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Posts posted by KMartinHandyman

  1. I have a big smile reading these as many are familiar.

    If the clocks hands are moving,, they are walking

    If they are not,, they are sleeping

    Anything in the proximity is

    Behind. This one took me awhile to think 360 degrees

    Any pail, bucket or trash barrel is a box.

    Him can often mean her.

    I'm still never sure the gender of people in the stories she conveys.

    Too strong can be for sun, water pressure, food that is frozen or hard to eat.

    Seeds in fruit "have somethings too strong inside"

    Breast implants are

    "big size" while putting a hand under hers

    Open and close is on/off

    Lightning is spark

    We have fun together.

  2. You should have your girlfriend put up the 1 million baht (for face) and after the wedding leave an agreed amount say 1 or 2 hundred thousand for the mother in law as an actual sin sod (show of respect and investment in future relations) then repay said amount to your now wife over time. You think she can afford it as your question was is it okay to talk to her about borrowing the money.

    Answer: yes if she is legitimate and knows her family will return the agreed upon money. If she says no then something is wrong in my opinion.

  3. Just read another Phuket blog that we cannot mention here. That news story tells that the driver stopped to fix an electrical connection under his seat. Nothing about any welding. Oh well .... who knows ...

    I would go with the professionally run news and not the bully blog- which has made some astonishing mistakes but does not make retractions preferring to simply disappear the errors.

    In my experience the bully blog is more often right than the 'professionally' run news.


    And the gazette comes in with a borrowed welding torch which makes sense if the battery was not disconnected, it would lead to a short in the electrical system

    A total of 21 passengers were on the bus, which was parked on the hard-shoulder of the Petchkasem Road, in Phang Nga province, while the 54-year-old driver, Prathueng Sakkaew, used a borrowed welding torch to fix his seat.

    And the issue was with the drivers seat as I couldn't imagine any repair of a passengers seat mid flight.

  4. Why spend the extra?

    I'll text you the answer from my phone when I finish my banking, day trading, checking my email, taking a picture of my navel and posting it on Facebook etc.

    What ever you do don't call to thank me because when I see the caller ID on my smart phone I won't answer as that's the last thing I want to do is talk on it. The call quality and speaker sucks but its great for everything else.

  5. I look to a forum for information, help, a tool and because of the nature of people in a forum there is definitely an entertainment factor to be enjoyed.

    When it gets ridiculous as it often does I lose interest and put down the newspaper as you say.

    I have enough triggers in life to elevate my heart rate.

    A voluntary presence in an online forum isn't going to be on the list.

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