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Posts posted by sibeymai

  1. As a Hilux Vigo dual cab 4WD driver (a white one at that) I don't understand why Fortuner owners pay so much just for rear coil spring suspension (and possibly rear disc brakes, not sure). How can it possibly be worth several hundreds of thousands of baht for that ? The Hilux matches the Fortuner in every other respect and is actually more versatile.

    Does that mean Furtuner buyers are just suckers for car salesmen ?

    And with all those Fortuners on the roads when the time comes for a new model Toyota will have to make it even bigger. Can't have the old Fortuner drivers intimidating the new Fortuner drivers can we ?

    BTW, the Hilux doesn't have a passenger air bag either which seems a big oversight by Toyota.

    I also own a Jazz (the bright yellow one), but contrary to what others have said, I'd prefer the Jazz in town or up-country to the Hilux.

    Im told nutters are attracted to yellow, how much was it !

    705K new. Recommend staying clear of yellow Jazzs. They're mostly driven by women drivers like my wife.

  2. As a Hilux Vigo dual cab 4WD driver (a white one at that) I don't understand why Fortuner owners pay so much just for rear coil spring suspension (and possibly rear disc brakes, not sure). How can it possibly be worth several hundreds of thousands of baht for that ? The Hilux matches the Fortuner in every other respect and is actually more versatile.

    Does that mean Furtuner buyers are just suckers for car salesmen ?

    And with all those Fortuners on the roads when the time comes for a new model Toyota will have to make it even bigger. Can't have the old Fortuner drivers intimidating the new Fortuner drivers can we ?

    BTW, the Hilux doesn't have a passenger air bag either which seems a big oversight by Toyota.

    I also own a Jazz (the bright yellow one), but contrary to what others have said, I'd prefer the Jazz in town or up-country to the Hilux.

  3. My guess is that many people consider a Fortuner on Bangkok's small sois somewhat of an unnecessary extravagance given the available road surface area. Wouldn't 1 million Honda Jazz cause less traffic problems than 1 million Fortuners ?

    Of course some will argue that in Thailand it only takes 2 cars to make a traffic jam and that it's the Thai way of driving which contributes more to the traffic problems here, not the number or size of vehicles.

    However, IMHO there does seem to be a different driving mentality of those driving larger vehicles. It's a variation on the BMW and Merc mentality you see on the motorways...that of being able to drive faster than everyone else and in complete safety and those driving lesser expensive vehicles are not to obstruct their passage. Drivers of larger vehicles, typically 4WD, do tend to be more agressive simply due to the superiority the drivers command through the relative size of the vehicle. And that's not just something peculiar to Thailand but also occurs in many western countries as well.

    So I guess this stereotyping should not be directed solely at Fortuner drivers. I drive a Hilux 4WD dual cab, physically the same size as a Fortuner but without the social stigma which the OP refers to. Wonder why Hilux drivers are treated differently. Could it be that Hilux are considered vehicles with a practical purpose (eg. load carrying) while Fortuners (especially those driven only in Bangkok) don't really have any practical purpose at all ?

    Oops...there's my prejudice against Fortuner's showing.....must be jealous !

  4. The Sydney Morning Herald reported today on a fire at a Melbourne city bondage and discipline club last night.

    The statement released by the Metropolitan Fire and Emergency Services Board was as follows:

    "MBF firefighters were tied up for some time but disciplined and controlled firefighting contained the blaze to one room on the second floor of the two storey building."

    Article at www.smh.com.au


  5. anyone noticed some of the yellow traffic advisory signs on highway 304 around Kabin Buri......


    Always makes me chuckle...revenue raising perhaps ?

  6. When the police ask me for my passport on producing it I always like telling them it is the property of the government which issued it and can only be surrendered to a representative of that government. they can look but not touch. When asked if they wish to accompany me to the embassy for a closer inspection they usually decline and I go on my way.

  7. there's a new fun park being constructed out near the new airport. Not sure when it'll be opening. The rides were shipped in from Brunei. Aparently nobody there likes having fun and the park was loosing money.

    The roller coaster has been relocated by specialist heavy lift engineers (farangs) and reassembled with the participation of the German manufacturer. My guess is that if you get a ride on it during the first month of operatiosn you'll likely survive. After that, take your chances with Thai's attitude to safety and maintenance.

  8. Really enjoying this thread so far. Can't say I'd ever buy one myself (I'd be too annoyed by the constant speculation on the size of my penis) or even think of a reason to consider buying one. Can't think of anything a Hummer can do which my Hilux can't do either, albeit with appropriate preparation and forthought. And the difference in price between the two would easily pay for the preparations necessary to equal or better the Hummer's off road ability with enough left over for a bit of camping gear. So the question still begging an answer from the OP is "why"? "She" has had plenty of opportunity to answer this and choses not to so my guess is....TROLL. :o

  9. What's wrong with putting the ring in your pocket and walking throught the body scanner ?

    Must say I was surprised last time through Suwanaphum when asked to empty all my pockets, wallet and all, into a tray for scanning. Never been requested to do this before so naturally I was somewhat suspicious. Before moving off after collecting them I counted the cash in the wallet even though I had seen it enter and exit the x-ray machine. It was all there. At the time I wondered whether I was being paranoid, but as it turns out, my instincts appear to have been right.

  10. who is that guy in Maigo6's avatar ? He seems familiar, like I've seen him before somewhere......but i just can't place it. Never mind, can't be important then.

    Sorry...:o....but couldn't resist. :D

  11. blizzard's advice to test the lady on an issue involving money is a good idea. But it would be better for him to use some contrived excuse while he is in Thailand (eg. lost ATM card). Certainly, if she requests any sort of financial assistance during the visit run for the airport. However, I suspect requests for money, if that's her game, won't eventuate until he's visited, fallen for her charms which, again if it's her game, will be generously offered, and then returned home. Suddenly there will have been an accident in the family, or sudden unemployment, or a sick buffalo.......

  12. worst pizza I ever had was in Milan. Consisted of the pastry base, some tomoto sauce and a few slices of onion. Where's the extra cheese ?

    Besides, I make the best pizzas in the world anyway.

  13. I think he'll have to come in first to get married on a tourist visa, then, after he has the marriage documents assuming a registered marriage, he will have to leave Thailand and apply outside the country for a Non-Immigrant O Visa. He can convert this into a spouse visa when back in Thailand provided he can meet the criteria (funds on deposit, not really sure about this aspect).

    Be careful the embassy/consulate he goes to for the O visa will issue one. Sometimes they insist on getting this is your home country. I recently was granted a one year multiple entry O visa in Colombo, Sri Lanka.

    Alternatively, a work permit will suffice for the spouse visa but once a year is passed the eligibility to stay in Thailand expires when the work permit expires if he doesn't have a spouse visa.

    At least, that's how I undestand things.

  14. Lenovo is in most if not all respects the same as IBM. They are manufactured in the same plants in China as IBM (in fact, Lenovo bought the rights to IBM's laptop technology in the last 1-2 years) so I dare say they're as good as IBM or maybe better - depends which colour you prefer.

  15. Just when I want to agree there could be a link between viewing sexual images and sexual behaviour, I realise that I've seen at least just as much violence portrayed as I have sex and, like the majority of people, am distinctly non-violent and realise there is much more sex going on around the world than violence

    Therefore, if people's behaviour was being influenced as some believe then shouldn't there be similar levels of sex and violence occuring ? Or perhaps more violence than sex as there seems to be more images of violence generally available in the media to be viewed than sex. But in fact there is, i suspect, much more sex happening than violence, The argument that what we see influences us fails at this point.

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