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Everything posted by 4MyEgo

  1. Don't be ridiculous, a "fine print" or small print for the layman, is what the policy excludes, e.g. the insurer will not cover a motorcycle over 125cc, will not cover a driver of a motor vehicle who is unlicensed in a foreign country and or does not have an IDP, international drivers permit. I take it you don't take out travel insurance when travelling, I do and I always read the small print, fine print, i.e. I read the entire policy to be exact, so that I know what is excluded. Saying no such thing as a fine print in UK insurance policies is as mentioned above, ridiculous.
  2. Yeh, I noticed that too, perhaps it's so that the posters don't know who likes or dislikes their posts, and the reason for that is possibly because some people get annoyed with those people. For me, I prefer it the old way, but it's nor here or there now, when I get an email that a poster liked my post, I don't go to it, because I won't know who liked my post as I used to know, which in my opinion helps to know that some people, i.e. the likers are on the same page, now it's Mr Anonymous.
  3. Naturally they would want to confirm that she is appropriately licenced in her own country, i.e. having a riders licence and of course an international riders permit to ride in Thailand, and that she was wearing a helmet, wasn't speeding and that the bike was under 125cc's and of course a police report of course. These things take time, suffice to say, I would bet my left one she wasn't licenced properly. Hope I'm wrong and the insurance company comes to her rescue, if not, the good Samaritans of GoFundMe will be donating once again. I can't believe how stupid people are thinking insurers will cough up straight away, i.e. unless it's a heart attack or some other accident where there is no motorbike involved.
  4. Have you asked one yet ? When you ask 1, 2, 3, 4, etc I am sure when you get to 10, you will be surprised at the response, until then, you won't know, will you ?
  5. Yes, from my experience, most women want a leader, not a dominant partner, but one who can stand his ground when needed, as opposed to allowing her to walk all over him. Dominance in a relationship if a recipe for disaster, that said, communication without becoming aggressive is an art, however it takes two to communicate and if one is not willing to listen openly, well, then one has to do what one has to do, and that does not include violence in any way shape or form. There are other ways of getting the message across, and that is when one has to be patient and the other side willing. Violence and physical abuse are to never enter a relationship as far as I am concerned, if tempers flare up, then one has to walk away, like I said before, there are ways to get your message across.
  6. From what I have worked out about you, your posts and replies to me and others, it appears your a lonely guy who hasn't had much luck with women, been ripped hard as well and has nothing better to do with his life, except go looking for posters posts to try and arm himself with as much information as possible to try and attack them with information he reads. Well good luck with that, you know nothing and if it were up to me, I would ban you from this forum for stalking. But the easiest way to deal with you is to block you. So long chump.
  7. Ah yes, true democracy at the core of politics, Thai style ????
  8. Ah, Valentine's Day, every time I hear someone say Happy Valentine's Day, I cringe, why, because when I ask them what they know of Saint Valentine, or the reason that they are celebrating Valentine's Day, no one can really answer me. Happy Valentine's anyway
  9. Is that from all the 100 baht takings from farangs who give 2,000 baht for their 1,900 baht extension fee, and never receive their change, just asking for the many that I have heard say that's the case.
  10. I wouldn't call them animals, however, women in general from my experience, require a man to be a man, and if I may use the expression, "put them in their place" when needed, that is, e.g. they expect it, yes, they expect the man to wear the pants, otherwise they lose respect for their man, who in their eyes becomes a wimp, or is boring, yet at the same time they want their independence etc. Make of that what you will, but you can't have your cake and eat it too, I say.
  11. I wouldn't call it games, I would say it's more like studying and researching what I am getting into. Women will like a guy for his exterior, but like I said before, they are planners, e.g. guys, well most, don't give a rats what a girl has got financially, whereas the girls, mostly, will be wanting to know what the guy has, as for liking you for who you are, well, ah, good luck with that, i.e. unless you have some finances, or coming into some or your well hung, and yes it does help if your both. It's not just western woman, it's the breed. It's not about the race, again, it's about the breed, and understanding the individual and of course your own character, i.e. if you don't understand what your dealing with and how to handle it, then you lose, yes, call it a game, a real live one, knowing how to play is key. 50% of marriages fail, i.e. if not higher, will mine last past 16 years, I think so, however, if it fails, then it wasn't because I didn't play the game right, it's because the other side changed, but if walking away with 80%-90% of my finances is considered a loss, then I wasn't playing the game right, suffice to say, finances are part of the game, e.g. you walk away with 80%-90%, now that's a win, heart will mend, but losing your finances, wow, that will not, especially when your older. It's not about luck, it's not about playing a lottery, it's as I said above, but if you want to call it luck, up to you, I don't consider myself lucky, albeit they broke the mold when they made this one, that said, it's knowing what I was dealing with and keeping my finances separate, to me finances are the total power/control of the game. I think you just made a bad decision, happens to the best of us, been there, done that many decades ago, but I learned how to play this game of love, and it's worked ever since, for how long, well I can't look to far into the future, but as long as I am in control of my finances/assets, and things went south, I win, but will have a broken heart, which will mend while I sort my self out with, y finances which would help me, as opposed to being in the street struggling.
  12. Should have just taken himself out as opposed to shooting innocent victims, this is what I call a gutless animal who is utterly selfish, can't say I'm not disappointed at the ending. Those people shot and others on the bus will be traumatised for decades to come because of his actions.
  13. In all of my years here, I have never heard of Thai pick pockets, that and you think, if you were crazy enough to carry 44,000 baht in cash as I have done in the past, i.e. from ATM to car, to house, to safe, you would put 10k baht in each pocket and avoid people. I call his story BS and that it looks like Indians in particular are looking for some kind of fame or creating new scams each time they come here, e.g. how long before we here of the next Indian victim. His insurance policy, I would think wouldn't cover such an amount, or that is the maximum. Also I couldn't help notice his unidentified friend carrying a bum bag with hand on it, as most do.
  14. I would approach the Principal and raise your concerns, advise the Principal that you are there for the reasons that concern you and do NOT want your sons privacy invaded again, it is just not on for reasons A, B, C, & D. Sometimes you just have to educate people, you can also tell the Principal that you are not happy about how the teacher handled the situation and are seeking an apology from that teacher, that should sort it and I am sure this will travel like bushfire at the next teachers meeting. Your within your rights as far as I am concerned, we have had to confront the Principal on a couple of occasions, even s far as turning to air condition up to 24-26 vs 18 because our kid was getting sick all the time.
  15. I have never spoken to them on the phone, always by email, but that said, they are not the harassing type, it's run by a farang as well. Up to you but...
  16. My 90 days was due in November, however I exited Thailand in October and returned at the end of the same month, so my 90 days was supposed to start from the date I re-entered, i.e. take me till the end of January, and it did, but when I tried to do another 90 days on line, it declined me, so that tells me that the clock restarts when you re-enter, but after that, you have to go to Immigration, for whatever reason, yes it's weird. For what it's worth, my extension was due to be renewed on the same day my 90 days was up, now whether that had anything to do it I have no idea, AN members have told me they are both separate, i.e. extensions and 90 day reporting, suffice to say, immigration had no answers for me. EDIT: I also applied for my extension in December which was a month before my 90 days was up, immigration didn't provide me with another 90 days at that time, and when I couldn't get another 90 days come end January, they said don't worry over the phone, when you get your stamp in March we will give you another 90 days, so I have to take their word on it, I guess, and it beats doing the 180km round trip again for the 90 days between January and March. I won't be paying any fine, I can assure you of that.
  17. They do. Yes, the new system from my experience hasn't done that, e.g. I had to go in to do the 90 days from re-entry (single re-entry) Identifying overstays is one thing, extensions is another as I mentioned above, it doesn't appear that the new system is set up for the latter, overstayers, i.e. intending overstayers, the ones that don't want to return to their countries for whatever reason, disappear when they are due to fly out, hence the reason they are called overstayers.
  18. You should talk to a broker, they don't charge you and can advise you on this as they have many clients who provide different policies. You could try https://www.aainsure.net/ I have them for house and car, and did have them for health insurance until I started to self insure, I can certainly recommend them as I have used them for years, although I pay annual premiums by choice. Their contact numbers and various offices are located under the contacts tab in the link provided.
  19. No sympathy here, all one has to do is google the most dangerous dogs and this is what you'll get at number 1. Top Five Most Dangerous Dogs Pitbull. Pitbulls caused a whopping 71% of fatalities in 2016. You just can't help stupid. Solution to the problem =
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