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Everything posted by Tug

  1. I’d love to see Fox News after they pay dommion their 1.7 billion fine that the first 2 minutes of each and every (news) program they air should be spent telling their viewers they willfully lied to them about the election and betrayed the country in the quest for money and ratings an absolutely despicable group of sleazy $&*@ people
  2. All things come to he who waits I know it’s hard be patient it will come and it will be glorious!
  3. I’m sure it would definitely escalate the transfer of modern western weapons to Ukraine ???????? ie aircraft long range missiles and many more tanks
  4. I don’t possess the capacity to fully comprehend the horror deeply sad ????
  5. I agree we need to support faster and with more ie aircraft tanks and longer range missiles asap
  6. Thanks Donnie you ignorance has now reaped a double reward Iran will have nukes soon and they are allready supplying Russia with weapons elections have consequences
  7. I donno Russian leadership must pay a heavy price for what they created slava Ukraine ????????
  8. In hindsight I agree it was and still is a shameful piece of our history that beeing said looking through the lense of time I can see how the leadership at the time thought it was prudent it’s the aftermath and lack of support thease American families received/ did NOT receive is the most shameful thing imo
  9. If I may jerseytobbk the training of Ukrainian pilots and tankers wouldn’t take that long plus those Ukrainian patriots have been tested in the crucible of combat against a numerically superior foe defending their homes families sovereignty and dare I say the right to exist against the criminals attacking them they will be a quick study augmented by volunteers and contractual maintenance agreements.slava Ukraine ???????? evict the raping fascist from your lands!
  10. I agree China doesn’t want to kill the golden goose we in the west need to call their bluff
  11. Read it like the folks that helped to destroy the Soviet Union read it like the folks that are trying to gain the knowledge so the folks in charge can make safe and sound decisions as far as China providing offensive weapons to Russia that imo Will really open the flood gates for western aircraft cruse missiles ect ect im sure at the very least old Putin will lose his Black Sea Fleet and his bridge of looting to Crimea and most likely lead to a second Cold War
  12. Yup on gas there was that pesky epidemic rember?you know the one that killed more Americans than all the wars we have been involved in I also remember there was so much oil on the market they couldent store it rember.unemployment you are mistaken. security how so?he was stabbing our Allies in the back and sucking up to dictators you are also mistaken about hope for the future we are trying to make progress on climate change fixing our infrastructure improving healthcare lifting more children out of poverty nope your universe is not the one that exists in real life it’s the one that is trump world enjoy it
  13. At this point the more crazy the better because it’s so much easier for the moderates to call them out and defeat them Imo
  14. Aww chomper they are desperate now especially with Fox News discredited so publicly lmao ????
  15. Now the death toll approaching 48,000 they are still pulling survivors out from the rubble alive sad ????
  16. Oh gee that’s easy she is a attorney she was a DA she was The AG for the state of California (the fourth largest economy on the planet btw)she was a United States senator and now she is vice president second only to the president hope that helps
  17. what a beautiful soul a really really decent human being a Christian who has lived a Christian life a wonderful run thank you for setting such a fine example for us all
  18. Oh no did he get Rudolph noooooo it’s not reindeer season
  19. Oh jee I don’t know about that but they certainly are of the Ukrainians that are wiping the floor with them and humiliating Russia at every turn oh in case you haven’t noticed or just forget the United States has been supporting Ukraine ???????? and giving them the tools to evict the looting rapists from their country
  20. well yea we all knew that when they were run out of the area around Kiev I sincerely hope they get to prosecute any survivors it certainly should be part of the reparations package once they are evicted from ALL of Ukraine ????????
  21. Uh you do rember trump tryed to extort Ukraine don’t you?furthermore trump was up on Putin’s leg like a horney puppy dog Putin didn’t have to go to war trump was giving him everything he wanted Putin’s problem is trump was flushed and dident get a second term also trump didn’t undermine nato or the resolve in the world as much he’d hoped now he’s beeing defeated on the field of battle and his economy is tanked congratulations mr Putin your place in history will be that of a war criminal and failure
  22. So using the nra line of thinking does a good toddler with a gun out weight a bad toddler with a gun?should the teachers be armed to protect against armed toddlers? do toddlers have the right to concealed carry?such weighty questions. im sure the republican house will take up these weighty matters I think mtg or Boebert should be in charge hummm?(sarcasim alert)
  23. Oh I don’t know Russia will have to negotiate reparations after they are evicted from Ukraine especially if they ever want to join the world’s economic growth again.you also mentioned in a post about maintaining new weapons systems and fuel requirements don’t worry lots of volunteers and contractors for the short term and the Russian junk sucks fuel to lol ???? sorry but I think your guys gonna lose unfortunately he’s getting lots of people killed in the process
  24. Why should Ukraine give up its land to the looting rapists?russia is being humiliated on the battlefield and have become a pariah nation thanks to Putin’s unjust war of extermination Russias economy is tanked and you say give up?Nope remove the head of the snake and evict the the invaders build a wall of democracy and freedom around Russia the Russians will see for themselves the better future and change from within.slava Ukraine ???????? evict the invaders
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