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Everything posted by Tug

  1. Sir There are lots of real journalists a lot of them give their lives in pursuit of the truth bucko fox is the lowest scum of the earth deliberately lying in pursuit of money and ratings to me they are traitors I hope dominion gets a HUGE settlement they should be put out of business
  2. Oh it’s the spirit and the Europeans obviously see what old Putin been up to they and us here in the USA are helping to put a stop to it better hope your pal doesent screw up and get nato involved he can’t even handle Ukraine ???????? the Russians are being humiliated lol
  3. Normally I don’t answer obvious trolling but heck why not Ukraine ,environment ,seeding a home grown chip industry,lowering healthcare costs,some small gains on gun control,infrastructure,restoring American ideals after the Trump malignantcy a general feeling of hope for the future gee that’s starters lots more
  4. It’s wonderful to see how strong nato is in fulfilling its intended purpose .it is functioning exactly the way it was designed to do as a deterrent to the criminal putin. it’s also wonderful to see the free world outside the bounds of nato support the just cause of freedom and autonomy ie supporting Ukraine.Putin better hope he doesn’t screw up and have nato jump in with both feet his military can’t even handle Ukraine.slava Ukraine ???????? evict the invaders
  5. Sorry I just can’t help myself thinking back to old Donnie’s bs exams Joe is indeed old but he and his TEAM are doing a lot of good for America and the world he is one productive old duffer get her done Joe!
  6. Same old same old with the added caveat of Putin’s Ukraine fiasco
  7. Gee you can’t be referring to the Biden campaign that during the height of a raging epidemic that killed more Americans than all the wars we have been involved in (btw)played it safe as to not contribute to the staggering death toll that Covid brought to our nation surely not,as for Fetterman he won fare and square get over it stop sniveling rejoice in the knowledge that the man in the seat is genuine and transparent about any health issues he may be having
  8. Hope he gets decades in prison scumbag traitor
  9. Bravo young man most excellent im envious and delighted for you also I hope your long suffering mom is ok I’m sure she’s proud of you
  10. Uhh okaaa then what about that vote thingy hummm???donnies boy got flushed get over it
  11. Many Tesla owners have been caught asleep at the wheel as they go down the road I’ve personally seen one woman reading a book not a care in the world nor an eye on the road scary indeed
  12. I’d put the new engine in it and thank goddess my wife loves her old car do something really really nice for her appreciate your good fortune
  13. Hope senator lurch oops Fetterman gets better I like the guy
  14. Naaa the USA wants that evil dwarf out of ALL Ukrainian including Crimea that he stole in 2014 he’s a thief and a warmongering criminal slava Ukraine evict the looting murdering rapists from your lands!
  15. Dirt bags the both of them Imo that beeing said it’s to bad the people of Texas and Florida have to foot the consequences time for a change perhaps?
  16. I sincerely hope so!!to the fullest extent of the law!!
  17. Not to mention a strong reason to wean ourselves off fossil fuels and transition towards renewables nothing wrong with that as well + making nato stronger to resist and stop any country making wars on its neighbors for conquest or material
  18. I hope they don’t raise interest rates again I want to buy a new truck oh well if they do maybe the price of said truck will come down and I’ll just do a larger down payment.
  19. Not a tough call in the slightest stretch of imagination imo I as most would prefer the death penalty if not he will be entombed in prison for the rest of his miserable life soon forgotten at best looking over his shoulder most likely beeing pimped out buy some neonazi all the while being terrified that a person of color or just about anyone else will rip him bodily apart that’s best case for him Imo
  20. It have it did have an intelligence gathering capability also if it was a weather balloon why wouldn’t the Chinese government notify the Canadian and US government about it hummm?that would certainly be the prudent thing to do
  21. Ukraine needs to do is take back Crimea I’d love to see them drive down and recapture maropul then destroy Putin’s bridge of looting thereby trapping the orks starve them a bit then start negotiating the total abject surrender of all Russian forces in Ukraine +reparations let the Russian people take care of mr Putin Mussolini style everyone knows Putin covets Crimea heck he covets all of Ukraine and Eastern Europe remove the head of the snake!
  22. Just put that defective piece of (insert word here) in the general population of just about any penitentiary he will be taken care of in short order im sorry but killing granny as she goes grocery shopping is just as cowardly and despicable as it gets it’s right up there with child rape he’s still facing federal charges maybe they will give the death penalty hope so!
  23. Matty is a rich trust fund baby he has the wealth and connections combined with the sleazy quality of the witnesses the DOJ decided to drop the case he’s a sleaze ball that dodged the bullet due to wealth and connections it helps to be a NEPO baby if he was a regular guy he’d be locked up sleazy dude
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