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Everything posted by rexpotter

  1. And what about the poor fleas that they kill with poison. They have feelings too. Nobody cares about them. And I also get upset about people killing mosquitos and ants for that matter. Its horrible, they have a right to live like all other living things.
  2. That's so wonderful. Did he do it every day? Did he get them all de-wormed and properly vaccinated? Did he wash them and remove the fleas regularly? Just asking.
  3. Thanks for picking that up
  4. Also, it does not take any special brains or talent to fly an aircraft, most anyone can do it. But we do learn other things along with it. I am quite sure 95% of the posters on here could do it just fine. When I got my first airline interview way back when, the Chief Pilot told me after offering a me a job. 'Don't give me any <deleted>, I can teach a monkey to do your job! He was right. Look who is flying aircraft around these days. These days its way easier as we had all those not so accurate steam gauges as they are called now. Aircraft now are hardly any different than driving a computer with wings.
  5. Recently, I gave a checkout gal 502 baht for a 202 baht bill. Couldn't do it, had to call the manager over.
  6. I hate it too. 'Can I help You? Well No because you will not understand the next question. Wears me out. Do Home is bad. They have no clue what's in the aisle where they work, and always have to run off an find the only person in the store who knows where things are. Then you wait. One would think that the owners of these stores would require the staff to all eventually learn the names of what is in the aisle they work in. Would that be too difficult?
  7. So if the friendly cop tells the ambulance driver not to report it until they get to the hospital, then it makes them look good? Just wondering.
  8. People who are doing something that is wrong (gang members, military men gone mad, divorced women) and they know its wrong, need group support to get them through it, I figure. Their must be a lot of very angry guys how had their weenie removed and one day want it back. There is a YouTube video of Thai Doctors removing one if anyone gets drunk enough to watch it.
  9. That is so true, that baylon bee pub has satire that I often cannot tell what is truth or not.
  10. Actually I meant to say Proplyene Glycol not transmission fluid but i suppose that would kill anyhitng. But they like to drink radiator coolant, its has killed many pets by accident.
  11. Is this a joke? PTSD? I an a certified Dog Counselor. Send a few over here, I'll sort them out.
  12. I also very much agree with this.
  13. They do not report any accident as a death if they die later at the hospital, is what I understand. Only when they are pronounced dead at the scene of the accident. Correct me please if that has changed.
  14. Misleading title. Long term planning here seems impossible.
  15. The budget goes for new cars and new I phones
  16. Are you jealous? I've been on this forum for 20 years when it was Thai visa, never mentioned it. Thought I would share something useful, but apparently making nasty childish comments seem to be enjoyed here more than that. Often seems on this forum like I am in some grade school playground with kids fighting until the teacher comes out and breaks it up.
  17. Transam yu=ou are winning the funny award today....keep going
  18. So he really got beat by a girl.. Good research and also very funny.
  19. Back in my youthful days I had taken a bus from the northern bus terminal up to Authhya to meet up with some Thai people i worked with at the time. On the way back, the air con in the ceiling started grinding and smoking until it got so bad I went up and told the driver to let me out. He then closed the door, full of smoke and continued with his passengers.A trail of smoke behind the bus
  20. Its supposed to ok....but
  21. That sucks, they are a very small place with limited staff. My account out near Maya MAll Branch a small original one ended up in Central Airport, what a bitch to get to. And the main guy there has left who was extremely helpful.
  22. University of Pennsylvania swimmer Lia Thomas, who has become central to the debate about transgender inclusion in competitive women's sports, lost a race Saturday to Iszac Henig, a transgender from Yale. Whats the world coming to?
  23. What? Where is it tranquil on that road?
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