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Everything posted by Tug

  1. There are several schools they teach deck officers and engineering officers the academy here on the west coast takes the students on a circumnavigation of our Little Rock (earth) they get their 100 ton ticket out of it
  2. Some how I think mr Cruz should use his time more appropriately just pure theatre
  3. I went ahead and read a more detailed article on this incident seems the migrants were under fire from Mr Kelly armed with his ak47 they posed no threat nor was there a verbal confrontation nor warning given the man who was killed was shot in the back as he was fleeing from Mr Kelley towards Mexico somehow I feel if the rhetoric was tone down mr Kelley wouldn’t think that it was appropriate to take potshots at migrants very sad indeed I’ll keep track of his trial should be interesting
  4. Who started this war of conquest?here’s some clues it wasent nato nor Ukraine or the United States it was Putin and Putin alone who keeps rattling the nuclear saber it’s Putin and Putin alone.NO ONE wants or would welcome nuclear war that’s insane and false the west (democracy’s) want Russia out of Ukraine it’s as simple as that they Invaded their neighbor in a quest to conquer and subjugate their neighbor no more no less just like the Germans tryed in the late 30s the world ain’t having it
  5. Just theater wonder if the governor is jealous cause Cruz thought of it first.I think the citizens of Texas would be better served by mr Cruze to focus on things that matter perhaps he could start with their power grid remember that one cancoon Cruz lmao ????
  6. It’s really simple Russia get out of Ukraine all of Ukraine return the children you kidnapped get rid of your criminal dictator pay reparations and turn over all of your war criminals simple
  7. Awwww did someone put rocks in Mikey’s pillow lol ???? personally I think it was a grave mistake to give that footage to fake Fox News it’s a security risk.unfortunately for McCarthy marge has his balls and just probably ordered him to turn it over.
  8. Well I guess you can lead a horse to water but can’t make it drink.that will be great to get trump on record and under oath.I rember how he would ruin careers and people’s pensions and not give a wit he’s a nasty vindictive evil narcissist the sooner the better for him to face the consequences of his actions oh and muller was spot on but billey Barr put in the fix so he got away with it
  9. Today is the 1 year anniversary of Putin’s war of aggression against his neighbor how much blood and suffering will he cause today……..
  10. Gee I don’t know about that seems to me that the governor Ronnie Is more interested in harassing Disney ,outcast kids with emotional problems and bussing out of state refugees to democratic states instead of governing
  11. I say try it as an adult lol seriously a novel move on the part of the perpetrator that beeing said hopefully for the baby’s sake she gets the proper pre natal care in prison
  12. I have a feeling it’s going to be more like the rats trying to save themselves with luck they will throw daddy under the bus ???? lol ????
  13. Sore losers,for the Arizona state DA to willfully sit on this information and let the election lies and Kari Lakes (&@) continue in my book is criminal is there anyway to hold this anti democracy guy responsible for this I don’t know perhaps in civil court?
  14. Naaa they tryed that route 70 odd years ago things dident work out so well the free world won’t let that murderous dictator get away with it time for the Russians to take care of their problem the sooner the better!
  15. The perp has been arrested allready some 19 year old dude with the most ridiculous hair I’ve ever seen enjoy your 3 seconds of fame on tv now you get to spend the rest of your existence in a super max penitentiary enjoy your life you fool
  16. Just who deregulated these robber barons?who gutted the epa?let’s see let me think for 1\2 of a nano second why yes it was trump I believe yup that’s it!bottom line trump is desperately trying to keep his failing campaign afloat it’s as dead as the fish in the creeks of Palestine Ohio.Does any rational person think trump gives a hoot about the environment?really?Now I know the republicans are desperate to discredit President Biden saying that it was more important to go to Palestine Ohio and disrupt the clean up efforts instead of going to a war zone and shoring up freedom and democracy throughout the world really?come on you gotta do better than that!
  17. Aww the old duffer just wanted something new and fresh after tagging the old lady for 48 years,he should have just kept it as a business arrangement pay as you go so to speak
  18. Good force the truth out of those two go ahead rat out the old man lol
  19. Naaa the fetus is just as guilty as the person who pulled the trigger it was at the scene of the crime guilty by association throw the book at it lol
  20. Noooo not Steve he’d never Welch on a bill lmao ???? why isn’t he in jail yet?
  21. In my humble opinion Rick Scott was deeply involved in the greatest rip off fraud of Medicare in history im personally amazed he isent serving decades in the federal penitentiary .sometimes it seems to me some folks never miss a try at casting doubt trying to divide or put down American ideals.as far as the senator is concerned granting him his plan would be the same thing as turning a starving wolf into the hen house actually in mr Scott’s case an infant’s nursery would be more appropriate
  22. All Putin can do is double down imo he’s probably offering China a real deal on energy to (grease the wheels)so to speak and the Chinese are going to weight that against the loss in revenue in trade because obviously the west will respond not a good imo
  23. I normally don’t comment about other countries in this particular situation she was still a kid when she made this bad decision to me I feel that should be considered as well as her present mental condition and views also does she have any were to go if allowed back in?stupid girl for sure
  24. That’s just negligence 100% and then send the kids to check for real ?????Whoever this idiot is obviously shouldn’t be allowed to own a gun allowed to drive use tools of any kind this guy is an imbecile I’m truly flabbergasted
  25. I think most are conditioned by propaganda and the ones that know the truth also know what happens to those who protest the regime.so they just keep their heads down and continue with their lives trying to survive in my humble opinion they deserve better
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