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Posts posted by dageurreotype

  1. So the court issued an arrest warrant in March 2014, and the guy was doing his day to day practices for another 14 months.

    In any other civilized country the police would come knock on your door within 24 hours after the arrest warrant was issued.

    What am I missing here?

    You appear to be missing the point of this country as many other posts. They're a bunch of savages with no inkling as to how their 'softly.do bugger all' is leading their, haha, 'beloved' country to ever more to ruin. <deleted> 'em.

  2. What is your MP3 player make and model?

    What version of windows are you using?

    You may need to do it via software.

    It's just a cheapo Thai music player. I only need it for meditation. My blood pressure needs lowering laugh.png So we're not talking Philharmonic surround sound here.

    I'm using Windows XP with Chrome, if that makes any difference? I just can't get my head around being able to easily transfer from VLC to external hard drive, but the music already in VLC won't transfer. Just the 'insert disc' blink.png

  3. Emergency patients will be the ideal victims for scams. It's more or less "pay or die" when urgently needing hospital care.

    That Thai Medical Error Network sounds like a good institution. One doesn't encounter too mazny of those in the Land of Smiles...

    From a BP article, this was brought in by the Taksin/Yingluck government and the issue was raised from the Junta administration dead (no pun intended) when someone's Thai granny suffered a heart attack and had to be taken to the nearest hospital who then refused to transfer her to a cheaper government run facility as 'she was still under their care'. The bill exceeded 800k, if memory serves me right and a deal was brokered with the impoverished family whereby the astronomical fee was to be paid at 2000 baht per month. It would take twenty five years to pay off.

    Healthcare is the number one priority in any country. In Monaco, for instance, emergency healthcare is free of charge to anyone needing it, even tourists, as I found when travelling with a friend who'd gashed his arm on a spiked fence when attempting to photograph the bay. This free healthcare is funded by the casino. as it should be. Perhaps the obscenely wealthy here, of which there are many, could give up some of their ill gotten gains likewise. Breath. Not. holding.

  4. Hello

    I have been living in India for 6 years till 2000 and the specialized hospitals are excellent and at total bargain prices..

    The problem in India is, if you have an accident and can't plan a surgery or treatment, your risks to die are very high as local hospitals are useless, no ambulances etc.. BUT all hospitals, some specialized in heart surgeries, in eye surgeries etc.. are ver good. I personally went to a plastic abdominal surgery in 2000, surgery, medicine, 2 monthly checkings after surgery, a huge suite room, 5 days in hospital with food given by a dietetician and special meals as I was european, even if I told them, indian food was enough for me.. 1000 euros... AND as I paid that, they gave me 3 full treatments for free, so I had a complete gynecology checking with analisis etc..., a dermatology check with some small esthetic intervention and a complete heart disease check up with exams and appointment with a cardiologist..

    On top of it, indian speak english much better than thais and doctors take their time with you, explaining everything and are very friendly..

    Just one thing which surprised me.. To give you the anesthesic they don't bring you directly to the surgery room but you find yourself in a huge room with a lot of people expecting surgery and there you get the anesthesia with a lot of other patients around you.. they put you to sleep and take you to surgery after.. I don't know if this procedure is common, or just in the hospital I was

    I would highly recommend India if you plan any treatment.

    Have a nice day

    We're not talking about those residing in India having been mowed down/tripped over a paving stone, are we? Same Thailand. Do keep up.

    SHOUT OUT to TAT. Westerners STILL travel to India for surgery, NOT overpriced rip off THAIILAND. Unless you want gender reassignment. They're very good at that. Apparently.

  5. None of the above categories. I moved out of tourist areas several years ago.

    My life since then has been fantastic.

    Cost of housing try 1 mil: bht for a 5 double bedroom 6 wet room place was 6 bedroom but have changed one to a western style kitchen.

    Other cost are Thai prices not the over inflated ones some have to fork out.

    Xenophobia and the likes doesn't exist here, in fact on the contrary the locals go out of their way to welcome you in.

    Driving on roads where I live are a doddle not to much traffic well only on holiday weekends.

    Regards the Visa if you have the right amount of monies and requirements all is easy.

    A trip once a year to the office how simple can that be.

    People make their own problems go with the flow Thai fashion get away from tourists areas and you will find your life will improve 500%

    Off now have just had my BKK Post delivered.

    I'm guessing you have a Thai spouse? Not all expats want one. Nor do we want to reside (i hesitate to use the word 'live') in the boonies. As to the visa issue, fact is the more 'farang' the increased likelihood of being driven to 'visa agents' with whom the fee is shared. I understand you live in the jungle, but perhaps a trip outside now and again, will enable you to post on a general 'expat' forum with the benefit of a wider perspective.

  6. Former Pol.Col. Boonlert Chan Ocha, formerly of Chalong Police station on Phuket still there, after having been 'transferred', do you think? Or has the corrupt as <deleted> lying scum been blown to bits by now? One can dream.

  7. Not a good look when you have to beg to get money to fight a case that as far as the RTP would consider an open and shut case, mind that's their opinion , on past experience they could be so far off the mark that they wouldn't have a clue who committed the murders and personally when a senior officer declares that the DNA isn't Asian I would have to say that once again the RPT couldn't solve the case of a missing shit house roll, the Burmese boys need the best legal representation they can muster because one thing is for sure the RPT cannot afford egg on face in front of a international audience, this they don't want, so they will pull out all stops to win. coffee1.gif

    You seriously believe the quality of their legal representation would help? Given that the real culprits were quickly identified but the then 'identifiers' were swiftly moved to another post? Together with the very salient fact the British Embassy have turned their usual blind eye, upheld by the disgrace that was the 'UK Police 'review'? Stupid. BTW, your use of this passive/aggressive emoticon, post after post, is getting tedious.

  8. Basically queue jumpers who need to be discouraged by whatever means necessary.

    You mean pushing back out to see to die a slow death from dehydration, or killing each other for what ever supplies are remaining. that kind of discouragement?

    Ah well. Maybe word'll get back to their homeland and they'll stop chancing their collective arms and maybe one or several among them will stop attempting to abandon their fellow men and women and stand up for their bloody selves. As the rest of us in The West did instead of lumping ourselves on other nations. How about that for an idea?

  9. I can't quite see how this has any releveance to the OP - "Government concerned with foreigners being ripped off by Thai hospitals"

    Is it simply an advert for the St Louis hospital?

    does it imply they don't rip foreign patients off? Maybe....but at the end of the day this is a totally subjective anecdote.

    "I have no experience with other private hospitals in Thailand, but fees at St. Louis are reasonable" - then how does he know???

    As for the drug Alimta, yes it is very expensive - about $24K per patient and as such is not used by many hospitals who prefer less costly alternatives. it is not used as a first-line drug usually, only after others have been tried.

    I'm not an oncologist and have no idea of this patient's background any more than he has of other cancer patients...so how can he be sure he has got the most appropriate and cost effective treatment....or are they just going for the most expensibb=ve drugs they can because someone is covering the cost?

    It is very sad to hear of someone who is fighting cancer, but I think the exprience related here has little to do with whether foreigners are being over-charged, in fact it raises more questions than it answers.

    Your post is ignorant and harsh. As per. Judging from the many posts on this long thread, many posters may be seeking alternatives to the NOW highly inflated cost of medical treatment for foreigners and Thai alike.

    I too, along with many of my friends, have received excellent and AFFORDABLE aka not rip off, care from the St Louis on Sathorn. So put that in your self important pipe and smoke it.

  10. Somewhat of a breakthrough this evening. I'd told him I'd read someone from the Philippines had posted that they were happy to have been colonised by the British as they'd at least had the benefit of a foundation of working towards a working Legal System/ Democracy. I told him 'You should have been colonised by the British. At least you would have been able to establish the foundations of a Democracy, and not the coup after coup shambles you have now'. I'd also told him that this particular post was closely followed up by an indigenous South African who'd pointed out 'Look at the rest of my country' (continent).'They're all going about slaughtering one another with no one to stop them. Were it not for colonisation by the West, we would be the same '. Can't disagree with that. So my neighbour then began chastising the French for their 'laziness in Laos and Cambodia'. I'd again alluded to the fact that his fellow countrymen weren't exactly known for their industriousness. At this point he started talking about the trainloads of gold and jewels having to have been given to the interlopers to free the sequestrated land in aforesaid Laos and Cambodia. I made my excuses. My dog was becoming restless and needed to shit. Ah well, tomorrow biggrin.png

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