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Everything posted by Tug

  1. Old Donnie is just trolling looking for free publicity and pandering to the most rasist part of his base to me it’s a cheap shot from a desperate has been
  2. Does the gop have anything of importance to add to the governance of our country or are they all just a sideshow cartoon?Talk about cancel culture gee wizz if you don’t want to see trannies don’t go to the show.the show is the gop 100% political theater to borrow a phrase from mrs Sara Sanders all hat no cattle ????
  3. Uhhh you do understand that they are using air to air missiles to take these out that may or may not use visible means to acquire and hit a target?this isent ww2 or Korea now photographs from the flyby’s might be nice and when they will be shared with the public is up to the government
  4. Perhaps so but he would be dead but it certainly makes us winners because he’s would be dead!
  5. From what I’ve learned of thease craft they are automatic no input from a pilot the sky is a big space you could stack traffic vertically or horizontally allowing say 500 foot separation via programming actually I believe it would relive congestion that beeing said I don’t think we are there yet but it’s not long off!
  6. I’m sure if the government thought the craft were of extraterrestrial manufacture they would be using any means possible to collect it intact for study no doubt about it imo
  7. Any lucid human being with the means should have abandoned that mess long ago who in their right mind would want to be meat for Putin’s butcher shop
  8. Russia revolt!you deserve better what a waste of life all for one man’s ambition get rid of that snake slava Ukraine ????????
  9. The folks of NZ are tough they will weather this just fine,the only Person from NZ I knew really well grew up on a farm a very very creative tough genuine guy I’m the better for it great friend great country great folks
  10. I donno brother I feel the Russian people deserve better there are severe consequences for speaking out and most folks do as their country asks right or wrong it’s a real genuine horrible conundrum in my humble opinion
  11. I don’t believe them prove it,we have much safer less obtrusive ways to monitor what’s going on in the world why would we risk an international incident nope I don’t believe them
  12. Ever try to poke a hole in an inflated balloon?at 60,000 feet?the pressure differential would make it pop obviously ????
  13. I agree with you,the Ukrainians didn’t deserve this horror visited on their wives sons daughter’s elderly ect ect the worlds hungry didn’t deserve to lose access to the goods the Ukrainian nation offers.Nor did the Russian people deserve to have their nation set backwards 70years get their soldiers killed and become a pariah nation the Russian people didn’t deserve it either cut off the head of the snake and rejoin the world get the (*#@@) out of Ukraine get rid of putin and his cronies
  14. Oh boy have I he’s made great strides getting the country back on track and restoring our faith in government rebuilding our alliances rebuilding infrastructure lowering drug prices for seniors great strides towards mitigating our impact on climate lowering childhood poverty seeding renewables being inclusive fighting hate gee wizz I could go on but I have stuff to do hope that helps!btw old Donnie attacking the pregnant Reanna just shows all the (alleged) money in the world can’t buy class
  15. The loons maybe imo it’s weather/intelligence/ snooping platforms a definite no no for a foreign power to be doing they allready have capability’s to assure themselves via satellite as to our status this is definitely a bit in your face that beeing said it’s not smart to stand there and poke the USA in the eye hopefully it will all (blow over) without anyone getting hurt or worse
  16. They are allready weak they just need to rid themselves of the corrupt ruling class
  17. lol I don’t think they need our help I’m sure they have lots of photos they just don’t want us to see them yet most likely they want to study the debris first
  18. Weren’t you raising the roof that Biden did not shoot the first one down immediately?im sure the executive branch is tightening up the ship as far as documents goes folks like Joe Biden and Mike pence take this stuff seriously
  19. Msm was reporting this one was down at 20,000 feet that’s definitely in the path of commercial aviation not good
  20. If your commanders have to kill your team mates to get them to do what’s asked you aren’t strong you are weak slava Ukraine ????????
  21. Serves them right,invading their neighbors go home save lives!
  22. Msm reporting just under 35,000 dead ……sad
  23. It’s not 0 bendeho Liz Cheney mitt rommney adam Kissinger and a very few others but I do agree the vast majority are to spineless and or support the destruction of our democracy
  24. Naaa it’s about all the lies and division Elon allows wish the advertisers would do the same with Fox News !
  25. I smell something fishey here I’m sure it isn’t from the USA we have less intrusive means to gather information it’s especially suspicious after the balloon scandal
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