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Posts posted by KMartinHandyman

  1. Handygirl recently declined a repeat booking I offered in a baht 110k private villa because they charged her for Coca-Colas from the minibar last time we stayed.

    She didn't care if that was policy as many other similar accommodations we've stayed at didn't.

    She found a baht 34k less grand suite and said it would be just as good. Then half joking asked if she could save the differential in her bank [emoji849][emoji23]

    I guess my point was it doesn't take much to turn some people away.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  2. Embarrassing to be an American sometimes.

    Money grab for not wearing ear protection or quitting the job if your head is splitting after work each day.

    Sue the fire department or municipality that employed you and provided the trucks.

    Oh wait they don't have deep enough pockets for everyone to jump in.

    When in Thailand my wife warns me "you take care of you honey"

    We need more of this in America but with the way things are going in politics I figure 51% of the people are on the dole and are voting their freeloading interest.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  3. We have a portable a/c 12k btu in a bedroom approx. 170 sq ft.

    Ducted outside at floor level.


    Will not cool room during peak heat,,yes

    But turned on at bedtime with an oscillating fan it makes falling asleep comfortable and easy.

    We sleep with a blanket nearby and pull it up after a few hours.

    I would be very uncomfortable without it.

    It's a rented shop/home and my wife would go bonkers if I paid to install a split system.

    Thailand is hot but not when I sleep at night now.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  4. Save the original packaging for return until you are sure the item is satisfactory. They wouldn't process a return without the box. The manufacturer called them for us and approved the return/replacement and still they wouldn't process the exchange of the defective item.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  5. In my opinion Thailand is invisible to the international community. Nobody cares about a third world banana republic and what happens internally.

    Thailand has nothing to offer that the rest of the world needs.

    The only people who seem to care what goes on is 1% of Thai national citizens, the military and the expatriates who want Thailand to be like the countries they are from.

    When I'm in the states I never here an international news headline involving Thailand.

    I was in Thailand when the shrine bombing occurred and friends contacted me to see if I was okay so BKK did make headlines.

  6. If it was not her she should be really angry with whoever she thinks took it as it has now put a strain on her relationship.

    $800.00 is not a huge amount but enough to piss you off if someone takes it.

    He now has an excuses for not spending money on gf or her family for the next few months.

    The truth will someday be known as a new iPhone or similar will appear.

    I was in Singapore and money went missing from my suitcase in my locked room.My fault as I didn't lock my suitcase. I complained to the Hotel and they interviewed the cleaner.This was serious stuff in Singapore. He may have lost his job, I don't know. Strangely enough days later in Holland I found the money in a place in the suitcase I was sure I had checked. I felt like crap. I rang the hotel and told them it was my own fault and offered to compensate the cleaner the amount I thought was stolen. That didn't happen but the hotel was grateful for my call.

    This is not the OP's case because the money has really gone. But the moral is, you have to be really careful whom you accuse. I was a complete arse and learnt a big lesson which I still feel bad about to this day. Better not to accuse anyone especially your girlfriend unless you have irrefutable evidence.You will certainly lose her and rightly so if she's innocent.

    I have coined an expression for my own consumption mostly "It's never the person you think stole your wallet who actually stole your wallet"

  7. Quite the opposite.

    The ballot box in America is protected by an armed citizenry.

    Plenty of Patrick Henry types here to insure the government remains by the people, of the people and for the people and not a rogue military takeover at the barrel of a gun against an unarmed population.

  8. "Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun"

    Mao Zedong, 1st Chairman of Communist China.

    Who has the guns there?

    I believe this is why many of us Americans stand by the right to own a firearm.

    "Give me liberty or give me death" Patrick Henry 1775

    Shortly before declaring independence from our now good friends Britain.

  9. Remarkably inexpensive when our local Yamaha shop that we have bought two bikes from sent 2 men to remove the front wheel because I wouldn't allow it to be driven flat to the dealer as they intended.

    Wife: we do this in Thailand Honey

    Me: not with my bike so please tell them what I said and we will pay accordingly

    Total: MAYBE 150 baht (I actually forget but was stunned)

    Tipped the manager as always and left smiling.

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