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Everything posted by wealthychef

  1. Now that you know the perp tested positive for yaba, don't you feel a bit silly blaming THC for this? You were wrong and I was right, haha! Neener neener. ???? Seriously, to your point, the studies do show that THC can trigger underlying psychosis as those articles do point out, but the number of people with underlying psychosis is small, and such psychoses can be also triggered by alcohol and yaba, so I still think this anti-marijuana hysteria is way overblown.
  2. Yes but it is cool when you are a kid to ignore the risks. You just don't think they apply to you. Not sure what the answer is to this, but making drugs illegal or putting people in jail or giving out fines is probably not it. (not that you are suggesting such things)
  3. on weed? This contradicts all my experience, and all the science I've seen on the topic. What is the source of your information about the connection between THC and violence? This is would be a good idea. Of course since you can just bribe the police in Thailand there is no point in passing such a limit. Right? ????
  4. Absolutely true that we cannot definitively say without a report (which wouldn't be definitive either actually), but it strains credulity in my view to say it was weed that did this, based on what everyone should by now know are effects of smoking weed. Very rarely pot can cause psychosis, but if it does, it's unlikely to involve throwing refrigerators. These symptoms of being aggressive and uncooperative are *textbook* alcohol symptoms, so I'm going with the obvious theory based on my own experience. Is it really hard to imagine a guy getting drunk and chucking a mini-fridge from his balcony? Not for me. But it is for pot.
  5. No, that's why I brought it up, because it fits the symptoms and you didn't mention it.
  6. I have personally experienced this kind of effect from marijuana and it was not a rage or rampage, it was a terrifying collapse and fear. While we can see that this person was a user of pot, it seems more likely that alcohol would cause this to me, in my silly layman's opinion.
  7. But it is common and normal for people to do that on alcohol, right? Interesting how that's not being implicated here. Maybe because it doesn't fit anyone's agenda? Not sure
  8. These are not from smoking weed as being in a "frenzy" is definitely not an effect from pot. LOL this sounds a lot more like alcohol or methamphetamines or both.
  9. Two questions come to mind here: first, are the deaths "covid caused" or "covid involved?" Second, how many deaths from the vaccine itself so far? ????
  10. How about moving out of her village then for starters? I realize he might lose his possessions but is it worth it? I say yes
  11. That's been my experience as well. My big complaint is about the bribery being essentially legal here. That's a systemic problem. I don't see how complaining about how Thais are idiots or always do this or that helps anyone at all, including the unfortunate guy who died here. But I understand the impulse! As I've stated elsewhere, there is nothing uniquely Thai about violence against prison inmates, possessing ignorant opinions, etc. People are like this everywhere. It takes effort to bring peace to the world...
  12. only if the person doing the punching is poor and the person being punched is wealthy
  13. This is an indictment of both your imagination and the low quality of Thai people you apparently prefer to associate with. The Thais I know are all very respectful and not going to squirt someone that obviously doesn't want it. Maybe if you stretch your imagination to include Thais that don't fit your biases it will make your life better.
  14. Actually, Western thinking is "let me come here and take advantage of low prices from the exploitative labor market, then turn around and complain that their society doesn't put more effort into fair social practices while insulting every native Thai along the way." Thai thinking is "let me get what I can from these invaders from the Empire, as long as they are raping my country."
  15. Removing corruption from politics is an endless project and somehow nobody ever accomplishes it. This is another place where I have to remind folks that Thailand is not unique in its corruption. The problem is that the vast majority of those with the real power to correct it are neck-deep in it, in every country I know of at the moment.
  16. I'm confused by this relating of events. How could Jarae's loud speaking be misinterpreted as anger towards them if he did not engage with anyone? Something is fishy here... of course. There are always multiple angles here. When something seems this odd, that generally means there is something missing from the story... not saying he at all deserved this horrible treatment, but there is more to this story I think.
  17. I'm also curious how road deaths compare to pollution-related deaths in Thailand. Distraction?
  18. Maybe the researchers and I have a different understanding of what "most" means.
  19. Yes, of course, it was the complaining tourist that hurt tourism, not the incident itself. TIT!
  20. These monkeys are super aggressive, I can attest to that. Something I did set off one of them and he got very aggressive and chased me off. Only reason I didn't fight him was I didn't want to be the guy caught in a video fighting a monkey. ???? But they are very aggressive and I advise people to stay away from them.
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