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Everything posted by Tug

  1. Ain’t that the truth geeessshhhh and I was lucky to find a National Geographic as a kid now I feel deprived lol ????
  2. Ahhh no the left is inclusive inquisitive and policy oriented towards creating a more inclusive America and helping the American people progress towards a more perfect Union
  3. That wannabe fascist will never be president he may play well with the Florida retirees and crack heads but his obviously sielf serving ignorant rasist bs ain’t gonna fly for the majority of Americans he’s allready facing backlash from the people of Florida not all Americans want to take refuge in ignorance there are lots of us who want to make our country a better place for all you can’t achieve growth through ignorance we must embrace knowledge Ronnie’s doomed imo
  4. Ahh nope it was a trump Barr fishing expedition that failed trump is a dirty little monkey I suspect even you know it yourself
  5. Ahhh nope that nutter was incited to violence 100% by the republican spiel he’s a Trump supporter through and through no doubt about it
  6. Nope but they are better designed and are better able to withstand battle damage the Russian tanks store the ammo in the same space as the crew very unfortunate for the poor slobs manning them oh btw the count is up to 400 tanks pledged from various nato countries slava Ukraine ????????
  7. So far 400 tanks have been pledged from various countries as per cnn this afternoon looks like the flood gates are opening good for Ukraine ???????? now get those crews trained up and leave the maintenance to contractors for now slava Ukraine ????????!!!
  8. Well it’s pretty simple to tell witch party does the most for the American people!
  9. And desperate to drum up support for their bankrupt Republican Party pretty despicable
  10. I’ve seen the video it’s horrific I wish I could unsee it no excuses none whatsoever god that’s bad to protect and serve ehhh that guy posed no threat none nada zip zilch he dident even get out of line just horrible those perps should never ever see the light of day ever
  11. Putin has been planning this for years he laid the ground since before his stealing of Crimea and the Donbas he went to great lengths indeed as far as helping a (at best) a useful imbecile in the White House to weaken Allies and hopefully kill or weaken nato oh yes there maxim pre mediation on this war of subjection and extermination slava Ukraine ???????? kick the invaders out!
  12. No that’s a really bad optic talk about a career killer yeiks!worse than cancoon cruse!
  13. The dingo ate the capsule
  14. Huh what on earth or space does your comment have to do with an asteroid I think I know who’s preoccupied
  15. Horrible but sadly not surprising given what the Israeli did in Gaza just sad ????
  16. That perp is lucky the cop didn’t kill him what a bum
  17. Well then perhaps the police need to be a bit more careful as 90% of them are bottom line imo folks especially people of color aren’t going to put up with the brutality anymore
  18. Never again!
  19. The republicans sure flopped on this one but wait there’s more they are so desperate to slander that instead of governing they are going to desperately try to destroy the Biden’s .enough!! Stop the attacks and govern that’s their job do it or become extinct as a political party
  20. No wonder the republicans are obsessed with m&m candy lmao ???? they must be steamed at the good news hey Joe may be an old duffer but he and his TEAM lead with sober thought out planning that benefits the American people he’s getting real results!
  21. It’s been mentioned here for the last 48 hours the USA has been aware hopefully next time one comes close they can do a deflection shot on it like they did a few months ago as an experiment on that other one
  22. It’s history and the response ie the consequences of the last time this happened in Europe that is driving the response this time it’s just a different aggresser this time. also the German response frees up other countries to contribute
  23. Sloppy should have wiped the letter down ,this is the first attempt on trump that I’m aware of
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