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Posts posted by digbeth

  1. TOU (Time or Use) or off-peak rates meter come with more expensive rate for peak hours (daytime) use

    normally they wouldn't let you have normal meter and TOU meter so you could enjoy normal(non-tou) daytime rate with the 'off peak' rate at night from the TOU meter which would defeat the purpose of having peak rate


    except for EV charging, PEA allows second meter to be TOU rate while keeping the house supply on the normal rate, MEA (Bangkok area) doesn't allow this, if you get a 2nd meter for the EV and switches to TOU rate, your main meter has to switch to TOU rate as well


    If you live in PEA area, once you got the 2nd meter on TOU rate, it's a grey area if you want to plug in other things or wire the house using switchover switch 

  2. 1 minute ago, Neeranam said:

    I am a teacher but never speak Thai in class, for obvious reasons. 

    As a language teacher, I know how to learn a language. 

    Actually, the network I developed by speaking Thai helped me immensely in my career, and I wouldn't have been able to get citizenship if I hadn't been able to speak Thai; I needed the full 15 points to get the 50 required. 

    If you're going go be living here for life, obviously Thai will help you. It is a challenge but good luck. 


    While you shouldn't need to speak Thai to students, having some understanding of Thai helps when you interact with other member of staff, you will miss out on a lot of information or get delayed information only when someone decide to come and translate for you

    This would applies in any work environment too, only a few non-multinationals big Thai companies have meetings and memos in English 

    • Agree 1
  3. 1 hour ago, CanadaSam said:

    Excuse the ignorance, but I have always wondered what would happen if an owner borrowed some money from a loan shark against the blue book, and then got a new blue book from the land office and tried to sell the land?


    I assume the loan shark would not register the debt at the land office, like I assume all the banks do?



    Not the blue book, blue book does not confer ownership, people renting can put their names in blue book


    loan shars would insist on the Chanote (title deeds) and maybe have the borrower sign power of attorney forms ready to transfer, 


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  4. 4 hours ago, DonniePeverley said:


    Have you bought property before?


    How do you know the seller actually owns the property? How do you plan on transfering funds whilst ensuring you get your property? Whose going to register the property? 


    This isn't renting. 


    The seller would have in possession of the title deed "Chanote", hopefully with matching name to his ID card, he'll need to provide the letter stating the condo is debt-free is issued by the condo's juristic person, this the land office will look at, ask the both party are satisfied with the sale and once completed the new owner gets 'registered' in the chanote already


    she can use the chanote and the bill of sale to 'move in' to the blue housebook at the Amphur and change the utilities into her name, any literate Thai adult should be able to do this,  I'm sure a lawyer would happily for a fee, handhold her through the entire process


    They could 

  5. 6 minutes ago, OneMoreFarang said:


    Just in general I think many of us heard and read about many scams in Thailand.

    I don't think I ever heard or read about anybody who thought he had bought a condominium and then he/she found out it didn't happen or some other scam. This doesn't mean it can't possibly happen. But I guess if it would happen some of us would have heard or read about it after years in Thailand.


    Buying something which wasn't built yet is obviously a risk. But that is something different and anybody who does that should be aware of that risk.


    Forged POA happens from times to times to Thais and lands, when it was found out, usually the owner get to keep their land, the buyer lost the money if the scammer can't be found, they'd need to proof that they didn't sign the power of attorney, hence the need of witness on the POA letter, and sure if the forger is organized enough they might get away with it. 


    Loan sharks that lend against the chanote, they'd make the owner sign a blank POA, in that case they sale might not get reversed 

  6. 1 hour ago, OneMoreFarang said:

    Are you sure that that is what the lawyer does? (I ask, it's not a statement.)

    As far as I know the land department will check a lot of this (or maybe even everything). And if the documents from the condominium, seller and buyer are not ok, then the property won't be transferred. Or not?




    For a thai owner sale to another thai person which is what the OP question was about


    It's the sellers' responsibility to satisfy these documents to the land department to initiate the transfer, not the buyer's 

    FET is not needed in this case


    standard procedure is either handing over cheques/transfer of money at the land office after the official has verified that everything is above board, before the day of mobile banking you might need another person to visit the bank to ensure that the transfer has cleared while both sellers and buyers wait at the land office 



    In case the sellers don't actually have the title they are purported to be selling, they could have forged power of attorney from the actual owner, how is the lawyer going to be able to tell if the power of attorney was legit? forged signature? compared against what? 



    • Like 1
  7. For due dillgence,


    Hire an inspection service to uncover anything wrong in construction, yes, but for other things like if the condo has outstanding charge or unpaid mortgage, it's relatively simple to uncover and they won't be able to go through with the sale anyway


    even for land, unless well connected to land department, no lawyer's gonna be able to uncover if the deeds was granted illegally and could be invalidated when those in power no longer is in charge years down the line 


    for most process, the staff and land department would verify that everything is legit, if there's no language barrier and the Thai person is a functioning adult in possession of common sense there's no need for lawyer

    • Sad 2
  8. I have separate upstairs and downstairs pump and I need to bleed the upstair pump every couple of months regularly when it start to 'pulse' , I suspect it's the water in the pipes upstairs flowing back into the pump that causes this, as we use the upstair bathroom less 


    I suspect a check valve after the pump would solve this but the bother of installing one vs bleeding every once in a while mean it's put off for now, and now after extended period of no use we just shut of the valves and the problem went away

    • Thumbs Up 1
  9. 2 hours ago, thesetat said:

    7 billion pumped into this purchase already and it does not even have an engine. I foresee the Thai are going to have another expensive war machine like the aircraft carrier that is a shell without money to buy what is needed to use it constructively. 

    Am curious why they did not use that money to buy planes for their aircraft carrier? 



    There are no planes being made that's compatible with the 'carrier' anymore only helicopters 

    maybe they could have gotten the UK's Harrier when they were scrapping them years back but didn't 


    as a helicopter carrier, there are now bigger and newer ships in Thai Navy that can do pretty much the same thing that probably cost less to run



  10. 17 hours ago, TroubleandGrumpy said:

    Good - I wish more people (especially Thais) were aware of the simple methods to help reduce the chances of being scammed.

    I would recommend you/everyone get at least one more bank account (2 in total) - with another bank - for another reason.  If for any reason your account is locked (failed ATM attempt to withdraw) while you are away and in another Province, you will be advised to return to your original bank branch in your Province to sort it all out (happended to us but I had a second account - now I have 3 plus the wife's 4).   Thai Banks are not really 'national' - they are Province by Province based and many serious issues require you to go back to that Province's bank branch.

    Having multiple accounts won't stop someone in the process of being scammed who bought the story.... hello this is the police/customs, your accounts are being investigated for fraud right now, you need to transfer your money to safeguard against investigation etc..... do you have any other accounts that might be compromised? 

  11. 6 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:


    Two points here... Firstly... Tax is paid income from profits.. not turnover... 


    Which 'Thai Vendors' were visited by the revenue department ?? -  are you sure you aren't projecting some 'whatifery' into the debate and peddling it as something that has occurred ???


    There are revenue threshold of 2 million baht per year that if the shop reaches, has to join the VAT system, business tax on profit of course is separate 

    the new reporting rule from bank is anyone that has over 3000 transactions get reported to revenue department,

  12. 19 minutes ago, MrJ2U said:

    All 7-11's have that option to scan you're bank app from your phone.  They'll be happy to help you.



    The credit card edc machine that they have can take QR, 

    CP groups' own system from Lotus to Makro can generate QR for the customer to scan from the till


    but not 7-11, they never have and never will accept QR as long as they have True Money to promote

    • Agree 1
  13. 21 minutes ago, george said:

    Wow! Could you please elaborate on that?

    Actually, some Thai vendors who previously accepted QR transfers are now rejecting it as they were hit with a visit from the revenue department and tax bill as certain threshold of incoming transfers trigger automatic reporting by the bank 


    Other reasons that shops that previously accepted QR payment but now reject it is some old mom and pop got scammed by buyers that show their screen that they'd transferred but didn't, some old folks don't know how to check if they had received the funds on their end, or it's the shop owner's account and employee can't know if the payment came through or not

  14. 3 minutes ago, josephbloggs said:

    "As the ball spins further into the future"

    WTF does that even mean?


    I couldn't read any further than that as it was clear it was going to be another painful Chat GPT "article".

    Can somebody make it stop now? Please?

    stop logging in to read, and worse comments, the more we complain the more they can claim, 'Since introduction of AI articles, our users engagement shot through the roof and the community is as vibrant as ever"

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  15. 1 hour ago, dinsdale said:

     I googled this 'how many times has thailand been in the fifa world cup finals"

    This was the answer:


    Which is the same answer to how much chance of this happening?


    Shouldn't stop the gravy trains of various consultants being paid to 'study' the feasibility and put together a bid though 

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  16. 8 minutes ago, mrwebb8825 said:

    No Economics Majors in here I see.

    No, it makes no "cents" for the mom and pop shops as they would only earn around 500THB a year (assuming a 2000+ item turn around) but for the mass volume dealers like Tesco, BigC, etc. it generates millions in yearly revenue with no additional cash outlay.

    It's the way of the future - there's also "Shrinkflation" in which your 5oz item for 5THB is now packaged at 4.5oz for 6THB.


    They even had to make the 'new' 2 Baht coin very recently otherwise price of things would go up by 5 or 10 Baht and that's to much

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