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Everything posted by 4MyEgo

  1. 1st call: Wife to IO; does my husband need to go in to do a TM30 as he just returned from overseas ? IO to Wife: No Wife 2nd call to IO upon my request as I wasn't convinced, i.e. I knew we had to do something: Different IO to Wife: No your husband doesn't need to come in, but you do as you are the blue book holder of the house. We both go in, an hour 30 minutes travel to the IO. IO to Wife: Oh, why did you come here, it's such a long drive. Wife to IO: That is what I was told by two different IO's when I called. IO to Wife: You didn't speak to me, so know you know that you can do it online in the future. Wife to me in the car: I hate these guys ???? Me to wife in the car:
  2. I have no idea if my wife reporting me from every overseas trip with me having a re-entry permit every time, or my daughter staying with us for under 4 weeks every 2 years has anything to do with a TM-30 or not, but I would love to sight the regulation that they dropped this reporting for my own knowledge if anyone has one laying around. Putting that under an IO's nose would no doubt pee him off because that would be considered "loss of face", translated in English (EGO), and I wouldn't want to do that now would I ? Also, it is my understanding that the regulations are at the discretion of each immigration office ?
  3. I was wondering if they have any Asian ones, just asking for a friend.
  4. I return every time with a re-entry permit and my wife has to report that I am back. Sakon Nakhon. My wife has to report any guests who arrive from overseas and stay here, again, including me who returns on a re-entry visa. My daughter who comes over for the required time without a visa, usually 28 days also has to be reported. Now are we going to argue with these guys, no. Are they right or wrong, we don't know, we just do as they ask.
  5. Anyone staying at your wife's house, e.g. foreigner, husband must be reported to immigration by your wife, i.e. immigration wants to know the whereabouts of foreigners, including hubby, so she must either go online and report them staying with her, or go into immigration and report them staying with her. With regard to vaccinations, I am pretty sure any private hospital will give them vaccinations for a price. EDIT: The immigration office we go to, advised my wife that there is a 2,000 baht fine if she didn't report me, her husband every time I returned from overseas, even thought I have a marriage extension, 7 years, renewed every year, this includes any guests staying with us from overseas, e.g. my daughter who comes over every 2 years for 4 weeks. The above said, this may vary at different immigration offices, so a telephone call to them should straighten it out.
  6. Just goes to show how cheap a life is worth here in my opinion.
  7. Have you thought this over well into the future ? I know it's not part of your question, but, some foreigners do go in "all in" and walk away with nothing. Just saying, (respectfully) only invest what your prepared to lose.
  8. could, should, etc, etc, these are all predictions. Yes there is a lot of uncertainty at the moment, that said, if you are in and don't owe money on your stocks, and they are below what you paid for them, you have two choices: 1) Sell and take the hit by about March which might be the best 2023 has to offer (that's my guess with China now opening up again). 2) If you don't want to sell and your stocks are paying dividends, then just sit tight and keep collecting. Your stocks, depending on the strength of the companies you have invested in, will eventually bounce back, when, is another matter. Now a loss is not a loss until you sell at a loss, that said, we can't take it with us.
  9. Who's blood was tested, as I'm sure it wasn't the drivers, big brown envelopes all around boys.
  10. For the damage caused, as insurers won't pay up if your DUI, surprised you don't know that, or did it skip your mind ?
  11. Most foreigners that I know, see one of those visa agents, they have lots of answers and charge about 20,000 baht per year which gives you a years stay, they also do your 90 day reporting for you. Just saying, although due to you being under 50 years of age, you might have to marry a Thai lady ?
  12. I'm afraid this gutless bozo, more then half the age of the deceased will get off with a light sentence, if any. I recall years ago, I got cut off by a really old guy back in my home country, and I beeped my horn, only to be met with him slamming on his brakes, to which I nearly re-ended him. Being young at the time, I jumped out of my car at the traffic lights, ready for a fight, as I approached his vehicle, he winded his window down and looked at me, much to my surprise, he looked as if he was 90 to 100 years old, I was flabbergasted and before I could say anything he looked at me and said fark off <deleted> and spat at me. If it was anyone else, they would have killed him with one punch, I laughed, shacking as I walked back to the car, when I sat down my wife then at the time said, what happened, and I explained to her what he said and did and she said, why didn't you hit him, my reply was, he's a defenceless old man honey, and I don't want to go to jail for manslaughter. It would have been really easy for me to break his jaw or kill him with a single punch due to his age, but fortunately for me, I saw he was no match, probably drunk and wanted to be bashed, who knows, but I managed to walk away from that, that said, when rage takes control, if you can't handle it, then it's game over, 3 shots in the back is nothing more than a coward, who need to do serious time, because he has a serious problem, regardless if rage took over at that time, what about the next time ? Edit: Couldn't help notice all the cops in special gear escorting this bozo who had a baseball hat on, mask and handcuffs covered, didn't they say he surrendered to police, oh sorry, forgot where I was for a moment, they love heroic photo shoots.
  13. RIP to the young wife, hope this bozo rots in jail for the rest of his life. As for the kids, what can I say, 2 & 8 months old, they will probably never realise what transpired, hopefully and the grandparents can do a good job raising them. Every Thai girl I know, including the wife, don't want Thai guys, not because of money, but they are apparently very jealous, abusive, lazy, play the field and mostly depend on what the woman earns, so their future is a non evident, i.e. they would rather remain single unless they can find a tentative farang, regardless of age, as long as he treats her well and can support her without him sponging off of her, she will love him long time. My wife tells me, your money is my money, and my money is my money, sounds fair to me ????
  14. Tomorrow's headline, it was all a misunderstanding as the money never went missing, it was found to be under the flimsy foam mat in the safe. As for the OP asking what thief wouldn't take it all, well, have you ever heard of the old saying; let the water from the tap drip as opposed to letting it run fully on, that way you won't run out of water. Many moons ago I was on a good thing working for the government, letting the tap drip, others soon got onto this but let the tap run fully so to speak, they all made front page news when they got caught, me on the other hand kept letting the tap drip, you see, when monthly statistics fluctuate greatly, others see the decline in revenue, but if there steady, no one will raise their heads.
  15. Will we be able to recognise Anutin and the others in their PPE attire welcoming their virus free guests......LOL
  16. We have lived in this village since 2015 and we live opposite a river and the main road (single lane either side runs past our place and through the village. Facing our place from the road we have a house on the right on stilts and on the left vacant land and next to that another house on stilts, both those houses and the land (rice field) are below road level and the river rises every year, even though the river is below road level on the opposite side by a good say 5 metres slopping, it did rise one year right up to our front gates and wanted to make it's way to our place, however would fall back to the road as we filled our land about a metre above the road level, good choice for us. Unfortunately for our neighbours, they had to get into little dinkies or use large laundry type low black buckets to get to their houses as it was bad and when the river subsided they had to wait weeks for the water to disappear. From your rough plan, it looks as thought your looking to build at the back closer to the river, I would suggest you build your house more to the middle of the land away from the river after you have raised the land with soil if the river is at the same level as your land, e.g. a metre higher. Concrete fencing, not unless your confident that those laying the foundations know about how far down you have to go and how high you can go, otherwise it will go over, especially if they don't put in any weep holes. As for water run off from gutters etc run underground channels and pits about every 3 metres so as to slow the water run off, i.e. when one pit fills up to about 3/4 level it will continue onto the next fit and so on until it goes straight out to the river behind your land, (only water run off of course). As the river is on the other side of the road at our place, our water run off goes straight out to the road on either side of our place, i.e. one pipe on the left and one on the right facing the house, no one can see them as we have made gardens about a metre and a half on either side and created a slight drop so the water doesn't gush out, more of a fall into the garden and then works it's way across our layback/driveway access point on one side and along the front of our place meeting up with the water on the other side then disappears down into the rice field. It all boils down to price, what you should look at is how much fill your going to require, e.g. 150 truck loads x say 600 baht per truck = 90,000 baht which shouldn't be added to the price but reduced from the price, also being a main road, if it has more than one lane either side of the road, then that could have a detrimental overall appeal due to traffic noise, also being on a laneway could also be an issue for some, i.e. higher risk of break ins ? The most important part you should consider is, what do I get if my relationship goes wrong after I outlaid XYZ $, this is something 90% of farangs don't think about because they think relationships last forever, well we would all hope that is the plan. I am 15 years happily married and continue to go strong, however, I have only invested 10% of my worth here in a beautiful house and if my relationship falters for whatever reason, then the house and everything else is hers, whereas my assets offshore are mine, i.e. plan B. See it everyday here, farangs spending everything they have building a house, buying a new care, etc, etc, and when it hits the fan, they don't have a plan B. Anyways, hope the above assists, if at the end of the day the price of the land and cost to build is too much, you can always look at at townhouses, villa's, condominiums, which you can put in your name, it might not be ideal, but has less risk in you rendering a loss if the river did rise, so to speak.
  17. Well aware of the requirements thanks, that said, I don't like to leave it to the last minute, so 3 months prior to the renewal date I transfer around a million baht and draw down on that for the year for my monthly living costs, i.e. my budget is anyway between 60,000 to 100,000 baht which includes any additional works the house, domestic holidays, new furniture etc etc and whatever is left in there before the next extension, I top up again 3 months prior. That works for me as I don't want to be told by someone in IO your deposit was under 1 day of the 2 months so to speak. The above said, most IO's also only require 3 months of bank statements, mine wants all pages from the bankbook since it commenced, e.g. if it was opened 7 years ago and is still in use, then it's all the way back to 2016, fortuntatley for me I told the bank staff to stop adding pages to the account and to provide me with a new bankbook, so less printing of pages next time, as it's a new bankbook and I don't need to go back to 2016, fresh start from 2022.
  18. Not the first or last time this will happen. The more people get educated and read their actual policies, they can then see that one size, doesn't necessarily fit all. I could say Som Nom Nah, but hope he has a speedy recovery, learns from his mistake and pays back his family the money he burdened them with to pay his medical bills.
  19. Someone should come along soon and provide you with what your looking for.
  20. That's confusing. I do the marriage extension and put in a lump sum to SCB every year, never a problem with IO EDIT. It comes from my Wise account to my SCB account. The letter I also obtain once a year showing the funds have been there for 3 months prior to the renewal.
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