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Everything posted by wealthychef

  1. Agreed, and this I think applies to every country in the world, especially my home, the US.
  2. Really, what a sad statement, that if you don't conscript citizens they will fall into poverty. How about doing something about the poverty in your society that involves non-military, non-police solutions? Is that so hard to imagine?
  3. By any chance, was the constitution drafted by the army? That would be convenient then, wouldn't it.
  4. Nice words. Unfortunately, let's all remember these are politicians speaking, so 90% of this is lies. Just keep that in mind.
  5. Well, at least you are trying to be kind. I was answering a direct question with my comment.
  6. Do you have any specifics about what I'm wrong with, or are you just going to continue your personal attacks without any substance behind them? I think any thoughtful person can see you don't have much of an argument and are just trying to say "what? you're crazy!" over and over.
  7. No, when Donald Trump announced Project Warp Speed I was skeptical about his motivations, and it turns out I should have listened to my instincts. My sympathies are always with the working class, and the lockdowns never sat right with me. If only I had followed the money... I was quite convinced at first that masks and vaccines were the right approach. I was incredulous that people were questioning any of it. But now in hindsight we have more information available if you are brave enough to look. I invite you to continue to explore your own thinking on the subject, happy to answer any questions from my global audience. ???? Enjoy the sweet Thailand summer warmth.
  8. how can they? Too busy saving the world with cutting edge medical technology that is "guaranteed safe and effective or your YouTube account will be deleted." That's a promise!
  9. Ka ching! Every time a syringe plunger is depressed, Pfizer and Moderna's stock price go up a little. But of course you can trust their corporate scientists and our world's governmental oversight processes to keep us safe.
  10. Radical idea: give them a home and provide medical care for them?
  11. Somehow this doesn't add up to me. What crime against tourists are prevented by limiting prostitution to Walking Street? I guess ladyboy crimes are always a thing, but that doesn't seem warranted. I feel like this is just another short-lived revenue stream idea.
  12. Oxymoron of the week for me! Is it just me or is this just not possible?
  13. Hold your horses there, they just got in power. You don't know anything by what a politician says, even if you like what they are saying, they lie a lot. So let's just see how it plays out before talking about demonstrations of commitments to rights etc. Personally, I believe one should not trust any politician ever. ESPECIALLY the ones you like. 99% chance they are telling you what you want to hear and will betray you 5 weeks after being in office if not earlier. Do they SOUND better? Hell yes. But so did Bernie Sanders, and now look at him.
  14. Yes, I think this is a universal situation around the globe. I feel like workers right now need to unite against their capitalist oppressors who just want to use their labor and then throw them in a pit when they get old. This time in Thailand, it's going to be hard to go against the will of the people, but you can see they really really want to, because they have no respect as you say... it's the way of the world, baby. I think the real solution is just to eat more pizza. It makes you happy and when you're done with it you just poop it out.
  15. I read it differently. Remember that markets buy on rumors and sell on the news. So the improvement in price from Apr 24 to present might be the market reacting to the predicted outcome of a progressive blowout. When it happened, you can see the market got ready for a disappointment and then corrected back when the results came in. That's the way I see it.
  16. Actually, it's better than that. It's also in the platform of the new winning party apparently. Per Reuters (https://www.reuters.com/world/asia-pacific/old-rivalries-new-battle-thailand-goes-polls-2023-05-13/) <quote> Thitinan Pongsudhirak, a political scientist at Chulalongkorn University, said Move Forward's surge demonstrated a major shift in Thai politics. "Pheu Thai fought the wrong war. Pheu Thai fought the populism war that it already won," he said. "Move Forward takes the game to the next level with institutional reform. That's the new battleground in Thai politics." </end quote> I like the sound of that!
  17. Let's see indeed. After watching the global Mass Formation Psychosis around CoVid measures, I'm not sure that people are less willing to accept a coup if it means their anxieties get to be pinned on a boogeyman. All the military needs is to find a Bad Guy that's sufficiently scary.
  18. This is interesting, pardon my ignorance, but what about the current dynamic makes coups impossible or less likely moving forward?
  19. Fair enough! Up to each individual to weigh the risk/benefits for themselves, but ultimately what will make the difference is when workers decide to work collectively together to change their conditions.
  20. Yes, *that* crazy law. :-). Ah, I didn't realize there was that loophole. So if you only strongly imply a thing that you cannot directly say, it holds up in Thai court? I wouldn't be surprised if this is selectively enforced.
  21. The corruption in the West seems to me of a different sort. It's more fascistic, corporate and militarized than here, where it seems more organic and mafia-like. I think they need to start by publicly calling it out loudly, but there are laws against that right?
  22. Good point, but I say in response you have to start somewhere. Awareness is the first step. If the workers, having been informed, are unhappy with their situation, they can choose to agitate within whatever societal constraints they have to deal with. Labor is always told "sorry, you can't do that" and constantly has to take to the streets to get their rights back.
  23. This is excellent. Workers should all share information broadly about their employment conditions. Solidarity brings power. Secrecy only helps the Overlords maintain their grip. Now other principals can negotiate their salaries by comparison. Competition for labor means wages broadly should go up the more wages are shared by workers.
  24. Shake my head. All the people dying of alcohol-related causes, and the fixation is on marijuana. How many people have died from pot this year, compared to alcohol abuse? Alcohol is the winner hands down in terms of the deaths and damage it does to property, human health, morality, and the functioning of society. But of course the people who have never used it and know nothing of it want to ban it because they learned in church that drugs are bad, mmkay?
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