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Posts posted by dageurreotype

  1. So a year after forcing thousands of expats out of Thailand - expats who did border runs but who still no doubt spent lots of money in Thailand, they come back with this.

    This isn't about thousands of Expats, but millions of tourists.

    To them, we are the same. There is NO 'Expat' status here. You are a perpetual tourist. having to renew your 'Extension to Stay' and report to Immigration every ninety days should give you a clue.

  2. great news for those wishing to spend their cold european winters here and for backpackers looking to reclaim thailand as the hub of their asian travels again.

    just a shame that even in 2015 some still don't consider these two groups as "genuine tourists".

    i look forward to the added diversity and local income income both groups will bring.

    great news and a solid step forward

    Kobkarn has been reported as saying she hopes it will encourage more businessmen and weekenders from neighbouring countries, so although this grudgingly given visa may go some way to alleviate the visa hassle for the groups you cite, they still want people with money who are preferably on a weekend break and then bugger off back home. This won't change their silly 'we are special and doing you a favour' mindset, nor can you expect any upgrade in services/improvement as to how you are perceived by Immigration here. After all:

    development master plan aimed at boosting quality tourists

    Again. They really should get over themselves.

  3. ^^ Whilst these comments may be true, they are entirely irrelevant to this news story. The Thai government is offering foreign embassies the option of repatriating their own citizens who have broken the Law in Thailand. When they get back to South Africa, it is not implied they will walk free.

    Not irrelevant at all. Of course we are aware they will continue to serve prison time, but this will be in much improved conditions in their home countries. As has already been pointed out, those committing crimes here should have been aware of the disparity in any sentencing. Som nom bloody na!

  4. The prime minister said he would like to ask Suthep to avoid causing more conflicts in the country with his campaigns.

    Well, considering he was a [possibly *the*] major beneficiary of the previous conflicts, this does seem a little ungrateful. Or perhaps he thinks people don't know what games he was playing.

    That's a startling thought.

    I think what's even more startling is that there are people who believe all of this was 'carefully planned'. Careful planning not strong here. It just might be a 'result'!thumbsup.gifbiggrin.png

  5. Small farmers can not make money anywhere in the world.

    All small farmers are just wasting their time

    Only big farmers can make money anywhere in the world

    I have no word for one that tries to grow anything any where on less than 100 rai of land

    Rubbish. There are many small farmers making a living. It requires imagination and diversification.

  6. Quote> Prayut himself demanded a television journalist to report herself to security officials after a scoop on forced labour in Thai fishery trawlers

    It certainly wasn't the actions of the Juta that exposed this dreadful trade. Had it not been for investigative journalists bravely unearthing the sorded facts the Junta wouild have done nothing just like all the governments before them for decades. Prayut was forced to act, he had no option. Since then was has been done is merely a band aid, a few individuals thrown to the wolves in a desperate attempt to get the USA to raise Thailand from tier 3 of their TIP report. It didn't work.

    He seems to be obfuscating of the fishing trawlers also, firstly banning them and then letting go to sea again. The man and his junta are floundering all over the place

    Today's BP reports the issue of trafficking has now been allowed to slide until next year's review. This 'oh well we tried' was simply a show. There's been no real actual concern, like so many other problems here. It is the intent that counts and the 'intent' in this case appears to have been a crowd pleasing 'upgrade' as opposed to any true concern and empathy for those who have, and are continuing to be, trafficked slave labourers.

  7. Wouldn't the director general be better off appointing a chairperson who knew what they were doing or having a reasonable level of intelligence.

    Oh heaven forfend. I'm enjoying all this Thailand economy going tits up, as should the rest of you living on funds from overseas. Weren't too cheerful at 44 to the GBP were we in this third world country with first world prices and we whities forever getting the short end of the stick here. No. I'm definitely warming to this man. Keep it up General! thumbsup.gif

    Love and best wishes,



  8. Banks need to get ready? What a bunch of b.sht. Banks are that inept that they need to be told get ready? Oops, answered my own question inadvertently.

    Thai banks are inept. I am a Committee member of a Juristic entity. We have 1.5 million in a current account & wanted to put 1 million on deposit. We checked exactly what was required; made an appointment & seven of us duly turned up with passports/ID cards.. They found some excuse for disallowing us. They will lose our account immediately we have made inquiries at another bank.

    I am not hopeful - we closed our account at a previous bank because as I was cashing a cheque in front of the smiling manageress, I put the wrong date & crossed it out. She told me I had to drive back 20 kms and get another cheque signed by three members & return. I told her as she had witnessed my mistake she could counter-sign it. She could not even though I told her she would lose the account. She lost the account!

    I can match that. My account was in a different province, they'd blocked my ATM card as my 'passport number had changed'. I told them I'd had to renew my passport a year ago and that the numbers automatically change but the information doesn't and that I'd had no problems at immigration offices, could I fax a signed copy (in front of my local branch) and obtain a new card? 'Cannot'. After an hour and a half of this I'd asked how I was supposed to travel to the province where my account was if I couldn't withdraw my money. 'Fax a signed copy of your passport and we will release your money' blink.pnglaugh.png Withdrew everything and closed the account coffee1.gif

  9. If the purpose is to encourage people to save, then deposit interest rates will need to improve - dramatically.

    I was thinking of this just yesterday after checking an account I had in one bank which had advertised a special savings rate and noting it was no different from another ordinary savings account. You're right, it really doesn't encourage people to save. The banks should allow their profits to be eaten a little more. More would save in them, a win win.

  10. I don't know where in Thailand you live but I can assure you the people of Phuket are suffering a massive downturn in tourists which cannot be solely attributed to the Low Season. Many closing up and going back to their home provinces. The knock on effect of this is hotel staff including maintenance and ancillary workers are without work of any kind. My mae baan has just asked me if I am able to find more work for her. Her usual work is as a painter/decorator for local hoteliers. I'm unable to help. Any work available is being spread very thinly. Some will say Phuket deserves this as a wake up call for their greed. I have much sympathy with this view. However, doesn't help the many good people I know having been able to earn a living here now finding themselves destitute.

    I live in a Thailand Dageurootype, in a place called

    The Real World -

    where the FACTS count more than the opinion of some bloke on social media who claims he saw some other bloke moving out and whining about his failed business and blaming it on the government and tourists.

    The FACTS are tourism has risen in 2015, maybe not enough to counteract the losses accumulated over time especially after last years even worse year of tourism which occurred when Yingluck was PM and Suthep were making protests.

    I said tourism had risen.

    I never said it had skyrocketed.

    Social media? No, I actually interact with my Thai neighbours of many years. I also speak Thai, you? 'Course not. You're simply sitting on your bar stool/condo or quite possibly from your home country biggrin.png pronouncing upon that which you've just been fed by online 'news'. Where they don't print the er, 'facts'. I posted earlier I'd found your posts entertaining, I now find them irritating. Welcome to my List of The Ignored wink.png

  11. I see a bad moon rising

    I see trouble on the way

    I see earthquakes and lightning

    I see bad times today.

    - Creedence

    Well, when you think about it, what other Democracy on the planet ever came about without strife? Or they could all just stay nice little smiling peasants. Top brass'd like that smile.png

  12. 15 months into the Military government and both extremes demonstrating why a military government is required.

    Nice to see the usual responses on TVF modelling how polemic disdain is difficult to overcome, for effective reconciliation to occur.

    Personally, I think Prayut should put the key representatives from both factions into a box and every few months let them out, like rabid, chained dogs to snarl and propagandize at each other and let the public see why the military government has a genuine responsibility to remain in power.

    Then put them all back, while he quietly (maybe that's stretching the truth a lot), goes about cleaning the corruption from the darkest corners of Thai society.

    If only there was an inactive government these key players could all be sent to manage. To lie, cheat and steal from each other. Like the village from that 60's TV show 'The Prisoner'



    You strongly identify with the guy in the photo don't you biggrin.png

    'So's your face'

    Dageurrotype demonstrating the optimum level of discourse he is capable of.

    The comment above is the adult equivalent of the school yard rejoinder which has long been popular.

    One kid makes a valid point, the other responds inanely, every time with 'so's your face'

    Of course it makes no sense and is a complete non sequitur - but then...

    So's your face

    laugh.png No please, don't get me wrong. I enjoy your posts. Light entertainment always welcome in these troubling times.biggrin.png

  13. For the love of <insert deity> have a frigging election already.

    Cannot. Having disallowed discourse on anything remotely political, no one has been allowed to put forth any proposals to the populace as to why they should be voted for, thus stymiing any move towards a real democracy, not simply populism v blind patriotism. This was the plan all along.

    However the junta, alike most here, having found that they too are unable to run a piss up in a brewery and are now flailing about in an attempt to cover up their inept handling of almost anything but most importantly the economy. The population may be persuaded to swallow all the other bullshit they've been spouting since seizing power, but cannot deny they're much worse off financially and money is God here. I wouldn't take a bet on His Happiness lasting much longer without the inevitable from the start blow back.

  14. 15 months into the Military government and both extremes demonstrating why a military government is required.

    Nice to see the usual responses on TVF modelling how polemic disdain is difficult to overcome, for effective reconciliation to occur.

    Personally, I think Prayut should put the key representatives from both factions into a box and every few months let them out, like rabid, chained dogs to snarl and propagandize at each other and let the public see why the military government has a genuine responsibility to remain in power.

    Then put them all back, while he quietly (maybe that's stretching the truth a lot), goes about cleaning the corruption from the darkest corners of Thai society.

    If only there was an inactive government these key players could all be sent to manage. To lie, cheat and steal from each other. Like the village from that 60's TV show 'The Prisoner'



    You strongly identify with the guy in the photo don't you biggrin.png

  15. An interesting point of view, considering the country's economy was in worse shape as a result of political turmoil directly related to the political unrest caused by the PAD. (not that it didn't need to be said).

    Let's not forget the mess the economy was in with Yingsy refusing to pay farmers and confirm disbursement of government funds for much anticipated infrastructure projects. Which would have given finances and a confidence boost to domestic industries.

    The tourism industry took a massive hit because of the Suthep/Yingsy spat. And the country was crawling along, mainly on the back of exports.

    Exports, reliant on China and Europe are down now (not as a result of the current economic policies but because the world in general teeters on the brink of a very large depression).

    Since the current government came to power, there has been a rebound in tourism, but they can't do a lot to affect the export sector as that relies on trade partner economies being in good shape. The Baht has been high and that discourages manufacturing in the country. The baht has now fallen in value. The domestic economy is mired by household debt.

    But career diplomat Kasit (not an economist) has the answer which is...

    "Since the current government came to power there has been a rebound in tourism"

    Are you kidding??? Speak to any Thai involved in the tourism industry and there has been an enormous fall in Tourism. Get your facts right don't rely on government properganda misleading all, or so they think.

    The old "talk to any Thai" excuse. I love that belief structure that some cling too because facts obscure their agenda. It is like some think global economists should go and talk to a local to gauge economic indicators in the country.

    Facts. The PTP's greatest friend. Beliefs, their dearest friend.

    Can you present facts to state what you "believe"? I can guarantee you can't because to argue it is to argue that terrorism has a positive effect on tourism. The facts in the below graph prove otherwise and shows you are wrong.

    Interestingly it is a Democrat that has criticised the Junta as well. The Junta's biggest fear is solidarity between old waring parties like the Dems and the one principle supporters.

    I don't know where in Thailand you live but I can assure you the people of Phuket are suffering a massive downturn in tourists which cannot be solely attributed to the Low Season. Many closing up and going back to their home provinces. The knock on effect of this is hotel staff including maintenance and ancillary workers are without work of any kind. My mae baan has just asked me if I am able to find more work for her. Her usual work is as a painter/decorator for local hoteliers. I'm unable to help. Any work available is being spread very thinly. Some will say Phuket deserves this as a wake up call for their greed. I have much sympathy with this view. However, doesn't help the many good people I know having been able to earn a living here now finding themselves destitute.

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