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Everything posted by 4MyEgo

  1. Wow, I suppose I'm lucky he didn't ask for a bank statement going back 3 or even 6 months, that would have made me have to go to a branch to get it, more time wasted. That said, next time I will ask the bank for a bank statement for 6 months, just in case he try's that one on me. The above said, glad (respectfully), I'm not the only farang getting the special treatment.
  2. Update on today's application on my 7th marriage extension regarding bank statements: Totally different to what I expected. Are you ready for it, well it wasn't 3 months worth, and it wasn't 12 months worth, it was from the date my bank passport started, i.e. 31/10/2016.....that's, 9 pages in total. Fortunately for me, I had 2 copies right up to date in an A4 envelope, (expect the unexpected). Just out of curiosity anyone else experience having to provide more than 12 months of bank statements ?
  3. Thanks for that, yes I am applying a month earlier, immigration is an hour 20 away and I would hate to be sent back to the bank to get 3 months worth of statements, but if immigration goes down that path, not much I can do about it. The guy I keep getting keeps changing things every year, he is a real pain in the butt, but I have heaps of stuff with me so if he asks, I usually find it and give it to him, that said, I might ask the bank for 3 months of statements while I am there in the morning and try giving him my print offs if he asks and if that doesn't satisfy his ego, then stick it to him with the banks print off of statements ???? ????
  4. Went into the bank today to get the letter for immigration confirming that I have had 400,000 baht in the bank for the required time so that I can apply for my marriage extension tomorrow. I also asked for an update to my bankbook which was provided, however I just noticed that the update doesn't show the last 6 months, it shows June 2022 then jumps to 19 December 2022, so there are no transactions showing for the last 6 months, although it shows the below for example: 25 June 2022 1,359, 846.31 then 17 December 2022 1,408,527.41 then 17 December 2022 withdrawal 692,427.86 which would be for withdrawals from 25 June 2022 to 17 December then 716,099.55 then 19 December 2022 withdrawal 419.00 balance 715,680.55 I don't know if this is acceptable to immigration, so I just printed off 3 months of transactions from my laptop and am going back to the bank in the morning to do a small withdrawal and an update so everything is current when I go in, that said, I would like to know if me printing off 3 months of my bank statements will be acceptable, e.g. has anyone else done this or is it something the bank must do to satisfy immigration ?
  5. Amen to that, yes I recall the pain in both arms for over a year, excruciating at times, now after some times with those exercises I am doing light weights still have some discomfort in one arm, but nowhere near what it was and only really sort of bothers me when I do the light weights, but I believe I am strengthing the muscle
  6. As others have said, sounds like tennis elbow, there are some stretching exercises that can help it get better, they worked for me much to my disbelief and appreciated not having the prolonged pain anymore as tennis elbow can last up to 2 years, mine lasted for over a year until I stumbled upon this video. No tablets, creams, or packs, as for any injections, if you have any heart issues, forget it, doing these exercises should provide you with immediate relief straight after doing these exercises and I would be interested to know if they worked for you.
  7. Can you clarify, is that 3,800 on top of the 1,900 baht renewal fee, as my wife believes the 3,800 baht includes the 1,900 baht fee. Somehow I don't think that's correct, I think it's 1,900 baht for the renewal fee, then you have the option to pay 1,000 for a single re-entry or 3,800 for a multi. If my thoughts are correct and I have to pay 3,800 for a multi plus the fee of 1,900 then I am better off doing two single re-entries as I don't intend on exiting Thailand in 2023 apart from going to Laos twice as I just returned from an overseas trip.
  8. My extension is due for renewal in January 2023 (next month), and my passport expires the same year i.e. November 2023, so I am to believe that the extension will only be valid until the expiry date of my current passport, i.e. November 2023 instead of the usual January of every year. That said, I will be going to Laos to renew my passport around September to give it enough time to come back as I have heard it can take between 6-12 weeks, and it's more convenient for me to go to Laos twice to drop off the passport application and collect my new passport when it's ready, as opposed to flying to Bangkok twice, so my question is when paying my renewal fee of 1,900 baht, should I ask for a multi entry as opposed to paying the 1,000 baht re-entry fee twice, I ask this because I have never asked for a multi entry before and it sounds like it could save me a little hassle. Any further advice/corrections appreciated in advance ????
  9. Thx ???? That clears it up alot. I will have the wife ask for me when we are there next week to confirm that I will need to return to obtain the transfer stamps in my new passport in November with a letter from the my embassy with there being no charge. Depending on their response, we will see if there is a 500 baht fee and what head office says in preparation.
  10. I learn something everyday, ok, so I will make a note to go to my embassy in Laos in August (3 months) before the intending 12 month extension that I am about to apply for expires prematurely in November 2023 vs January 2024 if my passport wasn't expiring if that makes sense. Thx ????
  11. I'm a little confused. My next extension is due on or up to 31 January and I will apply for renewal on Tuesday the 20 December, that said, it will be good for another 12 months, e.g. 31 January 2023 to 31 January 2024. I intend on renewing my passport in October 2023 to give it time to come back before the 31st January 2024 whereby I would then apply for my next extension within the 45 days before or on the 31st January 2024. Are you saying that my intending extension will only be good till November when my passport date expires ? If that's the case, then I would have to apply for a new passport in August 2023.
  12. I will have to go over to Laos (day trip) and from what I am hearing from everyone, anywhere between 6-12 weeks so I am thinking of renewing it about October so it would be back before my new extension is due in January.
  13. Sympathy which I have for the tourist aside, I ask who's fault is this. Did the parents raise their 28 year old daughter the right way, she is now an adult and any adult who decides I'm going on holidays without the correct licenses that my insurer requires will end up in this predicament. Unfortunately she has placed an enormous burden on her family by her own doing, there is no one else to blame except her for her own actions, yes I might come across as harsh, but that said, I practise what I preach, e.g. I told my step sons when they turned 18 and wanted to buy motorbikes, that the medical insurance that they fall under with the family cover will only cover them if they have a riders license, wear a helmet and do not drink, speed etc etc. One of the boys still hasn't got a number plate for his new bike (6 months now), he also removed the mirrors from the bike, the other didn't bother getting his riders license and doesn't want to wear a helmet, I did provide them with a months notice that if the number plate wasn't sorted and the mirrors put back on the bike that I would remove him from the insurance policy (12,000 baht a year), the other was told that if he didn't get a rider's license within that month and wear a helmet, he would also be removed from the policy, that said, the policy is now reduced by 24,000 baht a year. Before all of you keyboard warriors pounce, this was discussed with the wife before hand, i.e. honey this is what I am planning, what are your thoughts, yes I agree she said and if they end up in hospital, that is on them, I will not run to them or go to their funerals because we did not raise them to be irresponsible, since I cancelled them from the policy, she also banned them from coming over until such a time that one bike has the plate on it and the mirrors are back on it and the other is licensed to ride the bike and wears a helmet. We don't raise kids in this household to be a burden upon us, we raise them to be responsible citizens, now if they want to go the other way, well there is a price you pay for that. Good luck with GoFundMe, a site I wouldn't contribute too and hope she makes a full recovery and learns from her misfortune, if one can call it that.
  14. I will be renewing my 2013-2023 passport for the first time since living here on my Non O for 7 years. My marriage extension is due for renewal end January 2023 and my passport expires in November 2023 a couple of months before my next marriage extension is due, so the question I have for you is, what note should I ask my embassy when renewing my passport, that might save me 500 baht as I have heard that the transfer of stamps to the new passport is 500 baht, or is that just another immigration scam, or must one have that note to save the 500 baht ? Thanks in advance as I learn as I go.
  15. Let's just say that you got someone doing their job properly, as rare as it maybe in Thailand. Reminds me of a time when I caught a domestic flight at an airport here in Thailand, I showed my Thai pink ID when checking in, no one asked to see my passport, however upon my return flight from Phuket my Pink ID was declined, passport please sir, oh, why is that, airline policy sir, they accepted my Thai pink ID on the way here, same airline, sorry sir, policy is passport must be sighted, um, ok, no problem, gave passport, and caught my flight, later I checked the airlines policy and she was correct, passports must be sighted when foreigners are checking in and boarding, Thai's can show their ID's, so I'm not special after all LOL. Under the new Money Laundering Act, all foreign money transferees must be identified, and if not a resident of the country, a valid visa must be sited before any money transfers can be made, heavy fines apply, so I am sure staff are constantly reminded about this as they could be dismissed if found out they f'd up and it cost the bank/company a fine for not complying, same applies with hotels, even when my wife books the room, I must show my passport, if I book the room they will take a copy of my passport and look for a any visa's/extensions, that has nothing to do with money laundering, same as the airline, but let's just say they like to know our whereabouts. Don't worry, when digital currency comes along, we won't have to worry about money laundering, it will be game over for all of us.
  16. Perhaps I should have been clearer in my previous post below copied and pasted: "As you have a valid current passport, I see no problem with a (non o) being issued, you will have to transfer it to the new passport at immigration though, for I believe it's 500 baht when you receive your renew passport". You will have to have immigration apply stamps to your new passport regarding your (non-o) visa and pay the 500 baht fee. You are correct, they do not transfer the fixed sticker to the new passport.
  17. LOL.....you must special !!! I have been doing my extension every year for 7 years now and taking the 60 seconds online to renew my 90 days form, never an issue with the boys when I go in once a year, some are good, they laugh, make jokes and treat me respectfully as I do them, but there is one who I seem to get every single time who just doesn't smile and isn't very talkative, I don't hold that against him, he must hate the constant paper shuffling because of me renewing my marriage extension, i.e. making him work, that or seeing my bank balance every year makes him dislike me ???? Have had the occasional minor annual problems, like once I forgot to take photos for my marriage extension (my bad) 500 baht to the Xmas fund was the suggestion and LINE the photos to them and they would print them off and attach to my application, which was better than doing a 3 hour round trip which would have cost me the same for the petrol, done the environment no better, much to my wife's disapproval, I made the executive decision that she didn't agree with, you see he could have said, go home and take them and come back, but he did me a favour, saving me time which I appreciated, smart business decision The other time was I turned up 1st cab off the rank to get my extension stamp on the day they told me, (no have), we ring you when approval arrives, drove back home after staying at Makro to do some shopping for a couple of hours hoping the approval would arrive before I left the area, no such luck, drove the hour and a half back home to be greeted by the wife who was on the phone with them, you come back now said the immigration officer, I wanted to say &^*%*%^&, but said, tomorrow ok and went back the next day, this was not their fault, can't help it, I'm super organised at times, now I go in the afternoon of the day they tell me, but not before the wife calls them to confirm it's there. The system isn't perfect, they have their jobs to do, if you can call them jobs, but if your organised and know what to provide them with and what to expect, it's ok, apart from the time it takes you to do it all vs wasting the money to have an agent to do it, that's just either laziness or incompetence in my opinion, oh and just to confirm, your comment of us being insignificant ants always Kowtowing to them is you just being paranoid of a couple of dudes in brown uniform, you must be special ???? I think you would also be a load of fun to have a drink with, do you bring your agent along as well when you go for a drink ?
  18. As you have a valid current passport, I see no problem with a (non o) being issued, you will have to transfer it to the new passport at immigration though, for I believe it's 500 baht when you receive your renew passport. Joe should be along soon to confirm this.
  19. Let's not forget many other countries that they disappear in.
  20. So foreigners on overstay are criminals, hmmm, what do we call the high % of immigration officers taking cash in lieu of those foreigners applying for their extensions not having the correct amount of money in the bank for their extension, (no have), my pen rye 20,000 baht ok, and of course the cops turning a blind eye to traffic infringements for tea money. Who are the criminals, not Thailand's finest, give me a break, this is nothing but a total deflection from the real criminals, hmmm, wonder who that could be ????
  21. Oh, ok, well it's ok in Thailand to have the death penalty for humans, but Buddha forbid if a dog kills someone, just give him to a new home. This is insane, ban the breed and lock up any owner who in the meantime doesn't have his so called devilish pets secured by a heavy duty chain. The owner saying he will pay for the funeral costs and will take full responsibility, falls well short of what he should have done in the first place, i.e. keep his so called pets heavily chained up, until he takes them for their run in the fields away from everyone. Anyone that has this breed needs to be put down along side them in my opinion as the facts speak for themselves. Deadliest dog breed Top Five Most Dangerous Dogs Pitbull. Pitbulls caused a whopping 71% of fatalities in 2016. ... Rottweiler. While not as statistically dangerous as Pitbulls, Rottweilers take second place in risk of harm. ... American Bulldog. Similar to Rottweilers, American Bulldogs were bred as a working dog. ... Doberman Pinscher. ... Wolfdog.
  22. Yep, I know a bloke who was supposed to be over the limit, so said the cops at the road block, he only had 4 small San Miguel beers in 5 hours and he was offered the choice of jail overnight and a 20,000 baht fine and court in the morning, his reading was 0.63, he opted for the 10,000 cash and be on your way. I said to him, he should have told them to take him to the hospital for a blood test, he said, you forget where you are, they can say my blood reading was whatever they wanted it to be if he asked for it.
  23. Agree, let's not also forget who else should take the blame, the cops, they are always nowhere to be seen to enforce the laws for speeding and reckless drivers and if they are then it's usually sorted out by some cash in hand. Absolute shameful, but then again, we choose to live here, so we have to duck and weave and accept the BS that is part of the culture. Change will only happen when the masses want it, in the meantime we try and stay alive to enjoy what happy lives we have here.
  24. All we can do is as we were taught in our own country, i.e. "Do the right thing", pick up after them, that's what we do as the rubbish they throw out of their cars or motorcycles pass our place, e.g. plastic cups, bags, wraps, etc and put them into our plastic waste bin. We remove all plastic from things we buy and put it in the same plastic waste bin and when it's full I take the plastic back that it's in and throw it in a big bin in town, there is no way we burn. There is a recycle bin, a rubbish bin and the plastic waste bin, plus the compost bin, the kids are educated through mum and dad and know what their role is, I am surprised that those in power in Thailand don't get a campaign going on this, but then again, it will take a huge effort for some SomChai to have the balls big enough to show people how to do such a simple taste. We don't have any bins in the village, the Mayor says that the villagers don't want to pay the small monthly fee which is I think 50-100 baht a month for a bin for a weekly removal, but the next village to us has bins and doesn't allow burning, too bad we can't move ????
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