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Posts posted by KMartinHandyman

  1. While near Bang Na Recently I broke a nylon string which holds the lens in place on a new pair of glasses purchased in Khon Kaen. Two shops didn't have the string and tool to fix them. The third shop did and after fixing them immediately refused payment. I left 100 baht on the counter.

    2 months ago I mistakenly handed a shop keeper 1000 baht for a purchase of 100 and turned to leave and she got my attention and began digging in her apron for my 900 baht change.

    A hotel owner up country who I sent a few guests told her staff to prepare me a breakfast on the house. I enjoyed the meal and split the usual price between the staff.

    I asked a glass shop for a sized piece of plexiglass 6 months ago. They cut it, wrapped it and refused payment. I rode away.

    I've had 2 tradesmen Ioan me tools and refuse a tip. I forced 100 baht in ones pocket and take the other one a cold drink when I see him now.

    I invited one of them to our wedding and he missed the day because of work. The next week he came to apologize with the invitation envelope and 400 baht inside. We thanked him and I told my wife to buy raffle tickets for his sons school when he came around a few weeks later. (she only bought 200 worth because she's cheap with our money) I could only laugh, up to them.

    Not my only good experiences in Thailand just the easy ones to remember.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  2. Social media is about connection. Whether it be to friends and family or information from within ones own country or the world as a whole.

    The Internet along with a smart phone at ones fingertips is a very empowering, historical and disruptive evolution of mans ability to hear and be heard.

    It will take generations for this to all shake out and society along with each individual to decide what is appropriate use of this power.

    The Internet and Facebook are showing people there is a larger world out there and I believe they want to feel a part of it.

    One can be lonely in Bangkok amidst millions of people or lonely in a rice country village they have never been outside of.

    Sometimes I'm 9000 miles apart from my wife and I am happy that she has her phone, Facebook and the Internet for us and her to maintain a connection.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  3. Sounds normal to me as a long time progressive lens wearer. If the overall height of the lens is short each section of the 3 fields of vision will be smaller and the lower reading section will be as you describe.

    I choose tall frame styles.

    Approximately 1 3/8" us.

    You may adjust and read through the center section over time as well.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  4. I'm waiting to receive a yellow house book in my name as a foreigner to hopefully eliminate problems proving where I live when in Thailand. I will update if I receive it before I leave in 3 weeks and then future updates if it is of any benefit when I return again fwiw. New to Thailand and have benefited from the posters on this forum and thanks to all who are willing to pass on their experience.


    I provided a translated copy of my passport as requested. A week after submitting everything we were told the PP needed to be authenticated and legalized. I suspected this when the translation service suggested such but my wife felt it wasn't stipulated and I was unable to travel to BKK and return to the country before departure so we tried submitting translation only with no luck.

    I went to U.S. Embassy the day before departure for authentication and the translation service will complete legalization and forward to my wife for submission to the Amphurs office.

    The lady knows I am gone and said she will hold all documents until my return when I can come in and sign for my yellow house book.

    I overheard an American frustrated at needing to get his passport authenticated when I was at the embassy previously and should have taken the clue and had mine done then.

    At least I wasn't frustrated because this forum has helped me to expect anything and I again thank the contributors.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  5. Passed a formidable looking checkpoint on Hwy 3-Sukhumvit btwn Jomtien and Bangsaray on the opposite side we were traveling Friday midday. I don't know its purpose and happy to see it was finished upon returning before 5pm.

    We were waved over by police in Pattaya with myself driving the rented motorbike, asked for my license and I gave him my IDP for car only. He pointed out car only but after a little talking with my wife he waved us along.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    I presume that you just forgot your motorbike driving license.

    You know that you are not insured if you have a accident without holding a valid license.

    Yes thank you. That is of concern and on the list during this trip if possible.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  6. I usually have a lot of fun shopping for something in CR....especially if i don't know the thai word or they can't understand my pitiful pronunciation....most fun of all is playing charades and trying to act out what you're looking for to the amusement of a gang of employees and other thai shoppers who often gather around to try and guess what the crazy falang wants..

    one of my best was at big C meat counter when i wanted to see if they have bone scraps to feed a dog....i already knew it was going to be tough with "ma" but after me doing my best barking and growling and "ruff ruff" imitations to no avail some thai lady took me by the hand and led me to the dog food section....

    part of the fun of living in Chiang Rai for me...

    Often I ask Siri to show me a picture of what I'm looking for then show the sales person. So far fool proof,,they either sell it or they don't and I move on to the next shop.

    As one poster noted if it's important I ask my wife to come and help me but that has its challenges as she can be predisposed to say "No have Honey". Often she is right.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  7. If you've been here 9 years and believe "it can't get any worse than this" I would guess you don't get out very often. Or you lead a very charmed life. This seems typical day to day stuff. Try going to a shoe store to get some shoe laces....

    I read a similar post here regarding laces and brought a ten year supply on my next trip. Priceless what can be learned here through others generosity. I learned flip flops and most other footwear doesn't come in size 13 often, even in BKK all on my own after stopping in every shop for days until it sunk in.

    I brought enough footwear this time to hold me for awhile as well.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  8. Passed a formidable looking checkpoint on Hwy 3-Sukhumvit btwn Jomtien and Bangsaray on the opposite side we were traveling Friday midday. I don't know its purpose and happy to see it was finished upon returning before 5pm.

    We were waved over by police in Pattaya with myself driving the rented motorbike, asked for my license and I gave him my IDP for car only. He pointed out car only but after a little talking with my wife he waved us along.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  9. I'm waiting to receive a yellow house book in my name as a foreigner to hopefully eliminate problems proving where I live when in Thailand. I will update if I receive it before I leave in 3 weeks and then future updates if it is of any benefit when I return again fwiw. New to Thailand and have benefited from the posters on this forum and thanks to all who are willing to pass on their experience.

  10. Hasn't this thread run its course yet?

    Seems to be attracting mostly the members-that-insult nowadays

    Agree and therefore I choose mostly to lurk and learn from the good and bad contributions here rather than give in to the temptations to make public the circumstances of my marriage. I'm very proud of my wife and her modesty, she has taught me a lot that no others could.

  11. My wife liked McDonald's FF before she met me.

    We eat mostly spicey

    Issaan/Thai and I don't try to change that. Occasionally I eat something western to take on some calories and offer her to taste it.

    Usually she tries it and agrees it to be good but has never requested an encore.

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