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Posts posted by KMartinHandyman

  1. whats wrong with the climate, the weather is lovely

    Inane comments like this only prove that some people post here because they have nothing going on in their lives.

    I think the highbrow humor escaped you entirely.

    You might want to hold your quick to judge trigger as to avoid embarrassing yourself so frequently.

    The OP holds the key if you actually read it and are capable of a child's game called connect the dots.

  2. Saudi Arabia's annual GDP is roughly $750 billion. There are parties who would be more than willing to pay a large amount for the oil losses directly to SR just to damage Russia. If you watch the world-wide effort to bring down the 5 BRICS countries this is just one more play. These folks would think nothing of spending a trillion to save 20 trillion. It is not so much about money as it is about power and control.

    Russian GDP is minus five percent, inflation is 20%, interest rates are at 17%, unemployment is ten percent, the ruble continues to tank, and now no more tomatoes from Turkey. As EU-Nato countries sanctions continue to penetrate the Russian economy and financial system, a happy new year means getting out which is what foreign capital continues to do with all deliberate speed.

    Even better for the West, Saudi Arabia doesn't like Putin or Russia either. Putin is just not welcome in the ME. Putin's strong support of the Shia Assad clan of Alawites puts Russia into a small geographic patch of the ME and in opposition to the majority populations and governments of the region. .

    Putin's Bricks have same as Russia put themselves into their own rubble quite on their own and of their own doing. The direct consequence is that Brics and their collapsing minion countries such as Venezuela and Argentina exist as Brics in name only. The 70-some-odd countries that Brics publicists had cited as supporting Brics remain as disconnected and disjointed as ever.

    We're looking at countries whose political economy are fundamentally flawed: Russia, the CCP China, Brazil. The only surviving once-Bric country is India whose growth rate is ranging from 5% to 7%. India is progressing and developing under its recently elected pro-US PM Mahrinda Modi who is more anti-government bureaucracy and red tape than Ronnie Reagan ever was.

    CCP Dictators in Beijing continue to claim the northern third of India adjacent to Tibet as rightfully a part of China. It is a major strategic development that Modi has flipped off the arrogant CCP in Beijing which overall claims more territory outside China than exists within it.

    Brics never had any foundation in realism which has all along meant the Brics and their disappeared development bank have no mortar. Bottom line here is that except for Assad, Putin can still count his friends on his index finger. And Assad is nervous.

    I hope for a return of the Russian Dream,, third in line for bread. [emoji122][emoji122]

  3. 'Police alleged that the five stole others' credit card information via Internet to make fake cards for shopping in Thailand and have allegedly caused damages worth over Bt180 million.'

    Busy boys, that's over 5 million dollars.

    And 1 million baht per card. You'd think the credit card company would take at least a little notice that someone has rung up over a million baht in fraudulent charges. I know my phone would be getting texted off the hook if it happened on one of my cards.

    It said they had 182 cards responsible for 180mil baht so that could be 989k baht or $27,500.00 usd each. Not that much for high limit card holders.

  4. With all due respect...but I can't believe that a pretty much simple math "problem" can create such a stir about the correct answer...especially if the answer has been already given AND explained.

    Way too early to end the thread as we haven't gotten around to Thai bashing the man in Dubai's fault or all Thai women are,,well you know yet?
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