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Posts posted by Pushit

  1. What is the deal with discipline in Thailand? I'm not just talking about little kids either but 16-18 year olds that openly disrespect their parents or any elders for that matter and seem to suffer no consequences. I don't think I've ever seen an adult tell their kid off for anything except perhaps to say they're being too loud but that's it. Classic example today my husband's 18 year old cousin borrowed FILs car this morning with the promise to bring it back in a couple of hours because it was needed in the afternoon. He just got back at 6.30pm and all he got (after causing a lot of inconvenience) was "why are you late?" he blatently lied, got on his motorbike and hooned off! He's done this at least a dozen times but they still let him use the car, borrow money etc...I'm a little baffled by it. Has anyone ever seen a Thai couple discipline their kids or teenagers? Do the farang with kids have issues with their spouse because of discipline issues?

    Because the word "responsibility" has no meaning in Thailand

  2. Went to pick up my son at school early,because it being exam time I was told they would get out early.Close to 2 o'clock I headed for school.I noticed a large number of pick ups and other vehicles crammed full of people.You might say this is nothing new in Thailand,but the large number of these vehicles was.I made it to school,and of course the game plan had changed,so I waited till about 3:30.My son wanted to stop and pick up a new PS2 game in town,so we did.Coming out of town and heading back home we started encountering an infinite number of these vehicles, all loaded with people.This continued for several kilometers.Off the road there were now thousands of people walking and all heading to a large field,where there were people as far as the eyes could see.My son and I were stunned at this extremely large number of people.We have never seen anything like this around here.There must have been several 10s of thousands of people.It didn,t stop there.Once we got through the eye of this hurricane of people it started on the incoming lane for several Kilo.Instead of the road allowing a lane for each traffic direction,the road was now transformed into having 3 lanes 2 converging towards Buriram,and part of one lane and the shoulder outgoing.All the while there where also what can only be described as thousands of people walking towards this rally.Although there is a military base very close by I did not see one soldier.My wife said its the old TRT group having this political rally.

    Does anyone know whats going on?

    That is Thaksins' money at work, that many people don't turn up for free!!

  3. Living some disatnce fro CR I limit my shopping sprees to twice a month. I do not know CR well at all (only big C macro and the airport). Is there anywhere I can get hold of some decent cheeses?

    Early days folks, wait for Tops/Villa/Carrefour/The Mall/ to get to your locality.

  4. SO I went to two hairdressers in the five weeks I have ben here and both wre absolute crap.<br />So many hairdressers in Pattaya around Mike shopping second road Soi Dianna and around there.<br /><br />So anyone recommend real good ones where they can do the best mens styles and coloring etc.<br />Styles like the shaved sides and the hair sticking up on the top in a square (using gel) best way I can describe it lke the army leader in the movie The Chronicles of Riddick.<br /><br /><br /><br /><br />

    See example here


    Can't advise for Pattaya but in Bangkok Sukhumvit area without doubt " Magnolia Spa" corner of sub Soi 33 Sukhumvit Soi 71. Full service day spa run by nice people that can speak English.

  5. do you rike the garden furniture , got it at the b&q summer sale only 99.99 , bring me a chang somchai , i'm as parched as a patpong prossies pussy after a hard night on the job.

    here we are having a nice takeaway from mrs. lee ho fuks' noodle emporium down the road

    nice gaff , as you blits say ,by the way , rove the visa raws here

    rubberly jubbery, as we cockneys say . what time collie start?

    A Fly in the ointment!!

  6. This seems like some sort of violation of the Geneva Convention - but as I understand it, despite the fact I have a Thai wife and we have kids born here, when my contract/workpermit expire, I will have 7 days to leave the country - and my family behind (unless we all want to RUN for the airport!).

    My understanding is I can go to Singapore or wherever, apply for a 12-month family 'visit' visa (O-Visa) and return. Then look for a job and turn up at immigration every 90 days. Is that the size of it? Are there no concessions given at all to foreigners with families who are Thai?? Are there no reciprocal agreements?

    If you are under 50 Years Old go to your bank and get a letter from them stating you have a joint account (you+wife) with more than 400,000Baht. Take this letter plus bank book plus marriage certificate plus kids' birth certificates to immigration division and fill in the forms stating the reason you wish to extend your visa is to stay with your family ( however if the kids' birth cerst don't have your name as the father then forget it ) and ask if the kind people there need anything else.

  7. Yes you are right, should not expect so much fromKarachi but its the same story for New York, Singapore and Indonesia........ only the speeds to BKK are acceptable. Is that the only speed I should be checking when torrents are going half speed ? As I said before, at 2am the speeds increase full throttle and I am wondering whether we still have problems with the underground cable that was damaged recently ??



    Seems to be a commonality my ADSL in Saigon is fast up to 0800Hrs and then the brakes come on.

  8. I read on Stickman that the Falang volunteer police were responsible in the closing of a number of entertainment venues because of inappropriate costumes or lack of said costumes.

    Is this true?

    Have Falangs turned into a morals squad?

    Some bar owners have mentioned they are contributing to five different law enforcement agencies. Is there now a sixth getting into the pockets of Pattaya’s entertainment owners?

    This is Buffalow Poop... Farang Thai Cops!!! give us a break... indeed BS

  9. that's the fact: i'm legally (with certificate) married in thailand since June 2007(about 3 months).in the last 95 nights she slept with me just 21. my blame, i allowed her to stay at her mom's home (in Samut Prakan), THAT'S what SHE said.

    but unfortunately (for she) just yesterday i met a former school companion of her that innocently (believing that i knew it) told me:

    - my wife has been married for 12 year with a thai policeman,

    - has 2 kids with him (14yo & 10yo) :o

    -she divorced from the policeman 'cause he betrayed her (many times) and she has known.

    to this point she lied only on purpose of the kids (saying to me that it did not have any)

    but the best is yet to come:

    -around 10 May (this year) she married (thai ceremony with relatives and friend) with a 50yo man from Sweden!

    the school companion said that my wife has met this man at job (massage parlour in Pattaya 2nd road corner soi 8) 1 or 2 years ago

    i met her last christmas (in pattaya) and when i back to my contry i phone her everyday (almost)

    i remember there was a trouble on week 7-13 May, she said: i had an accident with motorbike, i stay hospital and can't answer phone

    i have no way to inquire but...

    to anyone know a man from Sweden, approximately 50 years old, wich married a 33yo thai lady,

    probably in Pattaya, on 10 May (maybe 9 maybe 11-12), please, contact me (by private message)

    my coming out wasn't easy but i can't bear this situation anymore.

    i heard a million story about thai ladies got 2-3-4 boyfriends at the same time, but never thought that could marry too!

    is this a bigamy case needs penal pursue

    Sounds like my Ex ..Walk away and keep walking

  10. Come the next election we all know there's a fortune going to be spent in election campaigns, I'm interested in how all this money is going to be spent and how it is distributed and by who.

  11. Yesterday I downloaded several programs from software995.com which all claimed to do what I seek: Convert .doc (word files) to .pdf format. However, the 995 programs - though still saying all the right things in their intro blurb, never actually gave me a tangible way to do the conversion - at least no way that I can find.

    Is there workable conversion software on the T.Visa download section?

    One of my documents has b&w photos embedded, and another has Thai font - will this pose problems in the conversion process?

    Last year, I was able to convert a file to pdf via an online service within the Adobe website, but I can't seem to find the same service at this time. Thanks in advance for any assistance.

    dopdf.com is another pdf converter that you "print and save the pdf"

  12. The title just about says it all.

    Any advice this an emergency!

    Any help is greatly appreciated.

    Thanks in advance.

    Just go get a test and call yourself John Doe, if you get a positive go to another hospital and test again to confirm. A relative of ours' tested positive at one hospital, lost his job and started downhill mentally and socially, sent him for a second test at another but reputable hospital and he came up negative!! Now he has a new life. Get a second test for sure!!

  13. Does anybody know what happened to "The Sails" condominium project on Na Jomtien? There is a letter in Pattaya Mail stating that construction has halted. The building was purported to have been 90% sold. Will construction resume? Will investors see their money?

    "Caveat Emptor" Buyer Beware!! Never ever finance a Thai property developers' operations by purchasing non existing estate you will Not get what you will be obliged to pay for.

  14. We all are on 1 year non-B.

    I make border trips regulary w/o my son as I think 8 hours in a minibus is too much for 6 y.o. one.

    So far he has 6 months of overstay.

    Now I need to get for him a educational visa as he goes to a int. school. And then a non-O visa for me because he's dependant of me.

    So he need to be legalized.

    1. If we make a border trip together will be he get a 90-days stamp as usual?

    2. Do he need to show a ticket back? If yes then whats a cheaper option on tickets in Pattaya?

    Our neighbours recently came back and immigration in Suvarnabhumi requested them to show tickets back for their 2 children. So they bought some one-way tickets from Phuket. They have a work permit and a proper visa while the childrent didn't have any visas. Don't have more details on this. For me its sounds strange why they didn't allowed the kids. Maybe the parents didn't pay for children visa.

    Go to immigration division and sort this mess out!

  15. I will be coming to Isaan in Aprill 2008 to volunteer teaching English at schools in Nongkhai and Sri Chiang Mai. I would like to bring some small gifts with me to give to my students as well as any incidental contacts, adult or child, that I encounter. I'm thinking in terms of relatively inexpensive items that are easily obtainable in the US, but would be appreciated and maybe not so easily obtainable in Isaan. Also perhaps some ideas for a little more substantial gift to someone that provides a lot of help or friendship during my time there. Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated! :o

    Dance as though noone is watching,

    Sing as though noone is listening,

    Love as though you have never been hurt before,

    and live each day as if it is your last!

    Jigsaws for kids, US City name keyrings for adults

  16. I think I'll have to change my Mazda Astina soon for some kind of bigger, more spacious family vehicle - two daughters and a big dog.

    I'm not a window cleaner so no pick-ups. I live in a city, so no need for jeeps or 4x4s.

    What's a good one around 500,000 baht. Second hand.

    Chevrolet Optra Estate, the best family car I have ever purchased. Loads of room and rides like a Benz thanks to the "Euro suspension" 12km per liter and almost silent ride, a true family compact vehicle. Already had it 2 years with no problems, and is ideal for commuting to our day spa.

  17. hi all,

    I'm new to this forum so just getting used to manouvering my way around the topics.. im heading to thailand staying one night in bankok then possibly 6 nights in phuket or koh samui. wodering if it comfortable for myself a young female to travel alone in these areas.. given i havnt been to thailand before however iam a lover of bali so have an idea that the culture maybe similar and not as daunting as going for the first to either countries any help would be much appreciated.. travelling on december 3rd into bankok if that helps ?

    Thanks rachel

    ( young aussie traveller)

    It's safe as long as you use your common sense just like at home!!

  18. We live in Pattaya and have always used the Bangkok/Pattaya hospital and although it is a little expensive l've always been happy with the service and level of care.

    l had a quote a year ago to remove a varicose vein from my leg the approx cost was 30,000 baht, due to circumstances l never had it done then. l just rang the hospital to check if the price had gone up and they are now asking for 90,000 baht for the operation and 18,000 baht for every day lm in hospital.

    Could anyone recommend a cheaper hospital in Bangkok or elsewhere that would have close to the same standards as the Bangkok/Pattaya.

    Many thanks

    Bangkok Christian Hospital, Silom Rd Bkk. If we have any Problems we go there, reasonable prices.

  19. Hi i'm 31 yr old single indian male living in London. I was born and brought up in London. I earn £1000 per week working as an IT contractor. I'm thinking of going to Thailand and starting a business with minimum £30,000. Don't know what business yet but will decide when i go back again in Nov. Do you think i am making a mistake since i know the odds are stacked against farangs as it is but being indian as well and with the racism i'm slighty concerned. I am not happy in England and need to lay roots soon. Before the plan was America but too dificult to get a job there without degree. I've applied for many jobs in Thailand but have had no joy. I've spent a few months in Thailand and fell in love with the place.

    Any advice would be greatly appreciated!


    There's a large Indian community in Bangkok, start there you should get their advice

  20. A chap in town runs a shisha bar....and has a licence to sell the stuff...everything was in order...Until yesterday...when Immigration police arrived at the bar, to inform the owner that " It is now illegal to sell shisha tobacco anywhere in Thailand"

    They obviously also want to relieve him of a large sum of money as a "fine" ...

    Can anyone tell me where it is possible to verify this new law....?

    Any lawyers out there who can point me in the right direction?

    Or is this just another attempt to get tea money?

    Could be the "No Smoking In Restaurants" law, does he serve food? he'll probably have to pay tea money every so often to stay open.

  21. Not that I want her to have a gold card :o

    But neither me nor my wife have been able to obtain a credit-card, (which would be useful for small purchases, car-hire etc).

    I no longer have my UK CCs because I left the UK 5 years ago and my cards were eventually cancelled when I no longer had a UK address. I was refused a Thai CC by Bangkok Bank and by Central Shopping because I didn't have a work permit, (my 500,000 baht import into Thailand each month didn't seem to count...)

    My wife was recently refused a CC because she has been a few weeks late on several occasions in the monthly payments on our car, (which is now all paid off). But apparently, these late payments show up on the CC computer, as does the fact that she doesn't work.

    Any suggestions as to how I can improve her credit-rating? She will start receiving a monthly salary from our business, so that should help (I presume).

    Any other (sensible) suggestions??



    Open a joint bank account, with your 500K per month (really!) incoming she would get a CC pretty quick. My wife got a platinum Visa within 6 months

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