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  1. Translation to facts he was extricated stood trial and was acquitted period all stop.just because you don’t like the outcome doesn’t mean anyone is aiding terror quire the opposite in fact the law was upheld he was tryed and acquitted no more no less.stop blubbering
  2. Just stop calling this tariffs this in my view is a trump tax designed to help American factories keep prices high stifle competition and is just another form of corporate welfare payed for by the American working class.every time I pay more for something I just call it the trump tax.
  3. Thanks for your service brother its wonderful to see that horror show didn’t kill your spirit and you can live enjoy/appreciate SE Asian culture and life.blessings to you and yours.
  4. Bottom line regardless of political party it’s not in the oil companies interest to drill in the arctic period all stop.trump knows this …..he should anyway it’s a dog and piney show. We have already it’s solar ,once we solve the storage of the energy the sun provides.obviously the petro energy companies will fight this tooth and nail its their demise and they know it!
  5. With a handle of blaze master and you say I’m grandstanding lmao now that’s funny 😄
  6. It’s up to the oil companies if they want to invest in the infrastructure to drill in those conditions not trump.I smell a photo / spiel of sielf praise coming another words a dog and pony show.
  7. Am I still detecting some blubbering and a bit of sniffling lol typical of the magga types allways blaming others for problems,I’m more interested in solutions fair and equitable ones not ones designed to hurt others all achieved within the framework of our democracy not by decree.
  8. Lmao just because trump articulated sounds out of his mouth is meaningless it was a ploy or (lie) to garner more votes no more no less.heck trump is trying to kill social security so I guess if he manages to steal peoples pensions they can’t be taxed ehh?
  9. Hey if ya want a Tesla they are going cheep!folks are dumping them in droves!anyway how could anyone be the least bit surprised the richest guy on the rock joyfully firing folks waving a chainsaw around acting the fool as he strips food from the mouths of starving people .Personally I think it’s going to get a lot worse for the wealthy predators much worse the rage is building!
  10. Hope they have a fleet of salvage tugs on standby lol those Russian tubs are prone to breaking down or breaking up in weather lol.if push came to shove they would all be sunk within 30 minutes…..heck look how Ukrainian has utterly humiliated their fleet without a navy!!
  11. It’s all about due process and working within our laws and constitution period all stop.🛑 no American I know wants any gang members in the USA nobody period all stop.🛑 what concerns lucid high information Americans is the fact that due process and proven facts weren’t followed nor was the laws on the books + now the defiance when called on it.its just another example of trumps inability to govern within our system.he has no skill he can only dictate,America is not a dictatorship (yet) there in lies the rub.nobody wants those criminals no body so stop trying to conflate that some people do it’s false.high information Americans do want due process and proof before someone is sent to hell for life no more no less.plus no Americans want a dictatorship.
  12. And just how much of this (work) been done within our constitutional system pray tell and just how much by DICTATE??pray tell hummm??and their lies the rub.as far as the thread .no matter how deeply trump betrayed the brave Ukrainian nation and their people they are refusing to go under the Russian boot .so Donnie has to wait before his idol putin pats him on the head and says good boy.
  13. Well guess that makes YOU a boomer! lol anyway your post I was responding to was the a typical trumpist blaming others im delighted you have made something of your life.its out there if you work aren’t stupid and get dragged into the instant gratification debt trap.
  14. Stop sniveling get off your computer and get to work!
  15. I don’t think the Russians or China are interested in hiring any spies especially Russia with trump being such an OUTSTANDING ASSET for them heck he’s so busy running backwards abandoning our role in the world then creating such discontent chaos and wrecking our economy who the heck needs spies ya got trump!
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