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About Stevemercer

  • Birthday 12/13/1958

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    Kosum Phisai MAHASARAKHAM

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  1. If it had been a wild tiger it would would have been hunted and shot as a danger to the community. A dog kills someone, and is a danger to the community, but it seems to be tolerated.
  2. I've seen the photos showing North Korean and Russian POWs in their cells in Ukraine. Even POWs get better treatment..
  3. Yes, last January had the odd cold day, but was pretty balmy. The month was slightly above the long term average.
  4. We are heading for the coldest January in over 10 years. But, of course, it doesn't fit the narrative of climate change and won't be of news interest anywhere (we only ever hear when things are hotter than normal).
  5. It works both ways. I've met many Thai woman who have been lied to, scammed and dudded by their foreign bofriend.
  6. Having to go barefoot into the dentist (and many doctors too). While I'm all for bare feet, it seems strange wearing no shoes in a surgery where there could be chemical spills, blood/human wastes, needles or other hazards.
  7. RIP Sometimes I worry about Thai diplomacy as it seems appeasement is the bottom line. The killer will never be found, similar to killers of Chinese nationals and other dissidents in Thailand. It would be embarrasing if the killer was caught and was found to have connections in Cambodia. Better to avoid this possibility. I still don't understand Thailand's approach to Myanmer's imprisonment of 4 Thai fishers. The attitude seems to be to work quietly behind the scenes and not do anything that could imply criticism or rebuke the Myanmar regime. Maybe this quiet diplomacy is the 'Asian way', but it may not be the most effective way to secure the release of the Thai nationals.
  8. I have sympathy for the OP. The fault was with the poisoner. It sounds like he wouldn't poison the dogs because they barked at him (or whatever) but only because the OP yelled at him. So his poisoning was aimed at getting back at the OP, and the dogs were just collateral damage. The poisoner will have won if the OP leaves Thailand.
  9. I think they are called Retirement/Nursing Homes
  10. I don't think bird strike causing the engine to tear itself apart (and resultant shrapnel to the rear of the plane) can be ruled out.
  11. One thing I never understood about the flat earth is what is on the other side?
  12. I would have thought filling a large area with pebbles will look and feel like a desert on hot days. They'll soon get dusty and need daily washing down. If an angry mob ever has it in for you, they will have an endless supply of stones to chuck at your house!.
  13. Thailand's muted response to this incident is strange to me. If a Mexican gunboat fired on an American fishing vessel, or an Indonesian gunboat on an Australian vessel, those western countries would react aggressively and there would be a diplomatic stand-off at the very least. However, the Thai/Myanmar incident has attracted little dometic media and doesn't seem to be a big deal to the Thai government. Maybe human rights really are less valued in Asian diplomacy with any tough talking done behind the scenes. Or maybe western powers over-react when similar incidents occur?
  14. I don't think your experiences are all that unusual. All you can do is learn from your experiences and, hopefully, find somewhere that works for you. I tried teaching at a public high school, but gave it in after a few months. I could not really control the kids and got anxious. The other Thai teachers did try to help me out a bit by reducing my classes and sometimes sitting in. I guess they could see I was trying. You are certainly right about presentation being key. I turned up on my first day in a suit and tie, and never stopped smiling. The headmaster thought I must be good and always seemed to favour me over the other farang teachers even though they carried more of the load and were more experienced.
  15. Reminds me of early scenes in The Beach, then Trainspotting. Good video.

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