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Everything posted by wealthychef

  1. The pickup probably expected him to continue into the center divider and get out of the way. This assumption cost him a crucial second he needed. This is why I'm very defensive when I drive here. If I were the motorbike, I would have waited longer. If I were the pickup, I would have been slowing down as soon as I saw the motorbike at the side of the road. I assume everyone is out to get me. Since neither person here gave any margin for error, the errors were not correctable.
  2. Exactly! I also use the Frogger Maneuvre frequently here. The key words here are "inch out." The motorcycle was too aggressive here. I always take shelter behind another vehicle when possible, and if not, then I make damned sure that cars see me and are responding as I expect before going in front of them.
  3. Gosh, out of the blue, I mean, whatever could have happened to depress tourism last year? It's a miracle!
  4. Actually what does not mix with meth is machetes. 555 Pot mellows you out. How many times do us pot addicts need to explain this to non-users? Yes it can trigger psychosis in those predisposed, but it does not cause people to attack each other with machetes or other things. It makes you sleep and get lazy. Addiction and violence are extremely rare under the influence of the drug, it's an expression of deeper issues in the patient. I would venture to guess that addictions to political news sites or even Facebook cause far more violence than weed. I'd like to see a study of the number of violent crimes committed by pot users vs. non-users. I don't believe I've ever seen that one done.
  5. Reforming les majeste might be one step in a plan to overthrow the monarchy. However, it by no means is sufficient nor is it even indicative of such intention, so I would say this article does not apply. But I'm not a Thai lawyer. Thank gods! :-).
  6. As usual, the oligarchs will always move against popular will and attempt to crush any democratic impulse. Democracy is not profitable. Much better to have slaves.
  7. You just described half the people on this forum. LOL
  8. My understanding is that it's China's policies that are preventing its citizens from traveling, not Thailands. Am I wrong?
  9. Here, let me simplify them for you: the wealthy get what they want, the powerful get more power, and the poor are neglected and told to mind their manners.
  10. I guess Superdelegates aren't just a USA thing eh? Democracy is very uncomfortable for the rich. As my brother likes to say, democracy is two wolves and a sheep deciding what to have for dinner.
  11. Actually, I found the same thing in Pattaya. I ordered a bolt at a certain location and long story short the local taxi mafia was not pleased and gave him a stern talking to. He had to pay them 200 baht, which i promptly paid him and apologized (the mistake was really mine). But yes, taxi mafia, watch out baby!
  12. To me, more of a problem is not the fact that the Thai police are not 100% reliable (no police are), but rather what the consequences of making an honest, malicious, or systemic mistake will be when the death penalty is factored in. If the death penalty were not involved, it would be a no-brainer to try him here, but ... well, this is for sure complicated, so it's lucky for the world you and I are not the final arbiters here in the comment section. :-)
  13. Swedes, Norwegians, whatever, we Americans can't be bothered with such trivia. LOL
  14. Do you really think that the police especially in Thailand never make any false accusations and the legal process here never produces unfair convictions? If not, then would you concur that there are times when an innocent person runs from the police?
  15. Fair enough, I've come to be against the death penalty because inevitably, innocent people will be executed, and there is no appeal after the gallows. Kind of hypocritical of a society to accept that cost in my view, while pearl-clutching over the crime of murder.
  16. Tell that to Juilan Assange. There are many reasons to run from "justice", like when you are being falsely accused. And in my personal view, nobody on this forum knows what really happened. Truth is unlikely to come out. How can the Norwegians investigate a murder in Thailand? And who trusts the Thai government to investigate? I would just say an eye for an eye, extradite the guy and try him here where he allegedly committed the crime.
  17. Agreed, and this I think applies to every country in the world, especially my home, the US.
  18. Really, what a sad statement, that if you don't conscript citizens they will fall into poverty. How about doing something about the poverty in your society that involves non-military, non-police solutions? Is that so hard to imagine?
  19. By any chance, was the constitution drafted by the army? That would be convenient then, wouldn't it.
  20. Nice words. Unfortunately, let's all remember these are politicians speaking, so 90% of this is lies. Just keep that in mind.
  21. Well, at least you are trying to be kind. I was answering a direct question with my comment.
  22. Do you have any specifics about what I'm wrong with, or are you just going to continue your personal attacks without any substance behind them? I think any thoughtful person can see you don't have much of an argument and are just trying to say "what? you're crazy!" over and over.
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