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Everything posted by Tug

  1. That’s wonderful news for the great people of Sweden their nation and the world!
  2. That’s one tough and lucky dude to survive a hit like that and then to have the heroic medical team remove it wow!
  3. I highly doubt it the trumpers are sounding a bit desperate lol they have been trying for so long to slander the Biden’s I’m the one having a bit of a chuckle ????
  4. Ditto candide what a difference an election makes I’m sure the president is an open book for the investigation that’s how you act when you have nothing to hide
  5. Why on earth would Biden be crying I’m sure he’s annoyed he has a lot on his plate beeing a real president not a nft cartoon president imo it’s the correct thing to do especially under the circumstances with trump hoarding sensitive docs then lying denying hiding blocking delaying ect ect you know that pesky and might I add illegal obstruction tisk tisk Donnie were as in the Joe Biden <deleted> all was handeled correctly there’s a world of difference
  6. Absolutely 100% no hesitation none whatsoever I’d vote for him in less than a heartbeat he gets stuff done he’s restoring americas place in the world this snafu with the docs is a scandal that’s it no more imo most likely caused by a staffing screw up it’s not malicious as in the trump case I know many are so desperate to slander it’s their m.o. but sorry nope joes kicking ass getting it done oh by the way the inflation rate is now at 6.1% continuing to go down!cheers!
  7. You are sounding desperate lol let’s just see what’s it’s all about ehhh I don’t think he was flushing docs down the potty or burning them humm like your hero to me it sounds like a staffing problem but then again I like the guy he gets stuff done
  8. Not cost effective imo just get a Chinese knock off or beg Uncle Sam for a surplus vessel
  9. Now there’s a snafu wonder if the evil dwarf is up to some shenanigans
  10. Who is bird brain?you couldn’t possibly be referring to Joe Biden,gee wizz he’s got infrastructure done lowered drug prices restored nato stood up to Russia supported the Ukrainians in their quest for independence and supported Europe he’s continuing our fight against climate change lowered childhood poverty seeded microchip production here in the USA that’s not all this(bird brain) has got done oh did I add that he’s an old duffer to boot!nope sorry it’s a screw up that was taken care of properly no more than that
  11. There is no comparison trump willfully and illegally stole state secrets for what purpose is unknown at this time he compermised our National security and quite possibly caused the deaths of some of our allies he lied stole obstructed and is still trying to ferment the destruction of our democratic institutions and democracy it’s self.Joe Biden’s screw up is what it is a screw up quite possibly a staff member screw up it was and is unintentional and was delt with in the correct way.Now we can all see the republicans desperately trying to run their slander politics play book it’s all they got it’s impossible to change them they are to far gone imo we just need to vote them out
  12. Nope Donnie was told repeatedly to return the docs he returned a few kept the rest then lied then delayed then purgered his attorneys then obstructed then and only then he was served a LAWFUL search warrant to recover what was recovered ( we still don’t know if he’s hording more docs to sell or for leverage) so nope very little comparison to me it looks like a sloppy staffer skrewed up in the case of the Biden snafu also if it came to any doubt they wouldent need a search warrant the Biden’s would invite them in and probably serve them refreshments nope no comparison Imo
  13. That’s not good if it happens I hope it cost them dearly
  14. I thought he was hanging out with Donnie in the bunker at mar a lardo……oops largo lmao ????
  15. I’m concerned they may be stockpiling for a spring offensive ,I’d be absolutely delighted to be wrong about it.hopefully it’s because they are bankrupt
  16. Good I’d be surprised if they haven’t been training for some time
  17. Far to short ,if any normal person did this even on a small scale it would be years in the fed system far to short Imo (unless there’s a lot we don’t know about)a small bird comes to mind……tweet tweet!
  18. Not in the least bit surprised for these swamp critters to let fraudulent activity flourish they gotta keep their environment agreeable to their form of life
  19. That’s great news!it makes it harder for Putin to finance his criminal war of conquest.It also makes it harder to murder Ukrainians trying to defend their country and because he’s deprived of the tec side of the war he can get more Russians killed some leader NOT!
  20. Hey wonder if they have pulled Donnie’s passport yet?Is he under house arrest at mar a lardo oops largo or is he just bunkering down there?sure sounds to me like the doj is going to indict soon!
  21. Hey should we start a pool as to when poor keven gets the chop?id advise him not to unpack.all it will take is for ether of the 2 kracken to have a bad day lol ???? could you imagine having to always be looking over your shoulder for those 2 shrews?yeiks!
  22. Looks like they are bringing out the big guns this doesent bode well for Donnie me thinks .we are finally going to see an indictment hopefully
  23. My understanding is they were found at an institution that study’s foreign policy to imply that Biden himself left the docs isent nessarley true they could have been forgotten by someone studying at that facility the main point to me is the difference in the way they were handled
  24. Spent time in montecito and summer land (aka bummerland) back in the late 60s some really wild times!hope all is ok after the blow at least most folks there can handle it financially
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