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Everything posted by 4MyEgo

  1. Have to feel for his wife, another Ting Tong farang, she really should force him to take his meds if he skips taking them again in the future.
  2. Only way to stop corruption in the RTP is to start afresh, i.e. bring in the army and start employing new recruits, that just might work, unless they start to become corrupted by those up higher.
  3. With young girls in the family, I would think it only natural for a father to take the necessary steps to not to expose his daughters to the wiggly wiggly monster on him in the bathroom, children do wander you know, and that is exactly what had happened about 23 years ago when one of my daughters from a previous marriage was 2 years of age, she entered my bedroom looking for me, and of course I was in the bathroom shampooing my hair, door open, when all of a sudden she let out a loud screeching scream, unbeknownst to me that she was there as I had my eyes closed while shampooing my hair. Poor thing was traumatised, ran straight to her mummy and said daddy has a wiggly wiggly monster stuck on him in the bathroom. I entered the living room moments later still wet with towel on wandering what happened, and when her mum explained, we couldn't stop laughing, and I told mum that it was time to explain to her the difference between the female and male parts which she did, although she was only 2, whether she got it or not, I don't know, but that won't happen again, besides my daughter are over 5 and under 14. Nothing to do with trust, more so cautiousness.
  4. I have never been a fan of credit cards as I have always believed that using ones own money is the way to go, e.g. debit cards, regardless of reward points and the annual costs/charges for the privilege of having a credit card, if any, that said, I believe them to be a trap and they have trapped millions of people into using them and not being able to pay back anymore than the required monthly amount, anyways, that's another story. I always advise the bank that I am heading overseas, this ensures that they won't block my card if someone feels something is unusual as paranoid as the banks are theses days, and I let them know when I am heading back. The above said, I applied to open another account in my home country online a few weeks back and was approved a few days later, and I transferred money into the new account, as soon as I deposited the money, they then they blocked me, 20 minutes later on the phone an Indian/Pakistani answers, or whatever, not wanting to be labelled a racist, but I couldn't understand him and gave him all the security checks and answers to his questions that he wanted and he then said he would put me through the right department, another 40 minutes later, at my cost of course, I said to this guy who I could understand perfectly as his English was good and clear. I said what is going on, I transferred funds from one of my accounts to my new account with your bank and you blocked my account, I see sir, did anyone ring you or ask you for your personal details, no, hmmm, ok sir, please log in again, however press the forgot my password button and set up a new password and you will have access to your account again. But why was my account blocked, yes sir, have a good day, so no answer, phone hung up, so best to let them know your heading overseas and for how long unless you want added stress in your life. I haven't even left the country yet, due in a couple of months and prepared the online account to get another debit card when I get there.
  5. I respect your right to have a free opinion, however will disagree with you regarding tattoos being a fade.
  6. Make you sure you have clean underwear on when going out, because you just don't know when you might get hit by a bus, cough, cough, oh then there's Covid, and....and.....and Go outside, look at the clear blue sky, the greenery around you, suck in the fresh air and enjoy life because eventually you will be moving on and no point in worrying because we all have an expiry date man. Life's for living, not worrying, then we die, Amen.
  7. Yeh no, just over 200,000 clicks, i.e. kilometres, 30 thousand clicks a year.
  8. In my opinion, a car is to enjoy as it depreciates in value, that said, I paid 800k for it in 2015, so would think it's halved in value, as for doing little kilometres, I'm assuming you have done more than 200k's in 7 years in Thailand ?
  9. Funny thing is she lived alone, the poor darling, why would she need a lock on her bathroom door. I live in a house with 6 family members, when I use the bathroom, I lock the bedroom door, and leave the bathroom door open.
  10. No chance of your card being skimmed for starters and if you forgot it at home, no need to worry to muk ????
  11. Basically you can't. I know of two chaps who purchased used cars from dealers, both had their odometers wound back. One blew the motor within 6 months, out of warranty. The other, his odometer stopped working and he took it to the dealership of the car, not the car dealer he purchased it from and they told him it wasn't the original and that they had to replace it. His car was one year old with 17,000 kilometres, when he transferred the car to his name, he found out it was previously used by a courier company, so who knows how many clicks it had on it. I would never consider buying a used car here as you have little chance of anything being done to the a$$holes who get away with it. I purchased new 7 years ago and keep a record of everything, never an issue with the car with over 200 clicks on it now, and whoever buys it in the future can see things for what they really are.
  12. Is this one time numbered code set up when you download the app or do they send you one when you put in your mobile number. I ask because I never have Wi-Fi when I leave home, and this system sounds better than using the card. Thx in advance.
  13. Phuket at the moment is 29 degree Celsius, and where I am in Udon Thani it is pretty much the same at 28
  14. In my opinion, whatever you do: 1) Do not tint the windows. Do you have any roof space above you, e.g. gable roof or flat etc ? The best thing you can do to stop the air leaving the room through the closed glass window panels, yes, air escapes from the window panels is to put up curtains, not thick where they will trap the suns heat in between the curtain and the window panels which will heat up the rooms, you want a curtains that are flimsy that won't trap the heat in, yet allow the cool air to circulate into the room and the heat coming in to cool at the same time. Add to that, think about putting an awning over the area outside where the sun hits the windows as you want to deflect the sun from the windows. We have a room where the sun hits in the afternoon, I have tried and tested many things as it used to heat up like an oven, and the awning which has clear tinted panels and the flimsy curtains do the job 100%. Also if you don't have any batts in your ceiling or sisalation under your roof tiles (assuming it's not a flat roof) your going to get hot real quick, sisalation is used to slow the heat entering through the tiles and the ceiling batts to stop the hot air entering the rooms below the ceilings and any cool air escaping through the ceiling into the roof space. There are many ways to keep your house cool, but you have to be prepared to pay $'s for it as there is no band aid solution and many farangs here don't want to spend the $'s so they suffer all day, year around, not suggesting your one of them. Whirlybirds also help pull the hot air out of your roof space although some may argue they don't, however I have been up there and witnessed it with many tests carried out by me and they are cheap, e.g. 24" for about 2,300 baht each. Somethings to note below: About Sisalation Energy-efficient Sisalation® is a high quality reflective foil insulation product that cost-effectively insulates and protects residential, commercial and industrial buildings against heat, cold, dust and moisture, as well as reducing air movement in the roof space. https://insulation.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/Brochure-Sisalation-Wrap-Selection-Guide-Consumer-web-res.pdf The thicker the ceiling batts the better: https://www.onestockhome.com/en/products/57010696/stay-cool-scg-thermal-insulation_thermal-insulation_scg Whirlybirds: I have a dual gable roof, with 900mm vented eaves on the sides, I also have vents under each gable and the house is cool all year around, no need for air conditioners albeit I have one in each room, at the hottest of nights, I will turn one on in our room for 15-20 minutes then off it goes while a floor fan on 1 circulates the cool air all night. As for my kids who share a room, they have theirs on all night on 26, no need, but hey, I spoil them, it's better than giving them candy. Any questions, fire away as my investment has paid off and most people that walk in on a hot day straight away say, oh nice and cool, air con, but fact is, air con is not on.
  15. For what it's worth, I know a guy who had an accident in his own car, rear ended by a truck, driver in the truck drunk and on yaba daba doo. Insurance company started negotiations with the cops and the driver, he received 200k less than what his car was insured for, that said, if you were to get the car from a reputable car rental place I am sure this would be avoided as it would be between the insurance company and the car rental place, just something to chew over. Risk vs benefit ????
  16. Personally, I would hire the vehicle from a reputable car rental place for the following reasons: 1) If the car is ridden off, you know the insurance company will cover it and if any damage they will fix it, you will be up for the waiver/excess of course, usually 10,000 baht unless you have travel insurance that includes that. 2) Car breaks down, they fix it and provide you with an alternate car asap. 3) No strain on the friendship if you have an accident, ride the car off, it gets stolen, it breaks down or if your friends insurance policy expired or didn't have any 1st class insurance, what happens then, and would he have a replacement car for you ready to go ? Like I said, personally, I like to keep friendships at arms length from any transactions that could put pressure on those friendships. At the end of the day, it's your call.
  17. At 19, I am sure he will grow out of it and learn where to focus on putting his testosterone in the future, one would hope.
  18. You mean Som Nam Naa if we are going to be spell checking officer ????
  19. some nom nai, i.e. if he was racing, speed kills, lucky to have only lost a finger.
  20. Who cares, are you so fragile that your wife has slept with someone else, that says it all.
  21. Wow your really deep, and know very little IMO, but please do carry on convincing yourself that you know everything that you said about and let's leave it at that, because I have no time for people such as yourself. As for me getting my nickers in a knot over someone calling my wife a prostitute or hooker, far from the truth, you can call her whatever you like, I sometimes call her the village slut when she is 5 minutes late getting back from the local markets, she is not offended and corrects me occasionally, "village Queen".
  22. Summed up exactly how it is for most. No female wants to work in an industry spreading her legs to strangers, that said, if they have an alternative choice. Let's look at an example, say a Thai woman in her early twenties with 2 kids got the sheet kicked out of her constantly buy her partner, who in the beginning turned out to be a good guy, but as soon as the kids came into the picture turned nasty, naturally that woman would depend on him to support her with two kids, after all, who is going to look after them when she is a 1,000 kilometres away from her family, that said, if she returned to the family with 2 more mouths to feed when they're doing it tough already, hence the reason that women left to go to BKK to work and send money back, ultimately she would have to leave her partner as the cops couldn't do anything to stop the abuse when neighbours would call them. That woman would have to return and then cop the harsh reality from her father about bringing two more mouths to feed with no money coming in, did I mention this is the reality of poor families, as opposed to westerners taking them in because they can afford too, only option with no education is to go to see a friend of a friend in a red light district, fortunately as you say, many can get picked up out of there pretty quickly by a farang and provided a life one could only dream of, that or end up with a cheap Charlie who takes them back to his country to look after his parents, all the time while living out of his parents garage to save on renting a place. I could go on, but I know you and most who have a good Thai wife who perhaps hit rock bottom looks at you as their hero and appreciates you every single hour of every single day, then there's the ones who turn into Hi-So wanna be's, but that's a different story. Fat of the matter is most farangs haven't got a clue of what really goes on or where these gals come or came from, for them it's easy to judge them for what they perceive them to be, and how they want them to be, they dominate them and treat them like <deleted>, now to me, having been with many women in my life's journey, I can't say that I have had a single woman do me wrong, why, because if you treat a woman with respect, she will want to stay with you forever, as for financial security, that is every woman's intention who cannot do it on her own due to lack of education or wanting to just be a humble house wife looking after her man, and there is nothing wrong with either in my opinion. As for the angry birds out there who judge the bargirls for what they see them as, well what can I say, it doesn't take much to have a personality, which they must all lack ????
  23. Looks like someone got burnt by a bargirl, you can hold onto that for the rest of your life, enjoy every moment of it, or you can let it go, many get burnt by non bar girls, it's just a title, next thing you'll be telling us all is you've never paid for sex because your a hanhom man ???? Do me a favour, don't railroad the topic.
  24. Um, I don't know where you get off, but the title my wife had, was the title she had. You see, I could go to any bar in any country and pick up a girl after buying her a few drinks and have sex with her, might be that night or another date after dinner, either way it would cost me, so what's the difference. Perhaps the women in a first world country has better job prospects, education prospects, government support etc etc, if you want to label women who offer sex for sale prostitutes or hookers, then I can only look down on you, as I choose not to judge people, some have very little choice, do you look down on the guy who sucks up the $hit from your loo, I bet you do, or is his title a better one because he is not selling sex, something we all enjoy and of course, some perhaps a lot if us use often. If your disgusted by the fact, then grow some balls man, life isn't perfect.
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