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Posts posted by sibeymai

  1. Have had TOT's IPSTAR 512/256 service installed at a site near Kabin Buri for over a week now. No alternative as no land lines. So far I'd say I'm very happy with the service. Seems faster and more reliable than the 512 ADSL True service I had in Bangkok.

    One problem though is that some sites don;t load correctly. For example, no problem with the Bangkok Post site, but The Nation's site does not load correctly. Some important sites for me also don't load at all, such as www.ibm.com and the Windows update page from www.microsoft.com.

    The TOT tech is here now so not sure what the solution is. He turned up on time as well and the installation also went well so overall, no complaints once this is resolved. Must be a setup, configuration or software problem.

  2. I second NILOC's post....Westpac to BBL online at AUD20 a time, never had a problem. Exchange rates are ok provided you send AUD from Westpac. If you transfer regularly online you can copy transfer details from a previous transaction to avoid any typing mistakes.

    Transferring back to Australia can be done through BBL but send AUD, not baht. BBL charges 400Bt a time but they won't send direct to Westpac. Goes to ANZ first who cut AUD11 from it (for what I don't know, it's only a computer entry) before passing to Westpac who then take another cut.

  3. aw....can't we just accept that these days going anywhere is only slightly more dangerous (in most cases) than staying at home ? Then we can dispense with a whole lot of unnecessary public servants who achieve very little by issuing these travel warnings.

    If it's sufficient to issue travel warnings for Thailand then it's sufficient to issue the same for tourists using the Pacfic Highway between Sydney and Brisbane, or any number of other hazardous routes in Australia, as there is more chance of dying on a road trip within Australia than holidaying in Thailand.

    If people are too ignorant and apathethic to check out the situation at their intended destination thay bl__dy well deserve whatever they get.

  4. It's been said to me by people in the oil industry that the lubricating ability of modern oils is such that they may prevent an engine from wearing in and seating properly. Synthetic oils have a high detergent action which also prevents the buildup of carbon in places where it may be necessary or beneficial due to small variations in manufacturing tolerance. While modern engines usually don't need much in the way of specific treatment while new due to the excellent tolerances achived by modern manufacturing it has been said that a non-synthetic oil is good for the first 10,000-20,000km then switch to a synthetic oil. If you leave it too long, say, 60,000km before switching, the synthetic oil may remove deposits which could cause the engine to run less well. I don't have any evidence of this other than to say this is from people with more than 20 years experience in the industry. The proof is in what they did in their own cars which was generally use a non-synthetic oil and change it regularly: every 10,000 or not more than 6 months and change the filter also.

  5. is this thread still going ? Since the OP has avoided paying the maximum penalty (yes, the OP's family DOES have connections, so the OP says, with the casino owners) it looks like we can all look forward to even more entertaining adventures in the future.

    Can't wait for the episode where the OP escapes single-handedly from a drug crazed knife weilding maniac who kidnaps him in a plot hatched by his irate in-laws.

    I can't wait......oh, did you see the OP's post about kissing an ugly bar girl who turned out to be a beautiful princess from a wealthy family whom he married and lived with happily ever after........

  6. Need an office administration/secretary person who will also do some basic book keeping. Company is a multi-national established in BKK for 3 years and opening an office in Kabin Buri town to support local operations in the area. Position will support farang manager and several Thais.

    Requires English language skills, MS computer literacy (Windows, Office). Hours are 8:30-17:30 Monday to Friday. Similar experience preferred. Excellent future prospects. Generous salary with benefits.

    Please PM contact details of anyone who may be suitable.

  7. I see the posting history is now added to the bottom of the page but it seems to me not all posts are displayed and the posts seem to list from the start ie. first post. How is the latest post found ? I don't understand this new feature. Can someone please explain how to use it to navigate through a thread.

    IMHO...it wasn't broke and it didn't need fixing (or improving). I think this new feature detracts from TV's user-friendliness.

  8. The wife wants to learn to drive. After a few sessions behind the wheel upcountry it's now time to learn in BKK. I convinced her she should learn through an instructor or school. However, I want to know if the instructors/schools carry comprehensive/first class insurance for their learner drivers.

    The only place we've been to so far on Rama 4 near Bangkok University said they "guarantee" that my wife will not have to pay anything if she has an accident. This guarantee was verbal only. When I asked to see the policy document they couldn't produce any.

    My concern is if mt wife runs into a Benz or BMW the driving instructor should have insurance to cover this. Does anyone have knowledge on this.

    Alternatively, if the wife uses my car to learn in and does not have a license, in the case of an accident is she covered as a learner ?

    Surely learners don't have to risk being uninsured to learn.

    Should I continue to insist any instructor or school prove they have insurance ?

    Any recommendations for instructors around Phra Khanong, Sukhumvit 71 ?

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