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Posts posted by dageurreotype

  1. You pissed off because he uses the word Farang? Or is his comments more than that?

    No. I've observed the multitudinous threads here for and against the word farang. I myself have never taken exception to it and have used it myself. 'Khon daeng chaat being far too long winded. It really rather depends on the context and tone in which it is used. 'Farang'. Okay. ' FARANG!'. Not so much. In any case, this topic is not yet another rehash of it's already done to death usage. Albeit, I did point out that if he were in my country and I used the word 'slope' or 'gook', I would be in trouble. Rather alike Jeremy Clarkson. And rightly so.

    Let me make this clear, this is not Somchai over the farm fence. He's tutoring Thai youth, and therefore perpetrating his ignorance . It started with the usual denigration of the local Burmese. Moved to the Khmer and then 'farang have destroyed Thai culture'. This all said in an amiable way to me, a 'farang'.

    Again, I take none of this personally. I've been here long enough to not care about what the local peasantry as to say. I DO take exception to the daily 'it's the Burmese/Khmer/farang (who by the way?) he'd pointed to another dog walker stating he was 'yerman' (this is a professor, not a bar girl). i told him he was English and that if the Thais educated themselves as to the outside world (which he disdains, saying he did not like 'advanced countries), maybe he would be able to tell the difference. After all, we in the west can differentiate between chinks, slopes and gooks. Only the terminally ignorant cannot tell the difference between an Indian and a paki.

  2. Let's face it, the Rohinya have nothing going for them They're very unattractive and have no definitive culture of their own that has been heretofore publicized. They're reviled in the West - Bangladesh - Muslim and not from around these parts. The World really doesn't give a **** including this corner of it. Be prepared to see absolutely no action taken from any quarter apart from lots of hand wringing and then into the sunset they once again are pushed sail.

  3. I have a neighbour I am unable to avoid when walking my dog. At first, I merely put up with his ignorant comments.But now it has got to the point where I'm looking for ways to avoid contact ( slim - he exercises daily by walking an adjacent soi).

    In all other respects he's a nice guy. He's a retired Thai university professor, but even I, after many many years here, am loath to use the word 'farang' any more.

  4. Is anyone else becoming jaded with these 'we WILL's' and 'SOON's'. What has actually been achieved? Besides taking out his high level opposition? The much lauded 'action' against the trafficking of Rohinya has resulted in what, exactly. No one wants them and they're about to be pushed out to sea, again. Fishing trawlers and their devastating effect upon marine ecology are to be 'registered'. That is 'legalised', so that'll stop them then. Same as it ever was.

  5. I think the Chinese would be less reviled if they'd spread themselves out a bit when travelling. Much like any other nationality I guess. Travelling hoards are bothersome.

    On another note, I remember being in Deacon Brody's pub in Edinborough when around twenty Japanese filed through the pub taking pictures, not actually buying a pint laugh.png Well, at least they were polite.

  6. Parks are profitable too, they help to attract visitors and investors in the surrounding areas. And parks help to keep the local working population healthy and contented, which increases their overall productivity levels.

    This true. There are EIGHT Royal Parks in London, supplemented by many smaller local parks/garden squares. And London is one of the wealthiest cities in the world. However, the English PLAN.

  7. Today's BP reports he'd 'rejected calls to extend his time'. Wish he'd make up his mind.

    BTW, before the usual posters jump on the 'well, who else is there bandwagon', may I remind you no one else has been allowed to participate in this so called reform process, which may have thrown some light on other competent individuals as yet unheard of. They are out there.

  8. Also check the pricing in private hospital pharmacies! I have been charged 10 times what an outside pharmacay would charge for the same medication. I never take medicines at hospital any more, ... just get a prescription and buy it outside

    Oh dear God, this was covered ad infinitum in an earlier thread. Do any of the posters here actually read OP's/threads before boring us all to death with the same information over and over again? Yawn.

  9. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    An operation of this scale could not have escaped the attention of the authorities. Makes you wonder how deeply involved they were?

    Exactly. Especially with the amount of Armed forces stationed in that part of Thailand


    I'm not trying to deny that their must have been involvement of Thai authorities but surely such a process could not have happened without the active help of the Myanmar and the Malaysian governments also.

    It couldn't have ben going on as long as it has without the help of all three governments in the area.

    Not ministers and PMs obviously but local government officials , Police , Immigration

    Seriously? huh.png

  10. To be perfectly honest, as a rule I do not go to beer bars in Thailand. Due to:

    1 - The really, really shit music played on repeat

    2 - Classless foreigners talking in pidgin English

    3 - The occasionally pretty, but generally intellectually subpar women

    Given that you demonstrate zero experience of encountering Thai women outside of the confines of beer bars, I suspect the only place you can garner attention, is in one. Which completely explains your sad perspective.

    In short, I'm far happier with my pair than I would be with yours.



  11. These two foreigners are two morons in my book. Do you know what happens if you stay speaking Japanese to two cops in NYC who have stopped you to see your papers? They will tell you: speak English you ass&$;:/! These two are lucky the officers were too mild and polite!

    For your info, English just happens to be the Language that is most recognized as the language that would be most understood in most civilized part of the world (except in Britain where they speak something nobody understands). The AEC actually has as an agenda that all participants should communicate in English, that is why the Thai government has this agenda to improve Engrish teaching in schools (and as usual nothing has happened but at least there was the mandatory announcement on the crack down on not teaching Engrish good enough in schools).

    Now you come as a tourist to a country that has been a tourist destination for English speaking people for about 30 years or more, you walk down the street and come across two police officers who have just rudimentary understanding of any other Language but Thai????

    What does that tell ya about the dumb <deleted> that control Thailand....????

    Good post. A neighbour of mine is a retired Thai university professor who spends two mornings every weekend employed by some outfit called 'Brain Power' to teach English. He sometimes asks me for advice on grammar structure, but I can barely understand his spoken English. He complains that the government won't employ native speakers, but is as xenophobic/nationalistic as they come. I'd explained that this mindset was perhaps a contributory factor ..

    As to why those who control Thailand prefer the English language not to be learned, a nice dental receptionist told me 'I love my 'papa' but I think he is wrong when he says we must not learn English'.

  12. I googled "m&m mansion rangsit" and many hits come up with google map, email, telephone number and photos.

    I'd changed my search engine to Bing, which hadn't thrown up nearly near as many as Google, so thanks for this. I've been given some more info. The M&M Mansion sought is close to Pronpisan 4 Soi 55 Luang. After having spent a couple of hours on Google street view, am unable to find this address. Anyone know where Pronsipan 4 is? Thanks again.

  13. I'm to deliver a uni student to digs on this road. The name of the place is M&M Mansion set directly on the Vibhavadi Rangsit Road in the Klong Luang area in Pathumthani. The only information I have is that it's a large aging building, pretty much set along a string of internet shops (presumably for use by the predominantly student population), and very little else. Anyone? Thanks wai.gif

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