, no one can really answer me. Happy Valentine's anyway
  4. Is that from all the 100 baht takings from farangs who give 2,000 baht for their 1,900 baht extension fee, and never receive their change, just asking for the many that I have heard say that's the case.
  5. I wouldn't call them animals, however, women in general from my experience, require a man to be a man, and if I may use the expression, "put them in their place" when needed, that is, e.g. they expect it, yes, they expect the man to wear the pants, otherwise they lose respect for their man, who in their eyes becomes a wimp, or is boring, yet at the same time they want their independence etc. Make of that what you will, but you can't have your cake and eat it too, I say.
  6. I wouldn't call it games, I would say it's more like studying and researching what I am getting into. Women will like a guy for his exterior, but like I said before, they are planners, e.g. guys, well most, don't give a rats what a girl has got financially, whereas the girls, mostly, will be wanting to know what the guy has, as for liking you for who you are, well, ah, good luck with that, i.e. unless you have some finances, or coming into some or your well hung, and yes it does help if your both. It's not just western woman, it's the breed. It's not about the race, again, it's about the breed, and understanding the individual and of course your own character, i.e. if you don't understand what your dealing with and how to handle it, then you lose, yes, call it a game, a real live one, knowing how to play is key. 50% of marriages fail, i.e. if not higher, will mine last past 16 years, I think so, however, if it fails, then it wasn't because I didn't play the game right, it's because the other side changed, but if walking away with 80%-90% of my finances is considered a loss, then I wasn't playing the game right, suffice to say, finances are part of the game, e.g. you walk away with 80%-90%, now that's a win, heart will mend, but losing your finances, wow, that will not, especially when your older. It's not about luck, it's not about playing a lottery, it's as I said above, but if you want to call it luck, up to you, I don't consider myself lucky, albeit they broke the mold when they made this one, that said, it's knowing what I was dealing with and keeping my finances separate, to me finances are the total power/control of the game. I think you just made a bad decision, happens to the best of us, been there, done that many decades ago, but I learned how to play this game of love, and it's worked ever since, for how long, well I can't look to far into the future, but as long as I am in control of my finances/assets, and things went south, I win, but will have a broken heart, which will mend while I sort my self out with, y finances which would help me, as opposed to being in the street struggling.
  7. Should have just taken himself out as opposed to shooting innocent victims, this is what I call a gutless animal who is utterly selfish, can't say I'm not disappointed at the ending. Those people shot and others on the bus will be traumatised for decades to come because of his actions.
  8. In all of my years here, I have never heard of Thai pick pockets, that and you think, if you were crazy enough to carry 44,000 baht in cash as I have done in the past, i.e. from ATM to car, to house, to safe, you would put 10k baht in each pocket and avoid people. I call his story BS and that it looks like Indians in particular are looking for some kind of fame or creating new scams each time they come here, e.g. how long before we here of the next Indian victim. His insurance policy, I would think wouldn't cover such an amount, or that is the maximum. Also I couldn't help notice his unidentified friend carrying a bum bag with hand on it, as most do.
  9. I would approach the Principal and raise your concerns, advise the Principal that you are there for the reasons that concern you and do NOT want your sons privacy invaded again, it is just not on for reasons A, B, C, & D. Sometimes you just have to educate people, you can also tell the Principal that you are not happy about how the teacher handled the situation and are seeking an apology from that teacher, that should sort it and I am sure this will travel like bushfire at the next teachers meeting. Your within your rights as far as I am concerned, we have had to confront the Principal on a couple of occasions, even s far as turning to air condition up to 24-26 vs 18 because our kid was getting sick all the time.
  10. Do you realise that you are the only one + 2 that picked that up
  11. I'm surprised it isn't Burmese this time around, oh well, anyone else but ....'s I guess.
  12. I have never spoken to them on the phone, always by email, but that said, they are not the harassing type, it's run by a farang as well. Up to you but...
  13. My 90 days was due in November, however I exited Thailand in October and returned at the end of the same month, so my 90 days was supposed to start from the date I re-entered, i.e. take me till the end of January, and it did, but when I tried to do another 90 days on line, it declined me, so that tells me that the clock restarts when you re-enter, but after that, you have to go to Immigration, for whatever reason, yes it's weird. For what it's worth, my extension was due to be renewed on the same day my 90 days was up, now whether that had anything to do it I have no idea, AN members have told me they are both separate, i.e. extensions and 90 day reporting, suffice to say, immigration had no answers for me. EDIT: I also applied for my extension in December which was a month before my 90 days was up, immigration didn't provide me with another 90 days at that time, and when I couldn't get another 90 days come end January, they said don't worry over the phone, when you get your stamp in March we will give you another 90 days, so I have to take their word on it, I guess, and it beats doing the 180km round trip again for the 90 days between January and March. I won't be paying any fine, I can assure you of that.
  14. They do. Yes, the new system from my experience hasn't done that, e.g. I had to go in to do the 90 days from re-entry (single re-entry) Identifying overstays is one thing, extensions is another as I mentioned above, it doesn't appear that the new system is set up for the latter, overstayers, i.e. intending overstayers, the ones that don't want to return to their countries for whatever reason, disappear when they are due to fly out, hence the reason they are called overstayers.
  15. You should talk to a broker, they don't charge you and can advise you on this as they have many clients who provide different policies. You could try https://www.aainsure.net/ I have them for house and car, and did have them for health insurance until I started to self insure, I can certainly recommend them as I have used them for years, although I pay annual premiums by choice. Their contact numbers and various offices are located under the contacts tab in the link provided.
  16. No sympathy here, all one has to do is google the most dangerous dogs and this is what you'll get at number 1. Top Five Most Dangerous Dogs Pitbull. Pitbulls caused a whopping 71% of fatalities in 2016. You just can't help stupid. Solution to the problem =
  17. Yes I noticed that too, which to be honest pi55es me off because my choices are limited. I also noticed your post was closed very quickly, that said, I am so pi55ed off about the way that was removed that I find it as bad as being censored. If AN wants not to lose some of it's members, perhaps it should reinstated not only the laughing emojo, but the sad emojo too, sick and tired of how the world is going, forcing us to respond the way it wants us too, like, love heart of thanks, no laughs, no dad faces, BORING !!!!! I'm out for a week, than will see, up to me, yes I know, up to me.
  18. Even if the guys were renting the cars for say 8,000 baht a month and making 3 trips to the airport to collect passengers, you would deduct say 800 baht (what it usually costs by taxi to get to Patong), so you have 2 trips remaining at 800 each x say 30 days in a month = 40,000 baht a month, hardly worth the trouble. Now if they had return trips from Patong to the airport, that would be 80,000 baht per month which isn't a bad wicket, but you wouldn't get me doing that, I prefer to earn that from my chair at home.
  19. I find your post to be a little unbelievable. Did the receptionist talk to any staff, e.g. to go and check your room, if that is the case, perhaps the staff member was wearing a camera or was showing the room to reception via a mobile app ? Hotels cannot have cameras in rooms, we all know that, but then again, I have never stayed at a posh hotel that holds 300 baht cash as a deposit.
  20. That sounds about right, after all, you wouldn't expect the cops to go after their own, i.e. unless the heat gets so hot that they have to act and start throwing some of their own under the bus, but not before trying to put some spin on it.
  21. Your a funny guy, unfortunately another one who has been badly burnt by women, why, because you have never understood them and known how to handle the beasts. No doubt you will come back and have another go at me because you won't want to admit it on a public forum. Your probably single and broke now as well and still blame them all for your misfortunes in life. I'm not having a go at you, just stating what I am reading about you. Illusions, I like that, have a good day.
  22. I never suggested going to Uni or having a decree makes a guy an expert on women, I said being street wise helps, in other words, being out and dating women, understanding how they tick, instead of looking at their exterior (weapon) which blinds most men, e.g. tits, rear ends etc. It's not about women going for bad men, it's all about them wanting a guy who can keep them interested, they don't want Hollywood, soft c's. I have never been a romantic, and I never tell a woman I love here over and over again, I do let her know that she is replaceable. Ever heard the saying, treat them mean, keep them lean ? Well there is truth to that, not saying that you treat them like <deleted>, but I have found that if you hold onto the control vs giving it to them, it's like you saying to a child here, you take over, drive the car, I guarantee you it won't be long before the child crashes the car. In other words, from my experience in life with women, they want someone that can lead them, and keep them in place, now defining that is not something you can teach someone, that said, try showing them little interest, or looking at other women when out with them, or even saying something about the other women, like who, she's pretty and watch their reaction vs being the romantic, no doubt they would like the romance in the beginning, but will eventually become bored. What I am saying is they would more than likely prefer the club from the caveman, women see love differently to the way we do. Before you jump the gun, I am not saying you treat women disrespectfully or beat them, you just let them know that you come before them and that they are not the all being of life to you. Works for me, every single time and I have landed some real stunners over the years and have escaped a lot of brain damage and financial losses, suffice to say it's all about controlling the heart and you money vs handing them both over for their exterior looks. You have to look deep within the creature and understand what they are saying, women are planners, men are lookers.
  23. No need to be sorry for disagreeing, I have no idea if Goat is right or wrong, I don't know the girl, and I don't know the guy, I am not disagreeing with Goat either, this intending marriage sounds like it will go south for reasons I stated in my 1st reply to Goat. The above said, there are also lots of married guys to "bar girls" who are happy as can be, in my opinion, the ones who hand over their money because they love the girl, are the ones who lose all the time, you can work the rest out. All relationships need attention, effort also has to be put in from both sides, sorting cultural differences, understanding, etc, judging a book by it's cover isn't the way to go, knowing the character of the person your going to spend the rest of your life with is a must, and people change, hence the reason ones finances must remain separate, in other words, why on earth men hand over their money is beyond me, things don't always last forever, so if one invested heavily, e.g. all in, then they walk away with very little if anything, suffice to say, if one invested say between 10% and 20% they walk away with 80% to 90%, now that sounds much better to me and if the women, "bar girl" or other is needy or wants more, then show her the door as these are early warning signs, on the other hand, is she is content and knows your doing the right thing and have her interests at heart and you also have a will in place, a life insurance policy, and your taking care of "her" i.e. a better quality life than she had and she is looking after you and your interests, then all and good. I could paint ALL women with the same brush, but I won't, if men just kept their finances separate i.e. had balls and understood what's at stake if things went pair shape, it saves a lot of future problems for them because once they are older, it gets harder to recoup the loss. That's all. I did suggest to Goat to warn his friend, but I also read in another post reply from him to someone else that he wasn't a friend but did business with him and didn't want to go to the weeding, so I believe it's a troll, or is about him.
  24. Nope, Electrical Engineers have no clue when it comes to women, that's all, e.g. not street wise, especially when it comes to "bar girls". Don't take it personal, I did go to Uni, and I did receive two degree's, back to back, and have respect for tradies, well the good ones that is, and of course I don't see them as being inferior, actually I don't see anyone as being inferior, we are all born equal.
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