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Everything posted by rexpotter

  1. Many ambulances drive around her empty, with lights flashing and horns and whistles screaming. They all have blacked out windows and who knows if they are really on any mission.
  2. Why do people with no business experience come here and decide to open a business which they have no experience in?
  3. How about forget it? is that too sensible?
  4. Is it really that easy?
  5. Real Justice? Real Estate.
  6. Same! Shopping at Makro. Kewpie mayonnaise. I bought a few bags of it, as I have relied on this Japanese product for quality for many years only to find it was 6% sugar...I can hardly eat it..WTF?
  7. When I say eat like crap, its loosely said. I mean they don't do all of the super healthy things that we know these days promote good health.
  8. Interesting. Wonder why some folks eat like crap and still never get it.
  9. I like the way it works here. I screwed up driving here many years ago and it was totally my fault. We settled it in the cop station with money and everyone went home. No lawyers, or court dates or judges.
  10. What? Department of what? Its to fffing hot
  11. The situatin is far past a joke anymore, and ts not dust.
  12. Maybe they need a meeting in Singapore from all head of state from neighboring countries and stay at the finest hotel and discuss this forther?
  13. Thats it. More rubbish talk from pro politicians
  14. All the farangs here cry bloody murder if they started enforcing laws.
  15. Good one, bleeding heart democrats. Please not here.
  16. Maybe she should get Greta Thundberg over to protest with her.
  17. Agreed, is she seriously injured? Has she lost her ability to walk? Or to function physically any differently than prior to the hit in the back? My God, drop it. Let the system deal with it how it normally gets dealt with. Whats the point? She will not change this system.
  18. I think Thailand you just call the whole tourist thing off. Kick em all out. Go back to being loy percen thai as they say. It will solve most of their problems.
  19. How on earth would any visitor know what the rules are here when they arrive? They see locals doing all kinds of nutty stuff with vehicles and the things we call sidewalks are full of motorized vehicles. Biking paths are race tracks for lazy locals on the motorbikes. Cars on parked on sidewalks, making it impossible to walk safely. Give us a break.
  20. Asians love to watch violence.
  21. From Cha Am down to the end of The Gulf of Thailand people(Thai's) drive cars and trucks and bikes on the beach all day and night. They are doing it right now.
  22. Was that you? Thanks for sharing a line.
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