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Everything posted by 4MyEgo

  1. 4MyEgo

    Covid 4th shot?

    Have you thought of getting a blood test done to see if you have already been infected ? If you have, could be you didn't even know it as it is so mild. I had 3 Phzifer shots + Covid, seriously didn't even know that I had it, felt like a head cold, so that to me is my 4th shot and no more, totally over all of what has transpired since 2020 and moved on with life.
  2. So no jail time for those at the top, makes one feel like puking.
  3. What would happen if you ever needed to return and your Thai drivers license expired while you were there, Buddha forbid that ever happening, but you would have to sit for the tests all over again until you passed, public transport would be ok in the interim until you could obtain your license again, i.e. if you weren't living in the sticks. The above said, I would have done the same if I didn't return every 2 or 3 years for a brief holiday. Truth be said, from a recent trip, I found it to be an absolute sheet fight on the roads there, (Sydney), red light cameras, speed camera's, highway patrols, council rangers, brown bombers, etc, etc that we were used to, still the same. I only hired a car for a day when I was there, that was enough, public transport and walking was much easier and saved me a few $'s, it does help when you have the time as well.
  4. You won't need to show your overseas license ever again once you have your Thai driver's/riders licence, so the answer to your question is NO. Regarding your passport, you won't need to show that either, just your current Thai driver's/riders license upon renewal, sit for the eye test, watch the online video, answer the questions at each different stage of the video and provide them with a current doctors certificate. If I were you, I wouldn't allow your overseas license to expire if you can avoid that happening and there a number of reasons I can think of, for example; things don't work out here and you need to go back, and sitting for another test and answering questions, then going for a driving/riding test will be a lot different than it was back in the day I am sure. Some countries allow you to renew it while being over here, example, my homeland allowed me to mail it in the 1st time, but wouldn't send it here, so I had them send it to my daughter's address and had a mate pick it up and bring it here when he was coming shortly after renewing it by post. 5 years later when it expired, that was during the pandemic, they wouldn't allow me to renew it online because you have to do an eye test, and no more 10 year licences when you turn 45, so depends on the country you live in. The above said, my homeland country allows me up to 6 years to renew my license upon returning, which I did a year later and it starts from the date you renew it. I paid the 4,850 baht vs 760 baht for the both here in Thailand for the two that I have (driver's/riders) licences. It was a straight forward procedure, costly yes, but there is no way I would want to sit for an exam and driver's/riders tests as I believe riders have to do a course (weeks) and it is costly and the licenses are restricted to the size of bike you can ride until so many year/s later. As others have said, rental companies might not accept your Thai license, that said, I provided them my new license, but that wasn't good enough, they wanted the digital version so that they could scan the QR Code, so I had to download the app using their internet. This digital stuff is alarming, but hey, I doubt that I will be here when it all hits the fan, that's another story.
  5. While I can appreciate noise is annoying, if the school has approval, which I am sure it does, then it is expected that noise will be loud, as kids are kids and that;s what they do, make noise. The above said, he has options, move house, or play some music, put in some Airpods, that's what I do when SomChai next door takes the covers off of his rooster cages and then lets them walk around, sure can do my head in, but hey, should I pick up an air gun and stick it to him, I think not, regardless of the noise level, I can also go for a drive to do some shopping or whatever, but to pick up a gun, regardless if it's an air gun or not is insanity, especially shooting at a school, regardless if there were kids there or not. This tells me this is another guy who will become a mass shooter if he isn't assessed and put away for a period of time to teach him, that he did wrong and that is the punishment as opposed to envelopes exchanging hands while charges haven't been laid, then we find out it was a misunderstanding.
  6. I believe you have to produce evidence that you live there, is that correct, lease, utility bills for a 6 month period, i.e. for a non residents who has been residing overseas for over 5 year who's Medicare card expired. Was your experience different, always good to hear things 1st hand.
  7. You can get it reinstated but you have to reside there once again, and provide them with utility bills in your name, lease etc and I believe, but don't quote me, I believe it's 6 months before they reinstate you. Worth looking into, definitely.
  8. My bad, sentence didn't make sense, should have read, British passport when exiting the UK, Thai when entering and exiting Thailand. British passport when entering the UK. Should read what I wrote before posting, usually do, but for some reason didn't today.
  9. When I said check passports, I was referring to online when booking the tickets, but then again the last time I booked was back in April and can't really remember if they asked online. Upon check-in, of course they check as you say.
  10. That makes absolute sense, just for the record, the Australian government stops Medicare access if you are out of the country for a straight 5 year period, suffice to say, I make it a habit to go back every 3 years and also renew my card online before it expires which gives me another 5 years. I'm not on the pension, but keeping on the Medicare system gives me at least half back when I visit the Dr, Specialists and get a years worth of meds at 5 times cheaper than here, so it makes it worth while for me to go back to keep it current, and see family and friends of course for the short stay.
  11. I don't believe that the airlines ask for passports anymore, however, as others have mentioned, however if they do, best to provide them with the exiting passport, e.g. UK, it would only be for identification purposes and you would provide them with the UK passport when exiting when both countries, they are separate to immigration, so there won't be any issues, besides when exiting Thailand, they might ask for her Thai passport, easily provided. The above said, when your wife is exiting the UK, she has to exit on the UK passport. When she arrives at Bangkok, she has to use her Thai passport, this way there will be no visa requirements at either country. Just make sure she has 6 months validity on both passports, although I do believe Thailand is not strict on their Citizens returning on expired Thai passports, but that is something I wouldn't want my wife to try on. When you arrive at Bangkok, go to the Thai passports exiting section as someone else suggested, and your wife can ask if you can exit with her, we have always done this and never had a problem, besides, that is one way of beating the Que's, if any. Good luck.
  12. His passport could have also expired, either way, I do feel sorry for the guy, 74 and heading back to Finland, to what ? Fact of the matter is too many expats end up here with little or no savings, relying only on the pension, which makes me think, what if one day governments all around the world decided to stop paying pensions overseas, what would then happen to all those expats on pensions, they would have to return home, or find other means to survive, suffice to say, I don't trust or depend on governments. Some here might say, they'd have to grandfather it in, to which I would reply, says who ?
  13. Dido that, we should do some swaps sometime ????
  14. This has inspired me to order one for the Mrs, we can now play Dr's and Nurses, hurry up with that order of mine Shoppe as my stethoscope is rising from the excitement.
  15. People regardless of their frock, uniform, suit, skirt or gender are always capable of doing unmanageable things, that we wouldn't do. In other words it takes all kinds and when I moved here some time ago, I asked my wife why she didn't feed the monks like the other villagers, to which she replied, they have hands and feet, they are not disabled, but always asking for money to have festival with bands and let people get drunk etc, what does that have to do with Buddhism, to which I replied, ah, ok Tiruk ????
  16. If that were my sister, would gladly pay a cop to break his legs, nothing wrong with that, job done. If that is called encouraging them, I'm, all for it.
  17. That clears it up then. Shouldn't be hard for the cop to say, I saw him, that is, if he wanted to get involved, so to speak, but I guess if there's nothing in it for him here, why would he bother, just another domestic. Sad as this guy will do it again, if not to her, to someone else.
  18. Never suggested I was a better man, however, I don't hit women, and if you noticed the glass door in the picture which was shattered, to me, meant that she went straight through it. Why don't you sit with the aggressive drunk when he is drunk and stroke his hand telling him it's all right, everything will be fine, stay calm, as opposed to teaching him a lesson which will make him think twice when it comes to unleashing on a 20 year old defenceless woman. You must be a lot of fun to hang out with, keep drinking you herbal tea m8.
  19. Would love to hear, farang who beat young 20 year old girl in the previous week was found with two broken legs, two broken arms, a broken jaw and a broken nose. That should do it. She needs to get away from this gutless piece of tur-d. Can't understand how the cops cannot press charges, assault is assault, end of story, regardless if a victim doesn't want to press charges in my opinion. Ah, if I was a cop at the scene, I would have to report to my commander and chief that the farang ended up in the above condition because he fell of the balcony, and if my commander and chief said it's only a single story place, I would say yes boss, but he walked up the road in a drunken state and entered a medium rise building and fell to the ground, not sure where he fell from or what he was doing there, I just found him there on the ground
  20. They are not going to reduce those deaths through a demerit system unless they actual get out off of their lazy a.... and enforce the law, this is Thailand remember, the land of loads of paper shuffling and people lazy to exit their air conditioned offices, no need mention who they are ????
  21. While I am all for legalisation of gunja, I am not for politicians making money off of it by legalising it and having HUGE interest in it.
  22. I suppose you can call that check-mate then ???? What was happening prior to that, and how many players were at hand, you probably would know. Does Biden's son ring a bell ?
  23. So there was no talks beforehand, they just walked in ?
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